Comments 1,617

Re: E3 2014: Does The Last of Us Remastered Really Look Prettier on PS4?


How can you compare the 1024p PS4 version on a compressed 720p youtube clip? You are not seeing anything close to what it actually looks like.

Not saying that the PS4 version is anything other than just sharper, more detailed textures and framerate. But this clip will not help see the visual impact of it.

Re: Talking Point: Why Is Sony Saving Its PS4 Reveals Until the Last Minute?


Although I always prefer anticipation to surprise. Personally I think that it is always better to wait until they have concrete gameplay to show. Not really interesting in seeing CGI trailers that have no baring on gameplay. Only causes disappointments down the track. Happy for them to wait until a game is ready to show. I also dont want to have to wait 2 years for a game. I lose interest. 6 months is a good anticipation time.

Re: Talking Point: Will Sony Have Enough PS4 Material to Topple Microsoft's Game Heavy Show?


Clearly a solid showing from MS on games. Some interesting looking exclusives shown especially ScaleBound, Crackdown and Phantom Dust, but all CGI at this point so time will tell (they would have to be at least a year away). Honestly, those are games I would probably buy if I already owned an XBO, but there was nothing that made me feel jealous (as a PS4 owner) or made me want to consider buying an XBO. They didn't blow me away. The only XBO exclusive that I am jealous for is Quantum Break. That game has huge potential if they get it right.

Re: Uncharted PS4 Aims to Drop Jaws with 'Amazing' Visuals


@rastamadeus I couldn't agree more with your sentiment that is a real shame that people cannot discuss / debate / disagree without people resulting to name calling an abuse. The fact that you got abusive messages after a post of an opinion on this site saddens me greatly. I can only hope a few bad apples don't spoil the whole bunch.

Re: Uncharted PS4 Aims to Drop Jaws with 'Amazing' Visuals


@JaxonH I get where you are coming from and you are not alone in your opinion. Certainly there are many games (sports etc) that have no story element, and are no worse off for it. And indeed, bad gameplay is just bad gameplay, and no amount of cinematics will make it or the game good.

I guess where I differ is that I don't see story as a supplement to gameplay, but part of the central experience and what I love most about games. Two of my favourite parts of TLOU was the conversation between Joel and Ellie at the end (which had me passing the floor for an hour) and the giraffes. Both were cut-scenes. Stripped of its impactful story and brilliant and rounded characters, TLOU would have been a really good, but mainly generic shooter.

The idea that I can "play" the lead character like in a film or book and/or explore an open world, really excites me. There are many great multipler-shooters with fantastic game-play, and I bore of them after a few hours. I love story and characters and in my favourite games they are central to the experience.

Honestly I assume that most of these things come down to our personality types and hence likes and dislikes. What makes a good game can be very subjective.

Re: Uncharted PS4 Aims to Drop Jaws with 'Amazing' Visuals


@MadchesterManc @rastamadeus Not everyone's pulse, though Rastamadeus' comments clearly resonate with people. Personally I liked TLOU just as it was. I like cinematic games. I like lush visuals. I don't want games to go back to the 1990s, when they were all about gameplay because that was all they could do. Gameplay is critically important to a good game, but so is story. TLOU had both. I actually like the direction the industry is heading.

Re: Talking Point: Is Watch Dogs Proof That You Can Have Too Much of a Good Thing?


I love open world games, and part of that enjoyment is with side quests. So I don't have an issue with it. Part of the point of side quests is to build up skill trees and be stronger when going into the big battles. If you didn't have them, then open world games would be empty (pretty but nothing to do), or you have a linear game. Nothing wrong with that (e.g. TLOU) but I like open world exploration too.

That being said, the side quests have to be meaningful, NOT repetitive and fit in with the context of the game. Skyrim is the perfect example of a game that did it really well. FarCry3 I think also did a reasonable job. Hunting in FC3 makes perfect sense. It fits in with the context and allows you to craft items etc. Some other games, have repetitive side quest. Towing in GTAV comes to mind.

I haven't spent enough time with WD yet, but would agree that its side quests are just weird. Many are like mini arcade games played through he city. No real connection with the rest of the story (other than hacking I guess) and little connection to reality. Other games have done it better.

