Comments 17

Re: PS5 May Soon Be Unchallenged by Xbox in Some Regions


@EvilBear Ha, Evil"Bear"

Yes, Ps3/350 era was the best because both companies made hits and had to compete.

I haven't gotten into a main Nintendo console since the Gamecube. I kept updated on the hand-helds until they merged it with the home console, which forces you not to have a choice. Has Nintendo modernized their online infrastructure yet? Are they still tying games to the console instead of the account like they did in the Wii/Wii-U days? That's been keeping me from adding their main console. Well that and how they don't modernize their hardware. Though with how slow consoles have been going in terms of actual graphics (no AI upscaling), they might have a chance to catch up. Generally, I usually enjoy Nintendo I.Ps after taking a break a few gens then returning, because when compared to Sony/MS (Until as of late), they usually don't come out with many new I.Ps. Mainly Mario, Zelda, DK, Smash, Metriod, Kirby, and Pokemon with the new releases playing mostly the same even as earlier ones.

Re: PS5 May Soon Be Unchallenged by Xbox in Some Regions


This is bad. I really hate how far Microsoft has fallen, because when Microsoft was a hitter in the gaming market, they MADE Sony adapt to keep players. More games, better pricing, and they tried NEW things. Ever since Xbox turned into a service, it slowly started killing the quality of the console market.

Re: Poll: Which Xbox Franchises Would You Buy on PS5?


@theSpectre What does Bethesda making it have to do with it looking similar to Uncharted if it was third person? I’m not saying that because it’s an Xbox exclusive. I’m saying it because Uncharted was based on the story concept of I.J.

Re: Sony Launches Strategic Partnerships to Support Black Communities


@thefourfoldroot It's amazing how "politics" and "race" have become so intertwined that people do not know the difference between a charity donation and politics. Lol, like a company literally donates to a charity cause and it's automatically political. A lot of wealthy business do similar charity events and causes. How is this any different just because it includes providing more opportunities among one of the many minority groups that have been statically proven to have a systematic disadvantage when a individual is compared to a non-minority in the same position/status/education level? Yes, it does still exist to some degree.