Comments 352

Re: Guide: All PS5 Games Confirmed or Rumoured


Wow... this is it? Horizon Zero Dawn 2, Spiderman 2 and God of War 2. Interesting yes, but that's it. Games I might want to play, eventually. That are probably good but not deal makers for me.

There isn't a single game on this list that jumps out and makes me think "Wow! I really want a PS5!"

Re: September 2019 NPD: 2K Games on Top As Industry Declines Continue


  • Does not include digital sales
    • Does not include PC digital sales
      • Minecraft does not include digital sales on PS4 and Xbox One

What good are these lists then? At what point do we finally admit that not counting digital sales makes best selling lists pointless?

And how does that 8% drop deal with this discrepancy?

Edit, how the heck is GTA V still on top 10 selling lists? It's 6 years old!

Re: Talking Point: What if the PS5 Could Play Games from Every PlayStation Console?


If PS5 could play original discs all the way back to PS1 and supported downloads of the PSP and PS Vita games - It would win me over in a heartbeat!

But as it stands, only supporting PS4 and PS5 - and there being almost no currently announced PS5 games that interest me - it will be a long time before I even consider buying a PS5.

As a middle ground if they pushed backwards compatibility at least all the way to PS3, they'd win me over, then I could box my PS3 and PS4 up and put them in the closet and have just one primary Sony machine.

Re: A Newly Approved Sony Patent May Give Us the First Details on PlayStation VR 2


Call me when we have VR that's like .Hack or Sword Art Online.

I have no interest in wearing a screen on my face and flailing around my room with motion controllers.

@Octane So you just leave your Switch on the table or in a bag or something? If my Switch isn't in my hands and I'm not using it or travelling, it's sitting in my dock always. So it's always fully charged and ready to use. And if I travel I have a back up brick that quadruples my potential Switch battery life - if I only use it to recharge the Switch.

Re: PS5 Controller Detailed, 'Looks a Lot Like the PS4's DualShock 4' with Some Exciting New Additions


I'm just hoping they ditch that stupid battery wasting LED. Also because every time I plug it in to charge at night I end up putting something to block the light. Seriously who thought that was a good idea?

@invictus4000 I agree completely. I have played Sony since PS1 but Nintendo has always won me over more. I see Sony as the guy who puts thousands of dollars into upgrading his car to have ridiculous speed that he can never really use, while Nintendo is the guy who just cruises around town having a good time. Both companies have their benefits, there is a lot to be said for Sony's consistency.

Re: Round Up: All New PS5 Details from Sony - Official Name, Release Window, Controller, UI, and More


I'm still hoping for the PS5 to be a PS-All and support PS1-5 games off of their original disks. It does seem unlikely but it would win me over in a heartbeat.

Thing is, I really don't care about VR or 4K support, I don't care about ultra fast downloads or super HD graphics. Games are my primary interest and a single machine that can, without any modding, pirating or anything, play the entire library of games from PS1-PS5 would be amazing.

Right now PS5 just looks like a PS4 with better graphics and that just doesn't excite me.

@Luna-Harmony Are you suggesting that the Xbox Spaghetti would be hard to understand?!

Re: NHL 20 - A Slightly Improved Version of the Same Game


What does one expect from EA? They have no competition for licensed sports games. When no one else is even allowed to make the same kind of product, you don't have to deliver much to have that product sell. And it will sell enough that EA profits off of it, because it is licensed, has all the official teams and is the only choice fans have.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Will Represent the Biggest Jump in Computing Power of Any Console Generation


Raw power doesn't matter to me if all we are getting is more of the same games. The realism style of shooters and survival games that all just blur together to me.

I'd much prefer something like the creative styles of Xenoblade 2 or Mario Odyssey to the cookie cutter so-called realism of Death Stranding.

Not to say Xenoblade 2 or Mario Odyssey wouldn't look stinking amazing on something as powerful as the PS5 is rumored to be. (Nintendo better watch out if Sony starts branching out for more than just raw power!)

Re: Rumour: PS5 Will Come With a Camera to 'Lure' Streamers


There's a lot more variety among streamers than some people seem to think. Most of the people are watch are super chill and laid back. Since I enjoy Hearthstone I like watching Thijs for example, and he rarely if ever yells or gets super angry or excited. I also enjoy TheRunAwayGuys for their charity streams. EckheartsLadder for Star Wars games etc... Not everyone is the idiotic Pewdiepie style of nonsense overreactions.

Back on topic, I do hope this camera is optional. Many people likely wouldn't use it and even many streamers already have their own, preferred setup.

Re: PS Now Ads Begin Appearing on PS4's Dashboard


I have, absolutely, ZERO interest in cloud gaming. Not from Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft or Google. It's a bad idea for consumers, I have serious doubts about it's real functionality for high precision games, and if it becomes successful it will be the final nail in the coffin of buying and selling used games. It also makes it harder and harder to preserve games or to collect.

Re: Stardew Valley Multiplayer Update Finally Crops Up on PS4


Just seeing that screenshot makes me want to dump another 50 hours into this game.

Goodness I love Stardew Valley! Multiplayer is nice and I understand that a tremendous amount of work went into this game, but I would love more crops, more townspeople and maybe a new map or something.

I imagine this multiplayer would be super fun to lay in bed and play with a girlfriend. Ah, one can dream.

Re: Civilization VI Builds Up a PS4 Release This November


There is really no reason to have this on a regular console like this. I'm not just fanboying about the Switch. If I am going to be chained to a TV, I would rather just play the PC version with all the amazing mod support. Civ 6 runs well even on my 6 year old PC. Heck, it runs well on Nintendo Switch! It's not that demanding of a game!

So it's cool for people who have a PS4 but no PC or Switch, but otherwise I don't see much point.

Re: Guide: All Predicted PS5 Launch Games


The only thing on this list that sounds interesting to me is FF7's remake. Otherwise it's just the same old shooters and sports games we get every year. Sure on PS5 I am certain they'll look positively gorgeous... but that's about all.

I am still holding out hope, probably in-vain, that PS5 will be the penultimate Sony machine and support PS1-PS5 games all from their original disks.

Re: Hands On: Madden NFL 20's Superstar KO Mode Channels NFL Blitz


Are people still paying full price for these yearly DLC updates? I remember when I was in high school about 12 years ago and the local Game Stop put up a sign saying they would not buy any Madden games older than the current or previous year and had a crate, yes a CRATE of older titles in the front of the store for 99 cents each.

They ended up in the dumpster behind the store because no one wanted them. They literally couldn't give them away.

Re: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Western Release Date Adds Yet Another Game to Early 2020


Bandai Namcou has to love Dragon Ball fans. They can churn out one game after another with only minor twists on the formula and charge everyone full price for the game full price again, and then some, for all the DLC characters that fans already have used in any of the previous Dragon Ball titles.

I grew up watching Dragon Ball, DBZ and GT and understand why it's popular. But it baffles me why it's so popular and people are willing to not only buy one game after another, but also the piles of DLC that have become standard.

How many different versions of Goku will be in this one?

Re: Talking Point: Do You Actually Want to See More Death Stranding?


I really have no interest in this game at all. It does not look particularly appealing to me. It looks impressive visually in the technical sense but otherwise looks dreary and dull. The intense realism of the character design makes it all look very boring to me and nothing I have heard of the story so far catches my interest overly much.

Everyone seems to be just assuming this game is gonna be the best thing ever because of the names attached to it. And while I have no doubt it will do well, that doesn't mean the game is for everyone. Or even for a majority of players. Honestly everything I have seen so far suggests an technically impressive game that is still very niche and appeals only to certain people.