Sony has bringing many of its older games to PC, and some PlayStation fans have been wondering why.
While initial ports like Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War sold relatively well, the novelty has been declining, with recent release Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 performing particularly poorly. To be fair, that one did launch with major issues.
Speaking in an interview with Sacred Symbols+ (paywalled), Shuhei Yoshida explained that during his tenure as PS Studios boss, he pushed to bring more first-party titles to PC, but this wasn’t Sony’s business model at the time.
He noted that as the company’s perspective has matured, it’s started to realise the potential of releasing on storefronts such as Steam.
He explained: “Releasing on PC does many things: it reaches a new audience who do not own consoles – especially in regions where consoles are not as popular. The idea is that those people may become fans of a particular franchise, and when a new game in that series comes out, they may be convinced to purchase a PlayStation.”
He continued: “It also adds additional income, because porting to PC is way cheaper than creating an original title. So, it’s almost like printing money. And that helps us to invest in new titles now that the cost of games has increased.”
Later in the interview, Yoshida said that in some countries, the PC market is preferred to consoles, and so it’s almost impossible to find success without hitting the platform.
“China is a huge PC game market,” he pointed out. “And China is a growing but very small console market. In order to reach the audience in countries like China then it’s crucial to release on PC. So, I believe PC versions really reach a new audience.”
But some fans feel that Sony is diluting PlayStation’s appeal by releasing on PC – after all, why would you bother owning a PS5 if you can play all the games on Steam? Yoshida noted that many games launch years later on PC, so there’s a good chance those with consoles have already played the content before it gets ported.
Do you agree with his comments, or should Sony reconsider its strategy? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source patreon.com]
Comments 52
Old PS5 games? These are still rather new games, stop acting like the console is bordering on five years old.
Wait, s**t...
@HotGoomba a year to two year old game is an old game. Most games go on a deep sale in the first six months.
No wonder the ports are terrible then, poorly optimized , shame sony don't put in any effort in
@Jay767 Video games never age, because if they did, the PlayStation 3 would be nineteen years old, and that's just ridiculous.
All jokes aside, I don't agree with that sentiment. Games still feel fresh to me for a few years, at least until a new generation, sequel, or it's been four to five years. It's probably because I take a while to actually play a game, but I still consider games from one or two years ago fresh or new-ish. Sales are just a part of the video game experience for me. Outside of Nintendo.
I've always said it helps fund newer titles and even allows more people to experience Playstation games. It's a win-win for devs.
Many reasons...
It's a win for everyone in my book - I get to play the games I want on my chosen platform, someone else gets to play them on their different chosen platform, Sony makes bank and keeps the games coming.
Shame they run like absolute garbage. If they start optimising games properly I'd move to PC full time.
Printing money? The sales on PC are just a drop of water on a hot stone for Sony. They are modest at best. Helldivers 2 is the only exception.
It devalues the games I think. Keep them exclusive
In all the recent interviews from Yoshida, I read a bittersweet tone of being proud of his work and the sad things that happened in his late years and until now.
And it all feels a bit disconnected. How many PC games were released during his work, and can he assess this topic with enough experience?
I absolutely think they are diluting things and need to keep their games exclusive to their Playstation console. There is no sense in copying Microsofts strategy that has killed the Xbox.
I don't see a problem with putting older games on PC, obviously the sales have died off by then so they aren't really devaluing the games. What they should do though is put the games into Playstation Plus Extra the same day they go to PC.
@Greifchen In 2 of the last 4 quarters PC revenue exceed total physical software revenue for Sony. Physical Software revenue includes all first party games and the royalties due on every single third party physical game sold on PS hardware.
How about you print some money by giving me PS2 Ridge Racer V on my PS5?
@MrPeanutbutterz I went to PC after PS4 myself, but those are all good reasons. I'd also add that there are very few online cheaters on console compared to PC.
"He explained: “Releasing on PC does many things: it reaches a new audience who do not own consoles – especially in regions where consoles are not as popular."
And then follow up with PSN requirement to block game access in more than 190 countries/regions
This was little bit hilarious.
“That money helps invest in new titles”
What like concord and all those cancelled gaas games you mean?
Go ask the PC crowd how they're going to feel 'waiting just a year' to play GTA VI. You won't get an honest answer from most of them, but they'll know.
I wouldn't want to wait three months to play that somewhere else, whatever kind of PC set-up I had. And this works for many other games. The whole 'why on earth would you play console if you can wait and get it on PC' is ludicrous. I hear you can buy year old movies very cheap, I can't wait to watch next year all those movies I'm looking forward to this year etc etc
@HappyGamerGirl As someone that has a PC, I also have a ps5 too & id presume many others do too. Not everyone likes shackling themselves to one platform. As long as GTA6 (like several modern games) has cross-progression it’s really no big deal.
