Will it really makes games smaller though? Because higher and higher resolutions take up more and more space. And frankly, in recent years it has seemed that developers aren't even interested in optimizing their games anymore. They'll just shovel us a 120GB game because they know people'll buy it anyway.
I'm really sick of hearing about specs and graphics. That just doesn't excite me. What real new features do these new machines have? What can they do with the games that they can't do now BESIDES just having better graphics?
More like "We knew we could get away with it and we knew people will happily pay 120, maybe even 180 dollars on this so why not milk it for all we can!"
Sorry, I just flat do not buy the idea that they'd have to cut content or sacrifice immersion.
I really, really love Gundam! Spent countless hours of my life watching and rewatching the various anime, building the model kits and even just playing with the toys.
But there are few Gundam video games that I've really liked. Most feel like games that just have a Gundam "skin" pasted on it. This is one of those.
There were a couple games back in the PS2 era that I really liked and came close to feeling like a Gundam game should be in my eyes. But nothing has ever really gotten it quite right in my book.
I think Journey to Jaburo came closest, but the controls were terrible. Zeonic Front also came pretty close, but again, bad controls. Encounters in Space was pretty good, but limited to space battles and the original story for the game was just kinda bland.
I love-hate how everyone acts like Nintendo is so selfish for this.
You think Disney would be cool with people using Mickey Mouse? Would MS be okay with people using Master Chief? Sony with Spider-man? (just look into the movie rights on that one!) How about DC with their IP? Pixar? Marvel?
But no! How DARE evil Nintendo try to protect their IP? They are just SO selfish. lol
I wanted too. A lot of my students do. But Zenitsu really ruined it for me. I can almost tolerate the "desperate pervert" trope from a side character like Mineta in My Hero Academia, but from a main character? Especially one as vile as Zenitsu? Nope. The guy seems like he's half a step away from being a rapist. When they introduced him, he was practically forcing himself on a woman while bawling his eyes out crying. That's not funny, that's sick.
I know it's a trope I love anime and have seen it more times than I wish - but like I said, not usually from a major character.
You had Brock in Pokemon I guess, but that never went beyond silly flirting thankfully.
@beavis64 Of course I'm interested in new games - I'm not interested in new games that offer nothing new but fancy graphics. The age of a game doesn't matter to me - games from 40 years ago can be more fun than brand new games at times. As a long time gamer - the idea of an "ultimate playstation" that plays the entire library of Sony titles, and was rumored for a while, really appeals to me.
The new games show so far are very few and don't look that interesting. Both Sony and MS are putting too much focus on specs of the consoles and the graphics. I want gameplay and story and actual features.
As a Nintendo Switch fan, I find it laughable as I say this but... THAT'S ALL?!
Even many high end current gen PS4 Pro titles push 80-100 GB or more! Next gen titles with extremely detailed graphics are going to be even bigger!
It's like they are pushing us to digital but keeping storage insufficient in order to start pushing us toward the steaming that none of us actually want.
@Flaming_Kaiser I mean, I'm hoping they'll announce complete backwards compatibility all the way to PS1. That would really get me excited. But if it's just a PS4 Pro+, better graphics and exclusive games and no other new features? That's honestly about as interesting as replacing an iPhone with an iPhone...
@Flaming_Kaiser I don't mean I wouldn't be interested in it, or even happy with it. But so far, nothing Sony or MS have announced has me excited very much. It's just a whole lot of fancy specs to improve graphics and I need more than just better graphics on what is, functionally, the same device I already own several times, to be excited.
Frankly if all the system boasts is better specs and fancier graphics, there is not a snowball's chance in hell of it being anywhere remotely near "the most exciting hardware THIS year" Let alone in 20 years.
I'm sorry, it just wont be. Graphics are nice but I really dread how much focus both Sony and MS are putting on them.
Gameplay and story are what matter. If the game isn't fun and interesting, who cares how nice it looks?
And both PS5 and Xbox X are yet another standard console. With little to no innovation is seems. Yes there's all that fancy power under the hood, but from what I'm reading, all that power is good for is better graphics.
It doesn't really matter. Once they drop the info people will react the way they would have regardless of if it was announced last month or in 2 months from now.
