Comments 352

Re: Bandai Namco Announces Play Anime Live Digital Showcase for 22nd July


I love anime - but anime games rarely meet what I would want from them. It feels like 9 times out of 10 they just make a generic 1v1 fighting game and slap a bunch of the characters into it. With only the absolute largest and most overwhelmingly popular series getting anything close to the kind of games I would hope for.

It baffles me because there are so many great anime that seem like obvious choices to make into JRPGs or action adventure titles or shooters or racers or platformers or sports games and... we rarely get those.

Re: PS4 Games on PS5 - All Confirmed Upgrades


@OneManDroid I mean, the amount of people buying PS5 hoping to be able to play their PS3 collection is gonna be zero since the machine can't do it.

But I know what you mean and I think you seriously under-estimate the number of people who still have a collection of PS3 games they'd like to be able to enjoy alongside their PS4 and PS5 games all neatly on one console.

Re: PS4 Games on PS5 - All Confirmed Upgrades


@OneManDroid Yes, I understand there are considerable issues with it. It's just a shame that Sony is a small indie company with highly limited resources and an inability to address this problem.


Look, like I said above, even going the least efficient route - but actually shoving a PS3 board into a more expensive version of the PS5 - it's doable. I just don't accept that it's not. And I find it hard to believe that Sony couldn't find a way to do it without making it prohibitively expense. This is Sony we are talking about, not some small upstart company with 14 employees working in the garage.

Re: PS4 Games on PS5 - All Confirmed Upgrades


@NorrinRadd Sorry my differing opinion is so offensive to you. Welcome to the internet. But as to your "there is no pleasing some people" that's a load of nonsense. I've never been happier with Nintendo's offerings. And Microsoft has completely turned around recently as well, impressing me a lot more than during most of the Xbone early years.

To answer your question about PS3 titles, I don't have the list of PS Now stuff in front of me. But I have a nice sized collection of PS3 games that I own already and would like to have been able to simply play and enjoy on the same device alongside newer PS4 and eventually PS5 titles. Is it so hard to see how that would be nice?

I suppose you actually do believe your rubbish of a 1000 dollar machine that is 50% larger just to have PS3 support, but that seems ludicrous to me. Even going the least efficient route possible, of just shoving a PS3 into the PS5 the PS3 is all old tech that is far cheaper than it was when it was new. And the cost would further be reduced because you wouldn't need a second disc drive or HDMI out or hard drive etc etc. Personally, I can't imagine PS3 support added in this manner adding, at the absolute most, another 100 dollars.

And if there were a version of the PS5 that had that, I would spend the extra money on it. Because it'd very much be worth it to me.

So I don't really care if you think I'm naive or greedy or whatever other insult you want to label me with.

But here's a friendly piece of advice: Online, people always have different opinions. Get used to it. YOU went out of the way to reply to me.

Re: Marvel's Avengers Gets Free PS5 Upgrade, Offers 60FPS Dynamic 4K Mode


People are so excited that the PS5 is gonna have these free upgrades, and I guess I agree that it's nice.

But again, it's more reason for me to not buy a new Playstation. I haven't run into a loading time that bothered me since the PS1 days. Never had an issue with it on my original PS4. I've also never had issues with FPS or resolution on PS4, looks great to me.

I was hoping PS5 would play PS3, PS4 and PS5 games all on one box, enabling me to shelve my PS3 and PS4. That would have given me a good reason to upgrade.

As it stands, I don't see any more reason to upgrade to the PS5 than I had with PS4 Pro - which I also skipped.

Re: PS4 Games on PS5 - All Confirmed Upgrades


@Lovespuds Yes, I am genuinely put off by it's lack of PS3 support. I was looking forward to the idea of having the ability to play my existing library of games all on one device. PS3, 4 and 5 on one nice, neat box under the TV.

As it stands right now, PS5 is extremely underwhelming. It's PS4+. And people keep saying how it's gonna push the medium forward and blah blah blah. And honestly, I'm just not impressed. Better graphics and faster loading times on a new console isn't surprising, it's expected. I've played games for more than 20 years. Every new console is better graphically and loads faster.

Do I think PS5 is, in any way, bad? Hell no! I'm just not impressed. Maybe once it's been out for a couple years, the price has come down, and they've had a chance to release a good selection of games for it, then I'll pick it up.

But for now, I have plenty of PS3, PS4 and Switch games to keep me more than busy.

Re: PS4 Games on PS5 - All Confirmed Upgrades


Personally so long as the PS5 can play the titles at all, that's what matters to me.

I still really wish it played PS3 titles too. If it did, upgrading to PS5 would have been a no brainer for me. But right now, I just don't see much reason to replace my PS4.

Re: Remember That Female Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Character? She's Playable


@Matroska I didn't have internet in my house at that time, but I read about the games in the magazines and was excited about the dungeons and worlds to explore. I didn't and still don't, care about the specs of the hardware.

I don't buy a game because the console looks cool.

And no, I'm not "busy trying to be angry about everything". Save your slanderous insults for someone who cares.

Re: Ratchet & Clank PS5 Looks Like a Huge Leap Compared to PS4 Predecessor


@Matroska I'm so sick of this argument. No, it would not run on a NES. But there were great games on NES! Games that are still loved to this day! I care about the game. The games are what make the console. Games take advantage of what the console can do. A good game isn't made to show off hardware, it's made to be a good game taking advantage of the hardware available! The focus is on delivering a great experience to the player. Showing off hardware is at best, an afterthought!

