Comments 76

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Gets PS5 Patch, Adds 60FPS Support


@Robinsad The ending is the main problem. The story is already fairly lackluster. Cal is told to "go here, find thing." Standard video game fare...from 10-15 years ago. I tend to expect a bit more from games these days since they do have decades of evolution to build on. Especially Star Wars games which have Kotor and the Jedi Knight series to build on.

After numerous hours of navigating boring linear, not to mention glitchy, environments (falsely disguised as non-linear Dark Souls style maps which fades quickly upon any scrutiny), you get to the end and it was all for nothing. Coupled with having a cast of characters that aren't likeable or interesting and only serve as cogs in the "story's" machine and don't have any agency of their own.

Incredibly bland game. Churned out just to appease the haters after the Battlefront 2 debacle. Unfortunate that it worked.

Re: Alicia Vikander Will Reprise Role as Lara Croft, Filming to Begin in April


The Vikander version was a halfway decent movie but a terrible Tomb Raider movie. The Angelina films made no bones about including mystical and magical elements that needed little to no explanation just like the vast majority of the Tomb Raider franchise. The Vikander film sidestepped this entirely with its inclusion of a random unnecessary plot point that suddenly made the whole mystery about "science" or whatever. Completely destroyed one of the main conceits of Tomb Raider and certainly did the 2013 game no justice. Took Tomb Raider and turned it into a bland uninteresting action movie.

Re: Mortal Kombat 11's Fighters Will Be a Little More Kovered Up


Pretty sexist to cover women up. I remember a time when women fought for the right to be sexy in public but now people are saying thats shameful. When big corporations are agreeing with the talking points of 90s era puritan moralists, you know you're heading in the wrong direction.

Re: Review: Call of Cthulhu (PS4)



No one is arguing that Lovecraft wasn't a racist. His racism is plainly visible. But that doesn't mean that he was ONLY a racist. The effort to reduce Lovecraft to a one dimensional charicature entirely dismisses the incredible contribution he made to the horror genre. We can't throw the baby out with the bathwater and just say "well Lovecraft was a racist so nothing he did was valuable." Might as well ditch over half of the literary canon then since racists from a 100+ years ago wrote them.

Also comparing fiction from 100 years ago written by a flawed individual to the manifesto of the worst person to live in the modern era is pretty absurd. In any case, Mein Kampf also shouldn't just be forgotten since its important to realize that true atrocity can happen and we need to understand where it came from so we can prevent its replication in the future.

Re: Review: Call of Cthulhu (PS4)



Yes, lets judge the greatest horror writer of the last hundred years by our moral standards because he held the beliefs of his time that we now view as reprehensible. Everyone is the past is flawed. Everyone now is flawed. But we don't just forget achievements because the person who made them wasn't perfect.

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