@Dodoo they cancelled them because $ony doesn’t have the talent to make fun games anymore.
@nomither6 Ghost of Yotei, Intergalactic, Saros may want to have a word with you brother.
@nomither6 cross-progression isn't as popular as it should be especially with handheld PCs everywhere now. Looking at you Monster Hunter.
I still prefer playing the games on consoles or handhelds with physical disc / cartridge than playing on PC.
Easier and no complications.
sure it is... yet spiderman 2 is selling poorly on steam (sony's worst selling game on steam so far), not to mention, being pirated excessively. just like printing money huh... oh, and that revenue is squandered by going into the blackhole of service games that will never see the light of day. a job well done guys!
And in the process sony 1st party can barely put out games even with all the pc money
@Porco Exactly. Sony games are going to PC to basically get pirated. Sony is better of putting their games on Xbox and Nintendo (blasphemy i know). At least on those systems, they won't get pirated.
Says a lot when even if 'putting it nicely' Laydon said they tried with Jet Moto and such back in the day, he more so mentioned it in a audience way rather then sales.
PC players will mod them, work around them and not even buy/deal with the PSN requirements anyways.
Xbox/Nintendo they can have their locked down environment they want and get more money. But no put it on PC and have even more of a challenge with PC players who are more skilled and willing to work around all 3rd parties and Sony's services. They do know that don't they?
They can play console games on their platform narrative besides PC all they want but if they want that money then well go for it. Or do they know Xbox owners may or may not care?
Nintendo I mean Another Code is basically a remake in the style of Sony type games anyways. I wasn't a fan of this but it works..... Even if the DS/Wii versions were better. So I mean if that worked then maybe Nintendo fans may care but they probably have a PS4/5 anyways or play more arcade/other types of games instead on Switch for a reason.
Hate mods and services monitoring things getting worked around, don't put in on PC and fight players on it then. XD
Go mobile instead.
I think it kind of goes both ways of audience to sell to and more money but how Sony does it is so eh of just "we have to have PSN too even though they'd get way more money if we weren't trying to get data/push their services where the others already work without them".
For singleplayer ones just anti-piracy/DRM sure but why PSN? Do they need trophies just put Steam achievements instead. Like it's not hard.
Multiplayer eh. I mean just put enough support in place.
Why bother if countries laws or audiences aren't going to anyway. Your just ignoring money by forcing services people won't sign up to and can play 1000s of other games Sony, not go "look how good we are". XD
All 3rd parties want to shove their services/launchers/security and cheat software sure but do we really need this? Just develop the games and DRM or anti-piracy methods.
Couldn't give a toss either way. Did PC gaming in the past, it isn't for me.
Its free revenue so why wouldnt Sony do it. Only thing I'd always want is the ability to choose not to play with PC players for any multiplayer game, there is a potential competitve advantage aspect to with k/m vs controller but mainly to let the pc community deal with the cheaters themselves.
It can explain why price in China steam so far more expensive, the price is closing to western country and trigger protesting. Many pc and xbox players in china obsessed with attacking Playstation players. Thank you, SIE, sacrifice us to push your stupid pc idea.
How many more articles are you going to produce from trawling through this one interview? Also, I know you give the link to the podcast, but if it's worth four articles (so far), you could explicitly credit Colin Moriarty for the interview.
I really can't wait until bespoke hardware is no longer a thing and people can play games without complaining that other people can also play them.
@MrPeanutbutterz Totally agree. I used to play on PC a lot more and still love my Steam Deck. There are some benefits to PC gaming, but consoles are just far more convenient.
No drivers, no settings to configure and optimise yourself, no waiting 10 minutes for shaders to compile every time you play when there is a new game update.
With PS5, instant on and HDMI-CEC I press the PS button on my controller it turns on my TV, my sound system and I am picking up playing where I left off 15 seconds later. It's a much more streamlined experience.
And PS5 looks great. To get a noticeably better experience on PC you have to spend considerably more. The price/performance balance is great on console. Of course if you want the absolute best PC is the way forward, but you will have to pay for it.
Why buy $600 console if you can build $2000 PC to run these games?
@Max_the_German he left this January. So I think he can assess this with full confidence. Basically only port he wasn't around was Spider-Man 2
@Bluemoon2008 not everyone cheats bro
@themightyant your talking out your ahem backside
@djlard exactly
I genuinely, in the most sincere of ways, absolutely love the fact that GTA 6 basically is exclusive to PlayStation (and let's not forget the hundreds of users still on Xbox). It most hurt for PC gamers who usually are quite arrogant saying stuff like 'PC Master Race' (and really meaning it) and highlighting the fact that they can build PCs for a couple hundred dollars that far outperforms the consoles.