Can we have a sci-fi game that's not war, alien monsters or survival?
Or if it has to deal with war or aliens can we move away from the Hollywood cliche of alien monsters or 'Murica fighting them ruskies and Chinese terrorists!
I'd kill for a video game set in The Expanse or a similar style of universe. Mass Effect 1-3 really nailed it too! (we don't talk about the ending of 3 or Andromeda)
I really liked this anime at first. But when they introduced the two supporting stars, the lightning guy and the pig head, I rapidly lost interest. Then they started showing the lightning guy who all but forces himself on women, the weird crying rape-like attitude he had and that was enough to drive the show right into the gutter!
It's a shame, because it started out real strong, I was really impressed with the action and animation and the initial serious and dark tone. It's probably the most stark change I've ever seen an anime make before.
Strong story driven games are great and absolutely what I prefer.
But let's also throw in some more creativity too. We don't need every story game to be a dark gritty pseudo-realistic depression laden downer. Just saying.
I really really don't understand why people were so upset with E3 and why so many people seem to be glad it is, or appears to be dying.
I've always found it rather fun. All the hype building up, the rumors, the bombardment for trailers and announcements. It's always been rather exciting.
But from the sound of it here and on NintendoLife, you guys seem to want it to die. That's the impression I'm getting from both sites and many comments.
This is honestly fantastic news. I'm not even a sports fan - but I strongly dislike how it seemed that only EA could make them. I felt like EA was strongly abusing their monopoly on the games and abusing the fans. Even if I don't care about football, I don't want to watch football fans get screwed over by greedy corporations with shady back room deals!
Why does it fail so often? I've had PS4 system updates crash on me at least half a dozen times. It's always the same fix, get the controller, plug it into the console and reboot and redo the update. But every time I turn on the system and it asks me to update, I sigh and wonder if it'll work right.
I'm not honestly a big fan of modeling game characters after real people/celebrities. It's kind of related to the way I'm not a fan of Sony and MS pushing the realism style so strongly. I think that's definitely a big part of why I've been more into Nintendo this generation than Sony or MS.
Most of the Playstation games I have really enjoyed have not been geared toward the realism style. Games like Persona and Kingdom Hearts.
I prefer the more creative and fantastic style of visual fiction. And not just in games, but I prefer Japanese anime to Hollywood movies or American TV. Most novels I read are fantasy or sci-fi too.
@SaikoWaifu2003 Yeah it does seem like they've picked an identity and really stuck to it. Sony isn't a small company it's not like they couldn't branch out more.
It's because Sony has all sorts of exclusive titles and most of the best games MS has on Xbox can also be played on PC, PS4 and Switch. MS has only a small handful of titles that are only on Xbox.
Software sells hardware - not the other way around.
Harry Potter should have been the fantasy story version of Star Wars for movie games. In that, it should have had tons of great games that even added to the overall Harry Potter canon.
I'd love an actually really good Harry Potter RPG.
USB-C? That's the most important improvement right there. Everything else I use uses C except my PS4 controller and the 6 year old tablet I use as an alarm clock.
I don't see much point. Nearly all console games are designed for the 4 face buttons, two analogue sticks, LR3 and the 4 shoulder buttons. It's extremely rare that I find myself wishing for more buttons.
Some games originally designed for PC - like Civ 6 and Cities Skylines could make use of it, but even those I have found play very well with the standard gamepad.
If I want to play as some of the worst people alive in 2019, I'll buy this game!
At least dictators are man enough to order the deaths of people. Big Pharma claims to be helping, when instead they profit off of long term suffering and then death!
But I guess someone out there must have asked for a game like this.
Give me a PS5 that plays all my PS3 and PS4 game discs in addition to new PS5 titles and you'll have me.
Right now there is very little confirmed for PS5 that interests me. But being able to box up both my PS3 and PS4 and have the ability to play future PS5 titles all one machine? Then you'll win me over.
EA owns them. No matter what they say, they don't care what fans wants and never will. EA policy is as anti-consumer as they can legally be. They don't have to listen to fans because they own so many IPs and sports contracts that all they have to do is shovel half done mediocre products and they make millions on name recognition alone.
