Comments 110

Re: Review: Daylight (PlayStation 4)


And blacklight is so good... Seriously I'm really enjoying it. Shame I had high hopes for this. The concept would be sound if they had enough time and money to produce over a hundred scare rooms and connected them with varied corridors. So you wouldn't see them all in a rn and the game would actually be scary.

Re: Review: LEGO The Hobbit (PlayStation 4)


The base game formula has stayed similar however I'd say each game has added something. (Don't knw about lotr or the hobbit games). It's been slowly morphing. Some of the changes stick (combo system, voice acting etc) some don't (Indiana Jones' borderline broken focus of puzzles the ai can't handle). They've always made the right call on what to keep imo.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This... Christmas?


I'm on chapter 8 of killzone shadow fall so I'll be finishing that off. I also finally have time for far cry 3 on ps3 and am currently addicted. I also need to get into rayman legends, Am of course playing some hearthstone and will probably start something on vita. 3ds will get no love for now. Games are just too expensive....

Re: Feature: Uncharted PS4 - Raising the Anchor on Naughty Dog's Newest Adventure


@RaymanFan2 Crazy idea: Nate is going to be marries to Elane at the end of 3 right. And she wants him to give up the treasure hunting thing. But one of the other characters (Chloe or cuttter) comes to him with one last mystery. And when an old nemesis of Nate's sees his chance to get revenge he gets involved. Someone who Nate betrayed. He doesn't go for the treasure. He just uses it s a way to tear Nate's life apart, killing his friends one by one throughout the game (This gets pretty dark doesn't it)exposing his lies. And in the end Nate saves the world from some mysterious enchanted evil, and is left with the lives of his friends on his conscious. Bam end of uncharted.

Meanwhile in the gameplay side of things I think that the touchpad could be used for a more indept hand to hand system loosely based off of batman arkham games. I would also love some kind of underwater temple scene ala atlantis but it's water tight. And you have to fight your way out while you and the enemy use rocket launchers to fight filling the place with holes. And water is pouring in from every angle of course dynamic so it's not set where will be blown up.

Re: Reaction: Microsoft May Have Reacted, But PS4 Is in Control


Sony has always been in control. They forced microsoft to reveal their console. Then they forced them to reveal all their games. Then they forced them to change their policies. I can't help but feel sony wanted this. They've forced microsoft to go this way. Now they just need to show they are ready to take it from here.

In other news the xbone board on gamefaqs has literally exploded, no one has a clue whats going on. They don't know how to react.