At least they can play the trailer whilst console gamers break in the game for them ♥️
I have said it before:
If PlayStation releases their games to PC, it is in their interest to make sure that pirated games cannot exist. Put every game's software in a closed ecosystem that requires regular verification processes both overt and covertly. Have key components of the code by streamed and interlaced with the program executed by the personal computer.
Or even better, let gamers stream the games from a PSN cloud account. PC gamers will cheat if they can, because the math is simple: They can pay 0 or 60 dollars. Their choice is easy every time as it stands.
How to deal with the bitter outcries: it is important to realise that the vocal people will most likely be pirates themselves and so their crying would be a validation that it is working.
PlayStation NEEDS to be hardliners!
@djlard allow me to flip the question: why spend $2000 on a PC if a $600 console can run these games?
@Oram77 Yes, but question has been already placed in article: "But some fans feel that Sony is diluting PlayStation’s appeal by releasing on PC – after all, why would you bother owning a PS5 if you can play all the games on Steam?"
@Perturbator Real talk about the cheaters. Was playing some Street Fighter 6 online on PS5 - cross-play is enabled by default and is pretty robust. Was fighting a dude who would instantly counter my Drive Impact with his own. So I did a little experiment - whenever he jumped, I'd Drive Impact.
Looking back his inputs via the replay, sure enough he'd input the command for Drive Impact when he was in the air (where you can't do it) the instant I'd do it.
Still beat him 2-0, mind.
@themightyant Exactly. I don't think I've turned on a TV via the remote (outside of the initial set up) since I got the PS3 Slim in 2009 (after my phat bricked). One button press on the controller and the entire entertainment center comes alive.
Lazy? Absolutely, but it's leisure/down time.
Can't believe they cancelled the PC port for GT7. That's an easy $70 they would have gotten from me.
@Porco yeah well, that's probably due to Spiderman 2 being overhyped on its release only for everyone to find out it was a "fine" game, but nothing really groundbreaking.
Many Ps5 games have sold very well on PC. Also, the time and money required to port an existing game to PC isn't near the investment as developing it from scratch. It's like how DVD's used to work for movies. Doesn't cost near as much to put it on a disc as it does to make the movie in the first place, so even if it doesn't sell incredibly well on DVD (or in this case, on PC), they're still going to make some money.
@Molsenalan generally speaking, the sales of PC ports are a drop in the bucket compared to console releases. we're talking anywhere from 5-20% of total sales being attributed to PC. god of war (2018) sold 20m copies on ps4 and just 3m on pc... people tend to grossly exaggerate the impact PC sales have. case and point, this article headline is bogus. i doubt spiderman 2 even cracked 500k sales on PC thus far.
@EfYI unfortunately that strategy won't work because steam users will review bomb the game to oblivion as we have already seen with the PSN account fiasco. piracy is here to stay and won't be going anywhere unless you are a publisher willing to be hated and boycotted in that space. you have to understand that the pc community has a great sense of "entitlement". now, if you are rockstar/take2, you can absolutely pack 10 DRM measures into gta 6 and get away with it but that's an exception.
Those 200ish copies of lego horizon on pc must've funded quite a few games.
@JohntheRaptor yea unfortunately you’re right
A review means nothing if Sony thinks nothing of it. Rockstar doesn't care, and they are in a pretty good place.
I know that 'review bombing' has contributed to causing Sony and others to rescind before, and piracy has existed in the console world and PC since their nascent beginnings. With every implementation of anti-piracy software or method there has been an evolving response from the people who make it possible for the layman to pirate their games fairly easily.
Apparently their brand and ubiquity is worth more to them then implementing a security measure that is tied up to a person's ID, or they are simply afraid to spend the money on security infrastructure only to see their methods circumvented.
And maybe..... they like the idea of letting millions of kids and poor people/cheap people pirate their material as long as there's some growth from year to year.
@Porco I hear you, though even if a PC port only brings in 10% more sales, 50% of a game's initial sales on console may only have covered the production costs. So an extra 10% + in sales becomes much more significant because by that point, it's nearly all profit. In the world of business, even a 5% increase is nothing to scoff at.
@Oram77 Saros might be decent since Returnal was a solid game (not amazing but decent) but Ghost of Yotei looks mediocre (especially compared to AC Shadows) and the new Intergalactic game is going to be a disaster sadly
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