Re: Rumour: PS4's Free PlayStation Plus Game May Be PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate in June


So far the PS4 instant games collection has been a mixed bag.
My thoughts:

  • Contrast - I enjoyed Contrast, though it appears many didn't.
  • Resogun - Good in short bursts. Many adored it, looking at you Sammy.
  • Don't Starve - I really enjoyed, as did the kids.Great game.
  • Outlast - Loved this one! Best so far.
  • Dead Nation - Dual stick mechanic, is not really my cup of tea.
  • Mercenary Kings - Worst game of the lot. Didn't appeal.
  • Stick It to the Man! - Not bad so far. Haven't really managed to get into it.
  • PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate? - The jury is definitely out.

Re: Weirdness: What if Grand Theft Auto V Was a Commodore 64 Game?


@charlesnarles Now with USB drives, I would be amazed if most people under 20 even knew what a floppy disk was. A recent conversation between a close friend of mine and his daughter went as follows:
"Dad, what's a record?"
"Its a thing that stores and plays music. You know like a CD, but bigger."
"What's a CD?"
"Damn, I'm old."

Re: Weirdness: What if Grand Theft Auto V Was a Commodore 64 Game?


That was pretty funny. They even got the font right. I was one of the lucky few who actually had a 5 1/4" floppy drive with my C64. Loading games from cassette was for losers!

Used to buy them single sided (cheaper) and then notch them with a box cutter to make them double sided. Single sided was just a marketing rip-off as the internal disk was identical. Oh those wen't the days.

Yes, unfortunately I am that old...anyway, back to Watch_Dogs.

Re: PS4 Exclusive The Order: 1886 Dazzles in Two Minute Trailer


@Davros79 You seem to have missed my further comment "this appears to have taken it one step further". With TLOU, there was still a graphical difference between gameplay and cut-scene. yes, TLOU transitions were smooth, but with what I see here for The Order, and also what they have said, they are aiming for zero graphical difference between cut-scenes and gameplay, and there are lots of tiny cut-scenes inter-dispersed through out the gameplay sections. The point is that the two jump in and out seamlessly, which becomes part of the experience. The action doesn't stop (pre se) for a cut-scene, they are integrated. That idea excites me, and is a cinematic game that I am interested in playing. And,yes, I think it is innovative. Same way Watch_Dog melding of single and multiplayer is innovative.

Clearly, I haven't played The Order, only seen snippets. I like what I see, but who knows, the game may be boring. (just not my expectation). I haven't played Rise, but I really don't think the two are similar. Time will tell.

I am curious to know what sort of gameplay innovation you are after. What floats your boat?

Re: PS4 Exclusive The Order: 1886 Dazzles in Two Minute Trailer


@Davros79 Surely the seamless transitions between gameplay and cut-scenes are innovative. TLOU did it, but this appears to have taken it one step further. You are playing a move/a story. If it works the immersion will be intense. I'm excited and I hope they pull it off.

I understand different people like different types of games, but that type of story led game appeals to me. I wish there were more of them.

Re: How Does Metro: Redux Look in 1080p on the PlayStation 4?


Last light was ok, but it was unrelenting. It had worn me down by the end. I guess that suited the genre and fitted with the story. Still from about half way I am not sure I had fun. An experience to be sure. Just not fun. I survived to the end, but not sure I am up to double dipping.

Re: PS4 Powers Perfect Eyebrows in New Batman: Arkham Knight Screenshots


I finished city, but it became a bit of a love/hate relationship. So I didn't pick up Origins. Not sure if I am interested here or not.

I started City on Hard and it wouldn't let me change the level. Some of the combat was just mind numbing/excruciating. Beating 40-50 guys in a room. I probably just wasn't good enough at combat. So had to dodge, dodge, dodge, attack, rinse repeat. Some of the rooms took me about 45 mins to clear (and I regularly didn't succeed first try). Unfortunately for me the grind overshadowed the other elements of the game (puzzle etc) which was a shame.

My one really good memory from City is beating Mr Freeze. That whole scene was really well done and varied. Best bit of the game.

Re: DriveClub's Newest PS4 Footage Looks Just About as Realistic as Games Get


It looks stunning and the environments are amazing. Can't wait.

What pleased me most was the sense of speed and racing with the other cars. Their other videos didn't seem to capture the adrenalin, at least for me. So that's really encouraging.

The hands were the only thing that let it down. They don't look real and break the illusion. Some minor aliasing in places.

I'm being picky though. Looks like they have done a brilliant job. Just hope the "game" side of things holds up. This is really promising.