I'm open to change when I like the change. I don't like VR. I don't find wearing those silly goggles to be an immersive experience, or even comfortable. Call me in 50 years when we have real VR like something we see today in science fiction.
I also really dislike streaming. No matter how much one tries to talk it up, there is very little I like about the idea. I still own my copy of Mario 64 and can pop it in and enjoy it. Will I be able to keep streaming my games 20 years from now? No, or if I want to, I have to keep paying for the service, indefinitely. And that assumes games stay on the service.
On the other hand, I really enjoyed the Wii and I gave the Wii U a chance. And the Switch is my all time favorite gaming machine.
I also loved the integration of online functions into gaming. The shift to dual analogue sticks from d-pads, etc...
Comments 352
Re: Guide: Can You Use PS4 Controller on PS5?
Can you do this?
Push Square: We don't know yet!
So why release the guide? lol
Re: PS5 SSD Could Reduce Game Sizes and Save Storage Space
Will it really makes games smaller though? Because higher and higher resolutions take up more and more space. And frankly, in recent years it has seemed that developers aren't even interested in optimizing their games anymore. They'll just shovel us a 120GB game because they know people'll buy it anyway.
Re: More Developers Sing PS5's Praises After Tech Specs Reveal
I'm really sick of hearing about specs and graphics. That just doesn't excite me. What real new features do these new machines have? What can they do with the games that they can't do now BESIDES just having better graphics?
Re: Square Enix Explains Decision to Split Final Fantasy VII Remake Into Multiple Games
"It was immersion, or cut content"
More like "We knew we could get away with it and we knew people will happily pay 120, maybe even 180 dollars on this so why not milk it for all we can!"
Sorry, I just flat do not buy the idea that they'd have to cut content or sacrifice immersion.
Re: Gundam Extreme VS. Maxiboost ON Locks Down a Worldwide July 2020 Release Date
I really, really love Gundam! Spent countless hours of my life watching and rewatching the various anime, building the model kits and even just playing with the toys.
But there are few Gundam video games that I've really liked. Most feel like games that just have a Gundam "skin" pasted on it. This is one of those.
There were a couple games back in the PS2 era that I really liked and came close to feeling like a Gundam game should be in my eyes. But nothing has ever really gotten it quite right in my book.
I think Journey to Jaburo came closest, but the controls were terrible. Zeonic Front also came pretty close, but again, bad controls. Encounters in Space was pretty good, but limited to space battles and the original story for the game was just kinda bland.
Re: PS5 Is 'Awesome' and 'The Most Exciting Hardware in 20 Years'
@Callmegil That's... interesting. Maybe I'll look it up tonight.
Re: Nintendo Putting Pressure on Sony to Remove Dreams Creations on PS4
I love-hate how everyone acts like Nintendo is so selfish for this.
You think Disney would be cool with people using Mickey Mouse? Would MS be okay with people using Master Chief?
Sony with Spider-man? (just look into the movie rights on that one!)
How about DC with their IP? Pixar? Marvel?
But no! How DARE evil Nintendo try to protect their IP? They are just SO selfish. lol
Re: That Demon Slayer Game Is Being Developed By Naruto Storm and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Dev CyberConnect2
Now if only I actually liked this series.
I wanted too. A lot of my students do. But Zenitsu really ruined it for me. I can almost tolerate the "desperate pervert" trope from a side character like Mineta in My Hero Academia, but from a main character? Especially one as vile as Zenitsu? Nope. The guy seems like he's half a step away from being a rapist. When they introduced him, he was practically forcing himself on a woman while bawling his eyes out crying. That's not funny, that's sick.
I know it's a trope I love anime and have seen it more times than I wish - but like I said, not usually from a major character.
You had Brock in Pokemon I guess, but that never went beyond silly flirting thankfully.
Re: PS5 Is 'Awesome' and 'The Most Exciting Hardware in 20 Years'
@Callmegil Hmm I'd be interested to see... I guess, hear that and to understand how it works.
