@lolwhatno Ha thanks - sorry I replied and didn't include you. But yep, finished up Elden Ring earlier this week on PC. I actually started Horizon FW, bought ER on a whim, played it for a couple of hours and just got utterly addicted. I dont think its perfect but was an excellent open world game. Of course, now I keep pressing the buttons for ER in Horizon.
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
@RogerRoger Ha ha - well, no. I reviewed Those Who Remain on PS5 which was one of those games that really wanted to do well but stumbled a bit. Did review The Last Campfire which I loved. Have also done some hardware reviews which feels like winning a prize if you get something good!
@JohnnyShoulder He he - I think i saw you on PSN the other day in ER territory and I totally get it. I put in 96 hours which didnt mean I saw everything but I felt that I would never stop playing if I didn't push ahead. That said, I took a save backup in case I want to wander again
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
@JudgeDredd I'm sure at one point one of those vehicles from the Stallone movie was for sale on eBay. If I was in the market for something to nip down to the shops in then that would have been perfect 😁
...As for criminally underused in games, have you seen Jydge? It's pretty much the character in all but licence. Though story/plot is almost no existent so not really a focus on the character anyhow - you do get to bust through walls and shoot up rooms full of baddies. I really liked it....
...but then I would.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
@JudgeDredd For goodness sake, when will this madness stop?! 😂
Anyway, I'm glad you let us know this time and didn't just randomly pop up in the fantasy football thread leaving us to figure out you are one and the same person!
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Hmm… yeah, a few call-outs have come to mind: @lolwhatno — how’s school going? Must be pretty busy, I’d guess. Hope you’re alright. @LN78 — have missed your movie impressions. Also was wondering how the Mafia game trilogy ended up for you. @TheBrandedSwordsman — did you ever get into Elden Ring? Seems like I saw you were going to give it a try but I never saw much about your experience with it.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution I tried it, didn't really like it, went back to Dark Souls Remastered. Dark Souls 3 appears to be a better game than Elden Ring though, did you decide if you'll try that one in the end?
@RogerRoger As Push Square grows, it’s harder to keep up with everyone, but from time to time I notice when regulars disappear for a while. I usually do the same as you, where I forget or just figure I’ll not risk annoying other users with APB outreaches. But the presence of this thread made it sensical to post a couple inquiries when I was musing yesterday. I think actually the kicker was when you and I were talking Bond films and Lenny wasn’t around to chime in.
The irony is that this thread was started by @lolwhatno and now he’s been ‘lost’ for a few weeks. Some users will go quiet for weeks at a time, which is fine - I do it sometimes too when life gets busy. But lol was quite active, so I do wonder if he’s okay. There a good chance his studies have him tied up, I reckon.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@TheBrandedSwordsman I’ll move the ER discussion over to the other thread, but no - I haven’t started it yet. I will eventually, but probably will do DS3 first.
Anyways, it’s good to hear from you and I hope all is well on your end!
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@RogerRoger We’re all a result of our environment. So while they did come out with some fairly unsavoury comments, it seemed to be less coming from a place of hate and more coming from what’s been instilled in them from a young age. We only really grow by being open and having been exposed to other viewpoints. In many ways, the internet has helped massively in that sense.
Topic: Lost or Found
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