Ha ha cheers guys.
Colonel, that is why I dislike subs because I feel "pressured" into playing them. I have games that I have bought over recent years but have put them in the backlog in order to play sub games. I'm getting better though as I downloaded The Quarry but have decided not to play it...multiple playthroughs required plus following a guide just doesn't make it enjoyable.
Annoyingly have one trophy left to get in both Tony Hawk and Enter the Gungeon, both of which are basically mega-grinds. Gungeon I need to beat certain bosses several times for the hunts, it’s a nightmare grinding the same floor hoping the boss shows up, never mind the luck of having the right guns to even beat it. Tony Hawk I need to get to level 100 which means a whole heap of grinding. I’ve done some crazy difficult challenges for the XP but still have ones like getting over 20 million in 2 minutes on Warehouse. Guess I’ll at least do the speedruns of levels, got a fair few of them left.
@nessisonett well done on getting that far on those, Tony Hawk in particular… I really need to go back to that myself at some point so thanks for reminding me.
Platinum #152 - 12 Minutes - nowhere near as clever or profound as it seems thinks it is but is different enough of an experience from the norm to be an interesting diversion.
Platinum #153 - Chicory: A Colourful Tale - delightful!
@nessisonett Close but no cigar. @colonelkilgore Good stuff. Yeah I've heard 12 mins isn't as good as people thought it would be.
And yeah Chicory is delightful, very well designed despite the crashes.
@AgentCooper aye I got a third (We Were Here Together) earlier in the month as it was co-op… and I couldn’t really ask my co-op partner to hold off on one of the trophies until the 1st October, though I did consider it 🤣
I rolled the credits on Inscryption a couple of nights ago.
A clever, weird, but enjoyable deck builder that really messes with you and the genre. The story is intentionally a bit vague but cleverly done too. It’s the first game on a while that I won’t be getting the plat for though as the Kaycee mod trophies are way too time consuming.
I gut gud for #64 - Inscryption
The Kaycee mod trophies are no joke, particularly the final one (Skull Storm) which requires you to finish with all difficulty modifiers on. It took me ages to get through the first boss for that one but the first time I did I managed to see it through to the end.
As someone who keeps claiming not to enjoy deck builders, I bloody loved this game.
Excellent work bud.
It's great when a game can draw you in like that and make you keep at it. Hope to get around to it sometime myself - I've only heard good, but mostly vague, things about it.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
@Thrillho Great stuff, I must admit that I played about 10 minutes of Inscryption and deleted it, I didn't have a clue what was going on and I thought, ain't nobody got time for this. Perhaps I should give it another go.
I also have Slay the spire which is perhaps more my thing. Have you tried that?
@CaptD I’ve never been into card deck builder games, but I did try Slay the Spire, on the back of its praise I’d been hearing. It was decently fun and if I didn’t have a large backlog of games to pull me away then I would have spent more time with it. But as it turned out, I just played it for a few hours and then drifted away from it.
These card games can be addictive though, so if it clicks with you it might keep you engaged for 100 hours.
I definitely want to try Inscryption though because it has some mysterious and weird vibe to it. Also might try Midnight Suns if it dropped onto PS+
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Thank you folks (well not you Sol). Funnily enough, Inscryption and Midnight Suns are the two games I've played in the genre and enjoyed them both.
Inscrpytion is weird and part of it is not knowing what is going on and how the story reveals itself and how the game changes with this (I'm also being vague as it's best experienced for yourself). The first part of the game is designed to be failed multiple times to give you chance to reveal things so not to get too disheartened! The "Kaycees Mod" part is DLC where you replay part of the game but with more specific starter hands and unlock difficulty modifiers as you complete runs.
Midnight Suns is cool as it has some XCOM elements to it and lots of little things that makes building and improving your deck really fun. It also has a good central story and an interesting mix of well and lesser known characters in the Marvel Universe. I took a punt on it and had real fun.
I haven't played Slay the Spire though and feel I probably should seeing as it seems to be the gold standard for the genre. I seem to remember it being as PS+ game at some point so probably have it in my library.
I got the platinum in Yakuza 4 Remastered. Relatively easy trophy list for a Yakuza game without much completion of minigames etc. required but you do have to play it three times and that is unacceptable. Anyway, I did it.
@Thrillho There's a trophy for beating the game on Normal and a trophy for beating the game on Legend difficulty. Legend difficulty only unlocks by beating the game on Hard. So you have to beat Normal, then Hard to unlock Legend, and then Legend for the last trophy. It's poor.
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