Concord is out on Friday, and the list of accompanying Trophies has just gone live, and it looks like a very doable Platinum for those who partake in PlayStation's ongoing metagame. From what we can tell, there isn't anything random or particularly skill-based to worry about, but dinging this particular gong still requires a bit of work.
TrueTrophies has the list of 52 Trophies, which largely revolve around playing each of the 16 Freegunners extensively. For example, 16 Bronzes can be yours simply by eliminating 50 enemies as each Freegunner, with another 16 awarded for getting each character to Level 10 (along with a gold). That's probably easier said than done, but you get the idea.
Outside of that, Line 'Em Up (Silver) likely poses the biggest challenge, which requires eliminating five enemies in a row, which could take some doing. Or you could jump in at launch and rack it up while everyone is equally bad.