
Topic: Share your weirdest or most memorable dream.

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– bonus points for creativity!

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I have a bunch of sleep issues, most notably that I frequently get sleep paralysis (suck) and DRC (sometimes fun). As a result, I often am confused about what has actually happened in reality and what I've dreamt. Sometimes this works against you like the time I thought I had a Mega Drive and then I went to turn it on and I didn't have one, and we'd never had one. Turns out I'd just dreamt I got one. So that was disappointing. But one time I was convinced, for years, that my family nearly got a shot by a fighter plane when we went out for a walk in the park and we had to make a daring escape. It was a thrilling memory that I only later discovered never happened, which was disappointing, but for years it felt cool. I only found out it hadn't happened when I started talking about it and my family looked at me like I'd just told them I was going to an Ed Sheeran concert.



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