Star Wars Outlaws Review Poll

Star Wars Outlaws has been out for just over a week now, and we want to know what you think of it. The latest Ubisoft-published open world adventure, Outlaws was drumming up a lot of hype ahead of its release, but the excitement seems to have cooled off quite a bit now that the game's actually here.

Whether that's down to rather lukewarm reviews or just a general fatigue regarding open world design — or even Star Wars itself! — we don't know. But what we do know is that our own Star Wars Outlaws PS5 review ends with a 'not bad' but definitely disappointing 6/10.

"Star Wars Outlaws gets by with a refreshed approach to the Ubisoft open world blueprints, fun traversal, and the themes and setting of a galaxy nobody could hope to replicate — but only just," we wrote. "So many of its core pillars, from the lacklustre reputation system to the basic combat and stealth mechanics, feel incredibly surface-level."

And so we have to ask: what review score would you give Star Wars Outlaws? Rate it for yourself in our poll, and then explain your stance in the comments section below.

What score would you give Star Wars Outlaws (PS5)?

Please note voting will score the game in your games collection