Re: Guide: PS5 Launch Games - Every PlayStation 5 Title Predicted to Release Alongside Next-Gen Console
@beavis64 Of course I'm interested in new games - I'm not interested in new games that offer nothing new but fancy graphics. The age of a game doesn't matter to me - games from 40 years ago can be more fun than brand new games at times. As a long time gamer - the idea of an "ultimate playstation" that plays the entire library of Sony titles, and was rumored for a while, really appeals to me.
The new games show so far are very few and don't look that interesting. Both Sony and MS are putting too much focus on specs of the consoles and the graphics. I want gameplay and story and actual features.
Re: PS5 Comes with 825GB of Internal Storage on SSD
As a Nintendo Switch fan, I find it laughable as I say this but... THAT'S ALL?!
Even many high end current gen PS4 Pro titles push 80-100 GB or more! Next gen titles with extremely detailed graphics are going to be even bigger!
It's like they are pushing us to digital but keeping storage insufficient in order to start pushing us toward the steaming that none of us actually want.
Re: Fan Noise Shouldn't Be a Problem for PS5
Is this a PS4 pro thing? I mean, I can hear my PS4 sometimes but I never thought it was overly loud.
Re: PS5's 3D Audio Could Quietly Be a Game Changer
Frankly, I'm not interested in buying a bunch of special audio equipment for my game systems right now.
Re: PS5's Backwards Compatibility with PS4 Has Fans Baffled
I was hoping for PS5 to be the ultimate Playstation and play the entire Sony library.
If it can't even play the entire PS4 library - then I wont even consider wasting my money on this farce!
Re: PS5 Is 'Awesome' and 'The Most Exciting Hardware in 20 Years'
@DDarko Doesn't 3D audio require special audio equipment?
Re: PS5 Is 'The Most Exciting Hardware in 20 Years'
@Flaming_Kaiser I mean, I'm hoping they'll announce complete backwards compatibility all the way to PS1. That would really get me excited. But if it's just a PS4 Pro+, better graphics and exclusive games and no other new features? That's honestly about as interesting as replacing an iPhone with an iPhone...
Re: PS5 Is 'The Most Exciting Hardware in 20 Years'
@Flaming_Kaiser I don't mean I wouldn't be interested in it, or even happy with it. But so far, nothing Sony or MS have announced has me excited very much. It's just a whole lot of fancy specs to improve graphics and I need more than just better graphics on what is, functionally, the same device I already own several times, to be excited.
Re: Site News: Don't Forget to Visit Our Sister Site Pure Xbox
I am curious is MS will actually be a player in Japan this generation. If they will manage even consistent triple digit sales in the country.
Re: PS5 Is 'The Most Exciting Hardware in 20 Years'
Frankly if all the system boasts is better specs and fancier graphics, there is not a snowball's chance in hell of it being anywhere remotely near "the most exciting hardware THIS year" Let alone in 20 years.
I'm sorry, it just wont be. Graphics are nice but I really dread how much focus both Sony and MS are putting on them.
Gameplay and story are what matter. If the game isn't fun and interesting, who cares how nice it looks?
And both PS5 and Xbox X are yet another standard console. With little to no innovation is seems. Yes there's all that fancy power under the hood, but from what I'm reading, all that power is good for is better graphics.
Re: Guide: What to Anticipate from Sony's PS5 Deep Dive
Am I the only one hoping that Sony does not give us yet another black rectangular box?
I want some creativity under my TV please!
Re: Talking Point: Why Isn't Sony Saying More About PS5?
It doesn't really matter. Once they drop the info people will react the way they would have regardless of if it was announced last month or in 2 months from now.
Re: Memories of Mars, a Sci-Fi Survival Game, Is Out Now on PS4
Can we have a sci-fi game that's not war, alien monsters or survival?
Or if it has to deal with war or aliens can we move away from the Hollywood cliche of alien monsters or 'Murica fighting them ruskies and Chinese terrorists!
I'd kill for a video game set in The Expanse or a similar style of universe. Mass Effect 1-3 really nailed it too! (we don't talk about the ending of 3 or Andromeda)
Re: Butthurt PlayStation Fans Taken to Task by Ex-Guerrilla Producer Over Horizon PC Port
My goodness! "butthurt"? I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was on Twitter.
