Comments 65

Re: The Novelty of PlayStation's PC Ports Does Appear to Be Dampening


The amount of excitement and goodwill with steam players was totally botched by Sony's PSN requirement. Hard to start over once that sour taste is there. I was generally excited to play playstation games on my fancy new pc, but I've refused to purchase anything Sony related. I just think blocking out so many countries/regions/gamers is wrong, and I am voting with my wallet. Although, after the PS5 Pro pricetag I'm more inclined just to leave Sony in the dust

Re: Reaction: Why There Are So Many Unnecessary PS5 Remasters for Games That Don't Need Them


This angle would be more believable if the industry hadn't experienced massive layoffs over the past few years. Too bad all that talent that was let go couldn't help facilitate and nurture the next gen of devs. Sony and Microsoft having a monopoly on gaming isn't doing gamers any favors. This just comes off as a spin story to try and pick up slack after some disastrous decision making in the board room

Re: Poll: Would You Buy PS5 Pro If It Was Cheaper?


PS5 Pro: $700 + tax
PS5 Pro Disk Drive: $80 + tax
Base PSN: $80/year + tax
Telling Sony to F**k Off: priceless

If they had the game catalog that the PS4 had it would at least their greed would make sense. My favorite PS5 games are mostly PS4 games though. Go back to the drawing board, Sony. You're dropping the ball

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@ZeroSum the fact that Sony had a good hard look at this studio and game and still bought them isn't a good look either. I'm not sure anyone could say Sony isn't responsible for this debacle in any capacity. They also pushed for the $40 price point when there was clearly little to no interest in the game. All of these decisions scream out of touch board members in charge of something beyond their understanding

Re: Things Are Getting Worse for Floundering PS5, PC FPS Concord


The only people who seem to be genuinely shocked by this are the Sony suits and the people who run this blog. This would be a totally different story if the game were F2P. A $40 price tag coupled with PSN requirement was never going to move the needle on Steam. I feel bad for the devs who are probably going to take the brunt of upper management's poor decision making

Re: Talking Point: What's Your PS5 Game of the Year for 2024 So Far?


Shadow of the Erdtree. It's not even really close. Not only is it the same size and scope of most other developers' games, but it already out performed every game on this list in just 3 days. Except for HD2 which sold 12M units. Although, Sony put a sour taste in pc gamers' memories with the whole PSN requirement. And that is a big deal come voting day since 60% of all HD2 sales were on Steam alone.

Re: Golden Order Restored as Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree Recovers from Review Bombing


@Rmg0731 if you read any of them, you'll see that it's mostly due to performance. I'll admit, I was dipping into 45fps territory from time to time after the pre-dlc launch patch. Quite jarring going from 60fps. The latest patch seems to have smoothed things over though.

Edit: Also, the HD2 complaint was legitimate. They sold that game in countries/regions that they don't support and then told them they weren't going to have access to the game anymore

Re: Xbox Bigwig Confirms Many More Microsoft Games Are Coming to PS5


@Shinnok789 it will all be on the cloud, eventually. Microsoft has begin saying it for a while, and they must be making some headway. I'm sure that's why Sony is pooping their pampers over the PSN login. They want a launcher of their own. 10-15 years from now we'll probably have to subscribe to Game Pass or Playstation Studios launcher directly from our TV. No external box necessary unless you want a swanky AI PC

Re: Many, Many More Major Xbox Games Are Being Plotted for PS5


@Gabrielmpf don't stress it man. Microsoft looks like it's throwing in the towel, but they're not. They didn't give up on the "console wars" perse. They threw down the gauntlet by purchasing the biggest game companies with the largest active user base. They're just preparing for everything to be on the cloud. They may have lost to Sony in terms of the number of console sales, but they're still determined to win the war.

