Comments 65

Re: Gaming Subs Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Aren't Growing At All


"While it has significantly improved its PS Plus offerings"... I'm not sure this is true. They may have improved some of the content offered, but they still raised their price point. $80 for an annual subscription for the base PSN is flat out insulting. Especially considering that they only offer mediocre-at-best games at that tier. I bought one more online subscription so I can invade/co-op when the Elden Ring DLC drops. I'll continue to buy some of their select games on PC, provided they don't try and charge PC users a PS Plus subscription to play their online games

Re: Helldivers 2 CEO Praises 'Willpower' of Community in Sony Showdown


@truerbluer have you read the comments? There are so many fanboys who are pretty bent out of shape by this decision. I don't think they have the stones to pick a fight with Sony over anti consumer practices. I'm with you, though. The $80/year base PSN and $70 games got me to build my PC pretty fast

Re: Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement Backtracked on PC After Brutal Review Bombing Campaign


@Vault_Mcfly I have an upper end mid PC that I built for under $2k. You could easily build a decent one in the $1k range that would play just about anything. Games may have more capabilities on PC, but they're mostly designed for console hardware so you don't need a super computer to play 99% of the games out there. Not to mention, an $80 annual subscription for the base PSN is exorbitant at best. Honestly, I bet bang for buck the two price points end up being similar

Re: Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement Backtracked on PC After Brutal Review Bombing Campaign


@DonkeyFantasy I'm just pointing out that they aren't the "vocal minority". Sony blinked because it's become more and more evident that consoles are less popular and more people are purchasing PCs. In layman's terms, they need us. More importantly, they need Valve, and forcing them to give out refunds doesn't do much for their business relationship. Selling a game in territories that aren't on the PSN network also wreaks of class action lawsuit. Point being there's plenty of blame to go around and Sony should have been able to predict this PR nightmare

Re: Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement Backtracked on PC After Brutal Review Bombing Campaign


I'm suprised at how many people are salty that PC players "won". This was a pretty transparent move on Sony's end to eventually require a PS Plus membership. The whole reason I built a PC is because I'm tired of being nickel and dimed by consoles. This is a win for all of us because it shows that we do hold sway with these corporations.

Also, while it may have said in the fine print that this would eventually happen, they still made a grievous error. They should not have made the game available for purchase in the territories that wouldn't be eligible when they enacted this. We gamers need to stick together

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


@Savage_Joe ok, so you plead ignorant to how the console market functions? Don't flame me because you have the mentality of a teenager. I imagine a lot of people are waiting for it to go on sale or pc. Not to mention, i know quite a few people who played the OG who arent a fan of the changes they've made.

Also, the PS2 sold over 100M units, but I don't hear you crying about people not having access to FF7R...get a grip lmao

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