Learn some professionalism please!
Re: Demon Slayer Is Getting a PS4 Game, and It's Probably an Arena Fighter
I really liked this anime at first. But when they introduced the two supporting stars, the lightning guy and the pig head, I rapidly lost interest. Then they started showing the lightning guy who all but forces himself on women, the weird crying rape-like attitude he had and that was enough to drive the show right into the gutter!
It's a shame, because it started out real strong, I was really impressed with the action and animation and the initial serious and dark tone. It's probably the most stark change I've ever seen an anime make before.
Re: PlayStation 'Committed' to Strong Story-Driven Single-Player Games on PS5 and Beyond
Strong story driven games are great and absolutely what I prefer.
But let's also throw in some more creativity too. We don't need every story game to be a dark gritty pseudo-realistic depression laden downer. Just saying.
Re: Choose Your Favourite Waifu with This New Sakura Wars Trailer
Oh man, how much will Sony censor? Remember, violence is okay but boobies aren't.
Re: Hands On: Call of Duty: Warzone Is Fine, and That's Not Good Enough
I still prefer classic team deathmatch. I just am not a fan of the battle royale style games.
The only one I like is Tetris 99. Because it's TETRIS.
Re: Reaction: Coronavirus Could Very Well Have Saved E3
I really really don't understand why people were so upset with E3 and why so many people seem to be glad it is, or appears to be dying.
I've always found it rather fun. All the hype building up, the rumors, the bombardment for trailers and announcements. It's always been rather exciting.
But from the sound of it here and on NintendoLife, you guys seem to want it to die. That's the impression I'm getting from both sites and many comments.
Re: DOOM Eternal Gives the Doom Slayer a Makeover with Character Customisation
Presumably for multi-player, otherwise what would be the point?
Re: 2K Sports to Make 'Fun, Approachable' NFL Games for PS5
This is honestly fantastic news. I'm not even a sports fan - but I strongly dislike how it seemed that only EA could make them. I felt like EA was strongly abusing their monopoly on the games and abusing the fans. Even if I don't care about football, I don't want to watch football fans get screwed over by greedy corporations with shady back room deals!
Re: Guide: PS4 Copying Update Files - Why Does It Take So Long?
Why does it fail so often? I've had PS4 system updates crash on me at least half a dozen times. It's always the same fix, get the controller, plug it into the console and reboot and redo the update. But every time I turn on the system and it asks me to update, I sigh and wonder if it'll work right.
Re: Hideo Kojima 'in Talks' with Norman Reedus on Collaborating Again for Future Projects
I'm not honestly a big fan of modeling game characters after real people/celebrities. It's kind of related to the way I'm not a fan of Sony and MS pushing the realism style so strongly. I think that's definitely a big part of why I've been more into Nintendo this generation than Sony or MS.
Most of the Playstation games I have really enjoyed have not been geared toward the realism style. Games like Persona and Kingdom Hearts.
I prefer the more creative and fantastic style of visual fiction. And not just in games, but I prefer Japanese anime to Hollywood movies or American TV. Most novels I read are fantasy or sci-fi too.
Re: Call of Duty: Warzone Officially Revealed, Launches Tomorrow on PS4
Good lord 80-100gb?! That's absurd! Do companies even TRY to optimize anymore?!
Re: PS4 Has Reportedly Sold a Ridiculous 68 Million More Units than Xbox One
@SaikoWaifu2003 Yeah it does seem like they've picked an identity and really stuck to it. Sony isn't a small company it's not like they couldn't branch out more.
Re: PS4 Has Reportedly Sold a Ridiculous 68 Million More Units than Xbox One
It's because Sony has all sorts of exclusive titles and most of the best games MS has on Xbox can also be played on PC, PS4 and Switch. MS has only a small handful of titles that are only on Xbox.
Software sells hardware - not the other way around.
Re: Rumour: Warner Bros to Cast Lumos on Anticipated PS5 Harry Potter RPG
Harry Potter should have been the fantasy story version of Star Wars for movie games. In that, it should have had tons of great games that even added to the overall Harry Potter canon.
I'd love an actually really good Harry Potter RPG.