I don't buy games to sit back and admire what a console can do. I buy a console because I want to be able to play the games it runs.

And on the top of food, no, the restaurant being nice isn't what makes the food good. I've had some of the most delicious meals I've ever eaten in little hole in the wall places that seat literally 5 people max in buildings older than my parents. The food was good because it was a good recipe made by a talented cook.

Mario 64 is a great game because it was made by talented people taking advantage of the technology available at that time. Computer technology improves over time, that's not surprising or impressive.

It's expected. But you can hand the best tech to a team of amateurs and it means nothing. You can give the best ingredients to a bad cook and he'll still serve you garbage.

Re: On PS5, Exclusive Games Will Be More Important than Ever Before, Says Sony


@Danny_Blu I'm not taking sides in that debate. I have the same complaint for both the Sony and MS fanboys right now. Everywhere I look the only thing people are talking about are specs.

Almost no one is talking about the games themselves. I'm even seeing people say things like "this game is made to show off what the system is capable of" and that just makes me so sad.

I don't buy a game to admire how powerful the system is.

Re: Remember That Female Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Character? She's Playable


Holy crap! An actual detail about the game? A single, tiny, detail but it's almost like people might vaguely remember that all the specs in the world don't matter without games themselves!

I initially really wasn't a fan of the new look of the game, but each time I come back to it I find myself more open to it. But am frustrated with almost nothing being said about the game. All anyone is talking about are the specs of the console. People are even saying "It's a game made to show off the PS5!"

How about making a good game that takes advantage of the PS5 instead? I don't buy games to admire how powerful a console is!

Re: Ratchet & Clank PS5 Looks Like a Huge Leap Compared to PS4 Predecessor


@Matroska "A game made to show off the PS5" is everything I dislike about this next gen stuff.

I want to know about the game, not the machine running it. This is like saying "this delicious pizza is meant to show off how nice of a restaurant it was that made it!" I don't really care how nice the restaurant is, I want to eat the pizza. Tell me what toppings it has, what side dishes I can order and what the drink menu is.

I want to hear about the games themselves. Of course specs matter, but they should be secondary, if that. What matters are the games. What's the story like? What new mechanics are there? The setting? Gameplay modes? Single player? Co-op?

Naw, all anyone wants to talk about apparently are teraflops and 4K.

Re: Poll: Did You Miss E3 2020 Last Week?


Neither question had options I am okay with. I didn't remember the exact date, but I am still quite bummed by E3's absence. And I don't think it will be the same anymore and I don't think that's a good thing. I think it's quite sad.

Re: Random: The Web Is Freaking Out Over a Tiny PS5 Controller Detail


Thus far I remain just unimpressed by what I'm seeing with PS5 and XboxX. I don't think either console is bad, not at all. From everything I've read about them I expect them to look and run very well. I've no issues with the controllers either. And the price... not as high as I feared, but still looking real expensive.

But for the games themselves? Nothing is hooking me. Most games look like hard core realism without much creativity or style. Very same-y. Sackboy looks good and the more I look at Ratchet, the more... I grow to tolerate the new art style. I still don't like it but I can tolerate it now. It made me sick at first.

But the rest? Especially Spiderman, they sit right in the uncanny valley of trying to look real but still obviously not. And I just don't see why they have to aim for that with almost every game in this next gen war.

Re: Gallery: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Looks Like a Real Dimension Shift on PS5


@Octane Nooooooo not at all! Ugly and forced realism onto an obviously unrealistic character. I don't like the new look at all! I also don't like the animation in Pixar films either. It doesn't look like a cartoon or a game. It looks like an ugly CG movie, which is a style I really dislike.

It's a Ratchet Clank game, so I'd almost certainly enjoy the game play, but I don't like this graphical style at all!

Re: Your First Look at PS5 Will Be in 1080p, 30 Frames-Per-Second


4K doesn't impress me. You can put 1080p and 4K next to each other, in a store, in a setting specifically meant to show off 4K, using video made to emphasize how "good" 4K looks.

And all I see is a slightly nicer image. In a set up that is designed to maximize the impact of 4K over 1080p and I'm just not impressed.

It's really a disappointment to me that all people care about in gaming these days are frame-rates, resolution and console specs.

Hopefully the PS5 reveal will have their new killer title that only the PS4 has that makes me want the system. Some awesome, ground breaking new game to totally blow me out of the water and shatter my currently low expectations.

But neither "next gen" console, not PS5 nor XboxX has done that yet.

Re: Death Stranding Was a Sales Success, Recent Kojima Project 'Fell Through'


@Th3solution My issues really aren't with him but with his fans. It's not that I don't think he acknowledges his team but that many, if not most of his fans do not. It always seems to me like they put him and him alone on the pedestal as though everything was him and if he had help, he still personally directed every single aspect of that help. And frankly that's ridiculous and I bet if asked directly, Kojima himself would agree that he couldn't have done it alone.

Re: Death Stranding Was a Sales Success, Recent Kojima Project 'Fell Through'


People give Kojima too much credit. Yes he has delivered amazing games before but he is just one man. It's not as though other people didn't contribute to those projects. And yet it's only really Kojima who they put on a pedstal of borderline hero-worship.

I have the same critique of the die-hard Sakurai fanboys.

These are talented developers sure, but they'd be nothing without their teams and studios. Or perhaps not "nothing" but they'd not be the monstrously successful people they are without that tremendous support.