Comments 1,199

Re: Here's What's in Destiny: The Taken King on PS4


@AhabSpampurse In terms of money I think that Destiny is around 100$ per year. And for that amount of money, it has not so much content, if you ask me. The only way to make this sytem work is to make people addicted to loot. Make them loot junkies =). I think it's just unhealthy. I meant that Destiny is dangerous for children's mental health, not for their parents money.

Re: Here's What's in Destiny: The Taken King on PS4


@ShogunRok If you compare it to Destiny itself it sounds like 50% of it, or even less. But Activision thinks that gamers are junkies... I mean, even Destiny's loot system looks like something that came from casinos... I relly afraid for children who allowed to play Destiny by their parents.

Re: Sony: Reclaiming Japanese Gamers Is a Focus for Us


Considering that ps2 and ps1 were pretty popular in Japan, I don't see why ps4 can't. Japanese gamers even started to play western games on home consoles... Not because they like them, but because there is nothing else to play.

But at the same time, Japan is very busy nation, and handhelds and smartphones are better suited for busy life =).

Re: Rumour: Rise of the Tomb Raider to Clamber onto PS4 in Late 2016


Eh.... this is just sad. Tomb Raider always was playstation thing for me. And not just for me, sales of this franchise is always better on sony machines. So, it's all just sad and stupid. And considering that it will have better graphics and all dlcs on ps4 ... Eh....

I also think that it is 6 month exclusive at most. But hope for three moonth =).

Re: For Your Own Safety, Don't Try to Slaughter Cows for Cash in The Witcher 3 on PS4


@milero91 This game hardest difficulty is easy, actually =). In my opinion. I really were bored to death(now I understand why it's called death march) in second half of the game, because there were no challenge at all. I kill monster in hardest contract with 6 attacks T___T.... On hardest difficulty. And he was 5 levels above me. And you did pretty good =). I was just joking =(....

Re: These Witcher 3 Glitches are Bloody Horrific


I am just tired to record this game glitches. Yesterday, I was running through Novigrad and one of my completed quests suddenly have become active again. And I spent aroun 30 minutes trying to complete it, but it seems like I can't because I've already completed it.... ___..... Quest name is Of Dairy and Darkness, if I remember correctly. I have no idea how to complete it again =(... So stupid, hell...

Re: Guide: The Best Character Builds for Geralt in The Witcher 3 on PS4



Yeah, Roach AI is the stupidest thing I saw in games. I really hate that it doesn't run from battles and enemies. Just standing there no matter what. And when you trying to dodge with x, Witcher starts to mount Roach T___T...

But what about loading times, very strange save system and pretty stupid auto aiming. I mean, there a lot of times, when characters tries to attack someone who is beyond his reach, even if you trying to hit someone right before you. Auto aiming also works against players when some enemies charge attack you. I mean, charge attacks should be straight, not auto aim in you.

I assume that you just skimmed through story =). Yeah?