Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece
Okay, I have something like a guilty conscience, as I have bought numerous games over the past month but haven't play even a minute of any game...
So I regressed a lot!
Here's my backlog lost now:
Far Cry 5
Detroit Become Human
Ni No Kuni 2
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Injustice 2
Middle Earth Shadow of War
Watch Dogs 2
Homefront The Revolution
I was also on the verge of buying Diablo 3 UEE the other day but realized that I won't be playing it any time soon so I gave up. Maybe I'll buy it sometimes later. I primarily want to play it with my wife but this backlog isn't going to do itself.
As you can see, it's a considerable amount of work to do
Number 1 on the want list is Assassin's Creed Origins for a long time and I'm like dying to play it, but I'm still waiting for a good deal on it. Besides that I'd like Wolfenstein games and that's it. Further in the summer is Divinity Original Sin 2 and then in September usual suspects like Spider-Man and Tomb Raider. I'm not sure I'll finish all of the games I have right now before September...
Shadow of the Colossus
Assassin's Creed Black Flag
Wasteland 2
Next purchases:
God of War
Dark Souls Remastered
So that was my original comment. Shadow of the Colossus got well and truly platinummed and now I'm in the process of giving the same treatment to God of War, which is taking me a while due to work being fairly busy-ish at the moment. Black Flag and Wasteland might get bumped even further back though. I'm planning to grab Dark Souls very soon and now that Hitman 2 has been revealed, I might have to bring the first one forward. But now I'm also feeling the need to catch up on Assassin's Creed too! I'm beginning to feel the backlog burn.
Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.
@Kidfried Can't help you there - I dropped Second Son about a third of the way in, it just wasn't clicking with me at all. I don't usually quit playing games once I've started. Lords of the Fallen and Mad Max were the only other two so far this gen, I think it helps that they were free...
Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.
@Kidfried it came out when Playstation 4 didn't have any games, at least not exclusives, and even third party was scarce, so fanboys hyped it way more than it deserves. It's a forgettable game. If it was a third party game it would be already forgotten. It's not a bad game, but it's very mediocre. Like a solid 7/10. No wonder they decided to make a new IP and forget this one.
1. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
This was on my original list and I still intend to play it once I've finished God of War.
2. Wolfenstein: The New Order
I don't like playing too many big RPGs back-to-back, so this should break things up nicely.
3. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix
This replaces Dragon Quest VII. I'll still play the latter this summer, but it's now much further back on my handheld backlog as I'm juggling quite a few 3DS and Vita games. I want to play the remaining Kingdom Hearts games in my backlog before 3 is released, so Birth by Sleep gets bumped up a bit.
Next purchases/Most anticipated
1. Dragon Quest XI
2. Kingdom Hearts 3
3. Spider-Man - I'll maybe ask for this for Christmas, but might relent and get it myself.
On reflection, now unsure I'll get Spyro right away as it will just end up in the backlog rather than being played immediately.
@Kidfried Fetch was a great character, the powers are amazing and in 4k with hdr the visuals are beautiful. Its also a relatively easy and enjoyable platinum. Play as the bad guy and the ending is awesome.
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
Nier Automata - Failed (Havent even restarted it)
Knack - Passed (upto level 4 now and I am done as its pants)
Pes 2018 (master league trophies) - Platinumed game
Next purchases:
God of War - Bought
Dirt - Bought
TLOZ BOTW - Failed (my son wont let me on his Switch)
New Backlog
God of War
Black ops 3
To buy
Minecraft story mode season 2
Street Fighter Collection
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
i'm currently playing Detroit : Become Human. i don't have any backlog.. though i have a legacy of unfinished games because i either didn't like it, or just got bored of it.. infamous second son, arkham knight, far cry 4, sniper elite 3, the witcher 3, watch dogs, skyrim.. i've got way more selective the last couple of years, so have managed to finish everything i bought (which is only 9 games to be fair), except assassin's creed origins.. which i don't see myself returning to.
@JJ-Firl "Next to that I finally got the Downwell platinum"
Wh wh what? You platted Downwell? Christ thats amazing!
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
@Ralizah@Kidfried I remember really liking Second Son, but I played it at launch. I think if I played it now I would think it mediocre, but at the time I was so wide-eyed at how beautiful the particle effects were and how smooth it was graphically compared to PS3 games. But now, I don’t feel inclined to go back. There are some cool new powers you get late game, but as was already mentioned, the best is actually playing First Light as Fetch. Her powers are more fun and the visuals are quite impressive with all the neon and colors. And First Light is much shorter and doesn’t overstay it’s welcome like Second Son does. But I played FL a year after SS, and to play them back to back would probably not impress.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution I'm with ya, I thought Infamous SS was good too! The DLC First Light is also top banana. I thought it looked like a proper next gen game when i played it, i imagine it really pops in hdr. I was surprised on the story, it dealt with some heavy issues like addiction really well.
A game I haven’t put in my “for sure going to purchase” category, but is a dark horse to win my money is Code Vein. I am strangely intrigued by the whole Soulsborne playstyle in an anime type setting and art style. It will all depend on how it reviews, but I felt it worth mentioning since no one seems to have expressed much interest in it yet.
@Th3solution I was, but I'm not keen on some of the character designs and voice overs. I've heard that the combat is a bit iffy also, but that was a couple of months ago so may have been improved since.
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
@themcnoisy According to PSNprofiles it took me 9 months and 1 week, playing on and off, taking extended breaks when it became frustrating (and when my controller or Vita slipped out of my sweaty hands) and a lot of dying but I’m glad I pushed through. Definitely the one I’m most proud of!
@Kidfried Now I wouldn’t consider myself hardcore at all but I really really wanted this one. BTW I think the Bloodborne plat is pretty hardcore as well .
@JohnnyShoulder I’m not sure if you played Dragons Dogma, but I’ve been hoping to find a game that employs a similar mechanic as the pawn system. I loved having an AI companion to share battles and exploration with. And so cool to have the asynchronous online component of your pawn going with other players while you’re offline and coming back with new experience. I don’t think the companion AI character in Code Vein looks the same as a pawn but appears the closest thing so far. At least I hope it is. They say having the AI companion plays a role into the strategy of how you approach a battle at least.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Topic: Playstation 4 Backloggery and most wanted!
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