@psnut101 There is an app already. You can remote play via your smartphone or your tablet. Power doesn't matter via remote play, you just need a screen and basically no dedicated hardware. This device is more about better handling and larger screen size. Other than that, it doesn't do much differently.
I think there’s a market for it. Maybe not a huge one, but this does fill a need for some people.
I haven’t tried remote play on my PS5 yet, but I did use it sparingly on the prior generations with Vita. It worked fine, and I suspect technology will have it working much better now with quicker response, less lag, and more stable connection.
The main competitor is the Backbone and I’ve heard the Backbone with your phone does do a decent job of remote play, but you do give up your phone, so searching google and YouTube while you play, or answering a text message, etc is a bit of a pain.
Of course the second competitor is the almighty Switch, despite the Switch being a true independent handheld, I reckon most people use the Switch at home anyways. Part of me suspects that the Switch 2 will be dependent on remote play to a console or to connecting to the cloud. Just a guess.
In my small time with the Switch, it feels really cumbersome in the hands. Even with the grips you can snap on, it’s not felt very comfortable or intuitive to me when I played it. It’s not impossible, but I imagine something like Spider-Man or COD would probably lose something in the experience if played handheld. A turn based RPG or a puzzle game or 2D platformer would work well, I suspect.
The third competitor would probably be the Steam Deck. I think it’s sold really well, and definitely has filled a niche. Apparently it’s really powerful for a handheld and works well. To me it also looks annoying to hold and the stick and button layout is going to sacrifice comfort in favor of its prioritized portability. It’s also a little on the expensive side and you’d have to buy all your games again on Steam, unless you already do PC gaming (which I don’t).
The PlayStation Portal (project Q) appears to have a better form factor since it essentially is a DualSense controller cut in half with a screen in the middle. It’s supposed to have all the DualSense features too with the haptic feedback and the adaptive triggers, so I’m curious. The screen looks really big too. I think it’s bigger than the Switch or Steam Deck screen, and of course much bigger than a phone. It doesn’t stream from the cloud or have a memory to download games to play on the go, but I figure the fact the games are actually running through the PS5 then there’s no sacrifice in fidelity, frame rate, or any function that you’d have on the main console.
I’m undecided on it. It comes down to the money for me. I can afford it, but I also don’t want to plop down $200 and then never use it. I do think I’d use it for laying in bed and doing a little mindless grinding of an RPG, or playing a story choice game like a Telltale style game or a walking sim while laying down on the couch or bed. But I think games like God of War Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, or Final Fantasy 16 would be preferred on the TV.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
The PlayStation Portal is not for me, as if i wanted to remote play I can do so to my 10" tablet, which also connects to Dual Sense controllers. So although for me it is pointless, I can totally see how others will have a use for it.
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Topic: playstation Q
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