@Emperor_Rusty yeah I was worried the delivery man wouldn’t give it to a random guy stood shivering in the rain outside a closed down shop 😂 fortunately he just wanted to get home!
@velio84 Yeah that's right. The later optional bosses are nails. Demon of Hatred is also a super tough fight. There is a hilarious way to cheese it, which I never did as iirc it meant actually not fighting it head on.
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
@velio84@JohnnyShoulder yeah Demon of Hatred was real tough too… at least with him though he was a more traditional From Soft boss, so I could use my dodging (which was absolutely useless in every other situation).
I’m a fairly average skilled gamer, to be totally honest with myself, so achievements that were tough for me like finishing Bloodborne or Returnal and beating the Valkyrie Queen are pretty pedestrian in the grand scheme of things. So maybe my most unusual feat was that one day that I played 15 hours straight, only taking bathroom breaks. By some miracle my launch PS4 didn’t overheat and never gave me any trouble. I don’t think I even ate much of anything all day and if memory serves (this has been a couple years ago) I lost like 5 lbs that weekend. 😅
I wasn’t trying to do a gaming marathon, it just sort of… happened. I had a rare weekend with no commitments and I think it was a combination of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Dragon Age Inquisition.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution I love monster gaming sessions, they are few and far between for me though. I completed the first 2 “playthroughs” of Nier Automata in a weekend which was really enjoyable.
@kyleforrester87 Me too. It’s been a while since I did more than about 5 hours straight. Sometimes I’ll do 15 hours spread out through an entire weekend in 3-5 hour sessions, but being able to forego real life from dawn to Midnight hardly ever happens anymore.
And yeah — seems like Nier Automata was one of the games I also binged really quickly over several days.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution The only time I did something like that was with one of the Battlefield games. Had some overseas chums join us online and a couple of us decided play on thought night. Dunno what time I eventually went to bed, but it was when I first noticed the sun peeking out of the curtains.
@JohnnyShoulder Online gaming is a different story though. I went through a period of playing Counter-Strike like 12 hours+ a day for...months when I was a teen lol
While we’re talking all-nighters, I think my failed attempt to platinum God of War before it went off PS Now counts in this topic. I’m still bitter about that one 😂
I do tend to play the end of games in longer sessions, as the intensity of them tends to ramp up and it seems a shame to slow down. I remember my final Alien Isolation session well, mostly because it was about 6 hours longer than I thought it would be.
I’d probably have to go with Sonic the Hedgehog’s tbh… I mean their huge for his size (and probably pretty monstrous looking if un-shoed) but are always covered up in a lovely pair of red daps. Their also insanely robust given the pounding that Sonic gives them too!
Snap guys.... Having only returned to gaming last year (after decades away ha!) I honestly don't know what I was thinking trying to undertake Sekiro!
For the most part I enjoyed the game greatly, but my experience with Isshin the Sword Saint very nearly tainted the whole experience.
An absolute b*stard of a boss. Had to resort to a very very tedious 'stab and run' semi-cheese, which took nearly half an hour due to the minimal chip damage I was able to deal at very few intervals ha.
A strange feeling upon beating him... I expected to feel elation / success / merriment etc - but if I had to sum it up in one single emotion it would be 'relief'!
No desire for platinum or multiple endings, the disc has now been given the Jumanji treatment - locked safely away so it may do no further harm to myself or others!!
Aside from above though, managed to get Plats on Demon's Souls and Returnal - both games that I absolutely loved (Returnal my GOTY) and also nice to play a couple of games that make use of PS5 hardware.
(On a side-note, and amidst all of the game-pass/Activision controversy, it was playing DeS/Returnal that really made me convicted that PS5 was the right 'way to go' for me in terms of choosing my current-gen console. I think the impact of the Activision buy-out is very dependant on what you own today and what it is you enjoy playing... Lucky for me, my go-to games are generally third-party AAA Sony titles and I cannot wait for GoW2 and HFW. Currently playing GoT Director Cut and shooting for plat ahead of Elden Ring. I also have a Switch, which has been perfect for the Nintendo IPs, but also a great home to play less-demanding indie titles like Hades. My only concern is that I may not get a chance to play a new Tony Hawk game if ever this comes into development fruition!!)
So I havent really gamed since my university days, ~2004-06.... had an old PS2 and was blasting through classics like RE4 and GTA Sand Andreas etc ('The good old days!')
Then work, leisure, family etc took over and time was limited..... Enter 'Lockdown' and started to get itchy thumbs, so invested in a Switch and PS5 (I travel for work, so Switch is ideal for flights and hotels).
In terms of first games, came back to BOTW on Switch and Mario Odyssey (both amazing) and PS5 I kicked off with Sekiro. The graphics leap was of course phenominal!
And of course it goes without saying that cereal enters the bowl first.... Although during the later stages of my Sekiro difficulties I probably came v v close to throwing the milk into the bowl first! (And then throwing the bowl at the wall, you know the drill ha)
Returnal was GOTY for me, followed v closely by Hades (albeit I played on Switch and was released 2020 technically). A pleasant surprise was Immortals Fenyx Rise (Switch again) which was a v fun riff on BOTW.... I might actually say I enjoyed it as much!
@lolwhatno Damn that's where I've been going wrong all these years, I always forget the milk. No wonder Weetabix are so hard to chew 😳
@CJD87 Your story is pretty much the same as mine, except for the Sekiro bit... well and being any good 😂. I would like to give Sekiro a shot though as from hearing people talk about it it does sound like an awesome challenge, especially not being able to grind and get OP.
Returnal, Demon's Souls and Hades would be my greatest feats so far though so yeah up until this point I've really not been trying hard enough!
It's kinda cool reading about people getting back to gaming because I don't remember a time when I wasn't. My earliest gaming memories are from ~1987 (when I was 3) and I've been into it since.
@render I would 'hesitantly' recommend Sekiro... it is for sure a challenge, but at times not an enjoyable one in the slightest! Take Hades for example... even though it is challenging, I always still felt I was progressing and most importantly having 'fun' along the way. Sekiro begins that way, but lack of builds/levelling mean there is basically only one route to success - 'Git Gud', and the learning curve is beyond steep ha!!
@lolwhatno Cheers man! Yeh with hindsight it was probably a pretty stupid move to begin with Sekiro... I must have been feeling cocky after beating Mario Odyssey LOL. But on a serious note, once you beat Sekiro it does actually make all other games seem 'do-able'. Had I not beat Sekiro, I might have given up early on Returnal..... but Sekiro gave me confidence to persevere! Happy gaming...
Topic: What is your greatest gaming feat?
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