
Topic: The TV Show Thread

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@ShadowofSparta: I haven't watched xfiles for yonks but I had a good argument about the series a few years back. The reason the characters are like that is due to what the show is really about and how shows flesh out. Xfiles core is about the lengths governments and individuals will go to conceal the truth, we as a viewer want to find the truth. Mulder and Scully show both sides of us the viewer - the person who believes anything and the person who believes nothing. This is the key tenant in the script writing, as to how we find out what's going on. If Scully started taking mulders versions of events or events that happened around her as fact then they wouldn't have the chemistry for an emotional buy in. Scullys Catholicism is used to good effect in a few shows as a method of switching that tenant. So Mulder becomes the none believer. To be fair I last watched an episode (the rain guy were rain follows him) about 8-9 years ago. I'm feeling old.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy: Yeah, you're right, it certainly works as a theme and they do spin in it a few times when it comes to religious issues with Mulder being skeptical but it bugs me sometimes haha. It's a thing I have with the miscommunication that occurs between scientists and the public (like those morning shows that parade newly released studies that prove chocolate helps alleviate headache or something). I still love the show but its one of those things where the mechanics of story-telling stretch it's believability. It's the problem of balancing a mythos show and monster-of-the-week episdoes. I think I should treat it more as Scully representing Scully rather than scientists in general. Sweet response

[Edited by ShadowofSparta]

Sapere Aude

PSN: k-mysta | X:


Did anybody watch the new Top Gear? I thought Chris Evans was awkward to watch, like watching your Dad present it. Matt looked a natural and still has that 'Joey Tribbiani' coolness.



@apostateMage not watched it yet but will catch it at some point. Thats surpising as Chris has a lot of experience with shows and TV. I am not a big fan of Matt so not sure I will take to the new format. Looking forward to seeing the original team on Prime though see what antics they get upto.


PSN: noodledreamz


@ApostateMage: I watched it but was somewhat disappointed in it overall. I liked the change up for the 'Star in a Car' but I had hoped for a change in format - something to distance itself and try a new direction but it was too similar to the previous series. Chris Evans was trying to be Clarkson but on 'something' - bouncing around a bit much. Matt was OK but only the 2 of them seemed to miss the chemistry of the trilogy. Its only the first show, so will see how it goes...

I would like to watch the original teams show but not subscribing to Amazon just for that...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


@ShadowofSparta: Still not worth it...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


There haven't really been any live action shows recently that have caught my eye other than CNN's the Eighties, but it's not on at I time where I can easily catch it, and they currently only have one episode in the On Demand section.

Now that it's been cancelled, I wouldn't mind Netflix picking up the two seasons of Marvel's Agent Carter that have been made, as I'd like to give it a go.

Outside of that, I've been pretty much watching anime exclusively (which I've been discussing in the anime thread). Just finished up a rewatch of one of my favorite anime of all time, Eureka 7.

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Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@shadowofsparta yeah Bosch is a seiously good show along with Red Oaks, Mozart in the Jungle, Mr Robot, Halt and catch Fire and a few others. I still think they have a long way to go to match Netflix though for prodction of original series. They do have some good series from other networks though. Its a shame they green lighted the new Chris cater show after the pilot then cancelled it before it started such a shame.

@MAMozzy wait till later in the year until they release all the shows and do the free trial for 28 days and then cancel.


PSN: noodledreamz


@dryrain: I think I used my free trial a few years ago to get some orders upgraded to priority next day delivery. I already pay a LOT per month on TV - Licence, SkyQ with Movies and Sport (HD and multi-room included) but has a great on-demand service - I also have a BTSport subscription - so not lacking things to watch. Coupled with the cost of BTInfinite/Phone, my monthly 'entertainment' costs are already at a premium. Add in annual subscriptions like PS+ and Gold, as well as general household bills (gas, electricity, water etc), I can't really justify streaming services. I would like to watch shows on Netflix (Daredevil, iZombie etc) too and these appeal more than Amazons - I just hope they get a UK broadcast on one of the 'many' potential channels...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


Started to watch Powers a few weeks ago and I am enjoying the show I like the darkness of it. God knows why it has taken so long to come to the UK and why is it being shown on TV first and not through the PSN store? What makes it all the more crazy is that you can watch the first 3 episodes of series 2 on PSN but they have only shown 3 episodes on the TV so far.....

