Comments 184

Re: Round Up: Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 Reviews Aim for the Skies


@zeldagaymer93 Killzone is one of the better FPS out there if the MP is anything like KZ2 it will be nothing short of EPIC!!!

Gies reviewed it for polygon so I'm surprised he scored it that high! Cant take advice from someone who rate Dead Space 3 9.5 but last of us 7

And yes I am a Killzone fanboy

Re: Sony Will Pump Up PS4's Volume with MP3 and CD Support Soon


@ShogunRok Still use my ps1 for audio cd's but on a serious note music unlimited sounds like a good service! Am I correct in saying one can just use any music you want for a subscription no matter how many songs? That sounds great! It's not available in my country so I have not used it wonder if I can use the tracks in Serato?

Re: Rumour: Is Sony Bend's Next Title Venturing onto PS4?


@wakkawakka To me it seems as PD does what ever it wants too, GT6 should have launched with a Vita version along side the PS3 one make them compliment each other.

On Topic
Love that Bend is making a PS4 game but I'm torn about Vita support I love my Vita

Re: Sony Reckons That $399 Is the 'Magic Price' for PS4


The camera cost the same as a game!(i.e not bad cheaper than kinetic 1) backwards compatible with your existing move controllers not a bad deal, and I want killzone so that bundle is very much worth it! Waiting to hear about bundles in my country really want that killzone one, because Xbox has a mandatory camera by default third party will use it if they use it on Xbox.

Re: Talking Point: How Much Game Does a Video Game Need?


I agree with Cage, everything does not need a pigeon hole, but at the end of the day it's personal choice. I loved journey and Rain, highly recommended it to my friends and they thought it was rubbish. Same goes with Heavy Rain some enjoyed it some didn't.

We beg for new I.P and new ideas then shun them when they come. I enjoy Cage's games got my Beyond two souls copy and will report back when I have had some time with it. Challenging what should be called a game is exactly the push the industry needs.

Just an opinion don't lynch me yet

Re: Hands On: Fighting for Fun in Killzone: Shadow Fall's Next Generation Multiplayer Mode


@Lelouch PS4 awareness so far yes, but MS sort of helped them allot with their awful PR. Games marketing has been terrible! I repeat terrible!

God of War did not even do Half of its usual sales including PS2 titles, Sly was ok still on the low side, puppeteer and mercenary basically bombed, so will rachet IMO.

If GT6 does well its taking sales from driveclub, if it does badly ((5 million is bad for GT) It's down to bad release date

I can use an Ipad on beyond two souls but not a Vita??? who cleared that is an idiot
I know you will point at last of us as good sales but a game like that only selling 4 million +/- is a tradegy. I love Sony first party games tat why I cringe at some of the release dates and the marketing. If you going to send it to DIE why bother??

Sony has film music tv but does not use it, Getting better with Kaz but still a disappointment. Rant over Sorry

Re: The Last of Us' First Expansion Pack Steps Out of Hiding This Week


@Lelouch ......LMAO Ok you got me. (cant stand dbz but the wife loves it) I unfortunately have to tether of my phone as I'm still waiting for my dsl line been delayed by a month (not so bad in my country ) Even with the dsl line I'm still going to ping about 300 to Europe. As a interesting experiment what do you guys in Europe ping to South Africa?