Comments 142

Re: It's Weird to See Fallout 4 on a Vita Screen


This is not the PS4 version of fallout. It's the vita port. I have a mate who knows someones uncle who once ate a grape off the same plate as some one at sony, and they say the vita port is due out for xmas .........

Re: Opinion: Sony's Not Solely to Blame for PS Vita's Demise


Sony did make mistakes, but Sony also gave us gamers the handheld system which we had been asking for, dual analogue sticks, a cracking screen, a vast selection of great games, and it still did not sell as well as it should.

I think the biggest mistake they made with the vita was the lack of a L2/R2 and L3/R3, the rear touch pad never really made up for the lack of proper buttons. I'm not saying more buttons would have sold millions of more systems, but it would have been easier to port more games.

Re: Pachter: Nintendo Should Publish Its Games on the PS4


The wii u could be easily saved, Nintendo own dozens of game studios, get these studios to make games like zombi u ( a new IP, aimed at the core gamer, only on wii u, and uses the pad like it should be used) If you knew a game like this was coming every month aswell as the normal nintendo stuff, the console would fly out the shops.

Nintendo need to show the pad doing more than off tv play, local MP with two screens is great.

Sadly non of the above will be done, and they won't publish there stuff on PS4, so the wii u is sunk.

(now going over to NL, to see the comments on this story over there, should be a laugh!)