Watched the final few episodes of The Flash really enjoyed this season and thought it was as good as the first maybe even better. Good development of characters and the comedy is well placed. Loved the speed force episode probably my favourite of the whole season. The final episode has left me wandering what the implications of Barry's actions will be so can not wait until the next series begins.

Really looking forward to Outcast or is it Outlast starts next week been hyped for this show for a while lets hope it lives up to everything it could be.

@BAMozzy yeah the different packages can soon add up. I have sky movies but thinking of cancelling it as never watch them and always rent through lovefilm. I get the BT sports for £5 as part of my broadband deal. I did not understand why izombie did not get shown on a TV channel here seems like a popular show. Now its on Netflix so no chance anyone else can pick it up. A lot of the sky channels I never watch even though I have the full package. Its mainly sky living, sky one, syfy, watch, fox, AMC and sky atlantic plus some of the sports channels. Its expensive for what I actually watch.


PSN: noodledreamz


Well I finally finished all of the CW Arrowverse shows and I have to say I love them. I can't wait for next season after that ending to Flash Flashpoint OMG!!!! .

I felt that Arrow's final was very anticlimactic but then again I felt this whole season of Arrow was weak except for Black Canary death .

Supergirl's was good for a first season and looking forward to next season on the CW.

Flash as stated before loved it.

But by far my favorite was DC Legends of Tomorrow. I loved the twist they did at the end and the set up for next season, which will go well with Flash. I think by far Legends is turning into my favorite of the shows, and Mick (Heatwave) is easily my favorite character of the show.

This is going to be a long summer.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


I just watched the cross over supergirl/flash very enjoyable episode. Gave up on Arrow can not see me watching the next season.

There are a few good shows just starting The Preacher and Outlast both good first episodes. Hopefully the rest of the series is just as good. Looking forward to season two of Dark Matter as well.


PSN: noodledreamz


@dryrain: I will give Arrow one more chance next season especially due to the "big event happening" with all four shows. Also since that season was a pretty much rushed due to WB not letting them use the Suicide Squad story line originally planned for Arrow due to the movie, I will wait for next season to write Arrow off.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki: How does Arrow compare to the season before (the Ra's one)? That season was a chore for me to finish, had to alternate between it and Flash so I could get through some episodes whilst keeping up-to-date for crossovers. Was this last season better than that?

Sapere Aude

PSN: k-mysta | X:


@ShadowofSparta: I quite enjoyed the Ra season yeah there were slow points but compared to this season....

The main problem I had for this season was just the pacing of the series was slow really slow and then it seemed they were trying to tie in everything little thing from the previous season into this one. Lastly was the villain. I don't know how big of a villain Damian Darhk is in the comics but in hear I could care less about him. He didn't have the same feeling that Slade or Malcolm or even Ras had. He just seemed like your typical cardboard cutout villain. Then it didn't help that the actor they got to play Darhk it seems whenever they want a villain in something he's at the top of everyone's list.

Also it didn't help that everyone and their mother in this season was now a hero.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki: The Ra's storyline never sat well with me but I think that's just me being weird, as I've always read him and understood him from a Batman perspective and I found it hard to take seriously that Arrow could take him but it's a silly grievance, different universes and all that. My biggest issue was the melodrama. Everyone lying to everyone else, at the convenience of the plot. Flash did a bit of it but once secrets were known, it became such a breath a fresh air. Damian Darhk is an interesting character in the comics, and he hasn't got a rich backstory so they had freedom to paint him how they wanted. He's not clearly aligned as a villain in the comics, from what I know.
I'll give it a shot. Flash will help me get through it.

Sapere Aude

PSN: k-mysta | X:


I tried watching a Japanese produced Netflix Original called Terrace House, but it was a "reality TV" series, so I didn't make it past episode 4 (I generally dislike all "reality TV" shows).

At least season 2 of Marco Polo premiers in July, so I have that to look forward to.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529: I really like Atelier, it's a Japanese Netflix show about a girl who works at a lingerie place. It's probably not everyone's cup of tea and Hobnobs but it's quite lighthearted and it's an easy watch for me every now and then. It's funny in a silly way and not too serious but it's extremely charming

Sapere Aude

PSN: k-mysta | X:


I agree the fact that pretty much everyone was a hero in Arrow made the show unbalanced.

Is there anyway to check what shows are on Netflix without joining it?


PSN: noodledreamz

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