I should add that I don't think Sony and Microsoft being the only ones in charge of game development is a good thing. I think it's bad for gaming as a whole. I'm merely stating what I'm witnessing the giants do

Re: Many, Many More Major Xbox Games Are Being Plotted for PS5


@Mustoe Very possible. I'm sure it's why Sony is making such a stink about PSN. They want their own launcher for when that day arrives. They just need to make it more readily available to those 180 territories...and maybe stop beating their customers with a stick

Re: Many, Many More Major Xbox Games Are Being Plotted for PS5


@Mustoe Xbox is going to the cloud. Soon, phones will be able to play these games. The mobile market is already astronomical. They just see the writing on the wall. Sony is just late to the party with their PC ports. They're coming to the realization that, in an already saturated market, broadening your net is the only way to attain growth

Re: The Last of Us 2 PC Port Wrapped Up Development More Than Six Months Ago, Report Claims


@NEStalgia I agree, and I don't regarding the cost of a PC compared to a console. A PC is definitely more money up front. Especially if you want a 4070ti Super and up...but there are plenty of cards that play at 1440 or 4k just fine at the $300-400 mark.

Playstation is generally $500ish at launch. Peripherals are getting more expensive (and more cheaply made, I may add). And PS Plus is $80/year for the BASE tier. Clearly, given the metrics that Sony just provided shareholders, there are plenty of people getting one of the higher tiers. So over a 5-8 year wait for the next console you just spent an additional $400-640 on that same console.

In this light, the PC is more money up front but still comparable in price over the life of the product. That being said, there is definitely an up side to the simplicity of a plug n play system

Re: Sony Plans to Convert PC Gamers Through the Power of PlayStation


@ProfessorNiggle @Aladin_Run fair enough. There's something to be said for the convenience of a plug n' play system. There is certainly more tinkering with a PC, but I also am tech driven and like gadgetry. I'm simply pointing out that the cost is similar, but one is more money up front while the other is trickle feed

Re: Sony Plans to Convert PC Gamers Through the Power of PlayStation


@ProfessorNiggle @Aladin_Run I mean, there are already rumors about the ps6... what's the difference in buying a $1-2k computer or buying a new console every 5-8 years (with an additional $400-640 for the BASE ps plus price tacked onto that). It's actually more cost effective in the long run to have a decent PC. Plus you get access to mods and free games. Kinda a no brainer

Re: Ghost of Tsushima on PC Attracts 57K Player Peak on Launch Day


@BHPM precisely this. I've chatted with people in discord as recently as this morning who are beside themselves because they don't have access. Personally, I haven't purchased the game because I vote with my wallet. I'm hoping that they turn this decision around so that gamers around the world can play. It's beyond reason that people who have a Steam account can't play because they literally can't make a PSN

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@NEStalgia I'm willing to put money down that the data is less important than shoehorning PC players into their network so they can eventually charge for their "services". Honestly, I've enjoyed all of their games, but I'm not going to continue to support them until they quit attempting to be overlords. They've been king of the hill within the confines of their own castle, but the big wide world isn't going to put up with all of their BS. They're experiencing a bit of a wake up call here

Re: Helldivers 2 Director Pushes PlayStation to Backtrack on 170 Steam Delistings


@TrickyDicky99 your original argument was that the PC market wasn't worth Sony's time. Which is why I brought up the player count, which overwhelmingly confirms that it is "worth their time". Sony is looking for growth, so naturally they want to tap into that market. Not to mention younger generations, and old farts like me, who are bailing on consoles.

Now this is where you change the subject again...

Re: Helldivers 2 Director Pushes PlayStation to Backtrack on 170 Steam Delistings


@TrickyDicky99 it's incredible how everyone in this blog, including yourself, complain about how much PC players complain. Maybe look into a mirror once in a while. I'm not going to argue on cost or quality, but there are significantly more PC players than console.

Edit: as a side note, Horizon FW plays at 150fps with DLSS with all the highest settings on. That's not on a 4090, either. A console couldn't touch that

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