Re: Granblue Fantasy Versus - Superbly Crafted Fighter Is a Joy to Play and Behold
I enjoyed the anime with it's gorgeous art style - but this style of fighting game just doesn't catch my interest.
Re: Talking Point: PS5 Delay Is Possible, And We Could Have to Accept That
We shouldn't assume one way or another, but with Covid19 causing all sorts of problems worldwide - it is entirely possible.
Re: Nonsensical Rumour Claims PS5 Won't Have Any Exclusive Launch Games
Sony would have to be insane to release a new console with no games exclusive to that console.
Games sell consoles, that's how it's always been. No matter how powerful your machine is, if there are no games on it then it will flop.
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 7.02 Is Available to Download Now
It crashed my system, like almost every other update, once again it took two attempts to install. Same error
su-30746-0 where I have to physically plug a controller in and restart and redo the update.
Re: Nintendo PlayStation Prototype to Be Auctioned in February, Has Already Had Million-Dollar Offers
@BarefootBowser Wait, there were 200 at one point? I had heard there were only a tiny handful of prototypes! What on Earth happened to the others?!
Re: Artist's Rendition of PS5 Controller Is Our Best Look Yet at the DualShock 5
USB-C? That's the most important improvement right there. Everything else I use uses C except my PS4 controller and the 6 year old tablet I use as an alarm clock.
Re: PS4 Back Button Attachment Proves Demand for PlayStation Pro Controller
I don't see much point. Nearly all console games are designed for the 4 face buttons, two analogue sticks, LR3 and the 4 shoulder buttons. It's extremely rare that I find myself wishing for more buttons.
Some games originally designed for PC - like Civ 6 and Cities Skylines could make use of it, but even those I have found play very well with the standard gamepad.
Re: Game of the Decade: Fortnite Became the Biggest Video Game in the World
I can't deny that Fortnite has had quite the impact. But in my opinion it is not a good one.
Re: Pharmaceutical Management Game Big Pharma Comes to PS4 Next Month
If I want to play as some of the worst people alive in 2019, I'll buy this game!
At least dictators are man enough to order the deaths of people. Big Pharma claims to be helping, when instead they profit off of long term suffering and then death!
But I guess someone out there must have asked for a game like this.
Re: PS5 Concept Video Shows What One Retailer Thinks the Console Will Look Like
Oh boy! Another black box! Just what I always wanted!
Re: Hideo Kojima Reckons There's a Reason Death Stranding Didn't Connect with American Critics
Honestly I find both Kojima himself and Death Stranding to be quite overhyped.
I have little interest in either.
Re: Sony Wants to Transition Players from PS4 to PS5 At an Unprecedented Pace
Give me a PS5 that plays all my PS3 and PS4 game discs in addition to new PS5 titles and you'll have me.
Right now there is very little confirmed for PS5 that interests me. But being able to box up both my PS3 and PS4 and have the ability to play future PS5 titles all one machine? Then you'll win me over.
Re: BioWare Asks What Mass Effect Fans Want on N7 Day, As if We Haven't Spent the Last 6 Years Begging for a Trilogy Remaster
EA owns them. No matter what they say, they don't care what fans wants and never will. EA policy is as anti-consumer as they can legally be. They don't have to listen to fans because they own so many IPs and sports contracts that all they have to do is shovel half done mediocre products and they make millions on name recognition alone.
Re: Soapbox: The Most Frustrating Thing About Enthusiast Gamers
I'm open to change when I like the change. I don't like VR. I don't find wearing those silly goggles to be an immersive experience, or even comfortable. Call me in 50 years when we have real VR like something we see today in science fiction.
I also really dislike streaming. No matter how much one tries to talk it up, there is very little I like about the idea. I still own my copy of Mario 64 and can pop it in and enjoy it. Will I be able to keep streaming my games 20 years from now? No, or if I want to, I have to keep paying for the service, indefinitely. And that assumes games stay on the service.
On the other hand, I really enjoyed the Wii and I gave the Wii U a chance. And the Switch is my all time favorite gaming machine.
I also loved the integration of online functions into gaming. The shift to dual analogue sticks from d-pads, etc...
Make a change I like, and there ya go.