@TG16_IS_BAE My god, how dumb can you be? Nintendo never scarce systems. All of that has always been unfounded rumors. And yeah, Sony scarce systems purposefully, not because of COVID and factories closing or having less employees, no no no, you're right, Sony bad.
Hasn't it been already confirmed that the game is 70 gb? Then how come the instal size is 56 gb? Or is 70 gb just that the space you need in hard drive while it's only 56 gb? In which case that's low, for such a big scale game.
Another stupid article from Sammy. Just because the new controller is better, the old one is *****. BS. The mentality that new is better and the old thing you used to like is garbage, is stupid and so is anybody that thinks that way. People like this will automatically ***** on the Dualsense they so much love the moment it gets replaced by a better controller. You can't trust people like this.
Just because 2 people left, it means a whole studio closed?
Seriously Sammy, of all the journalists on this site, you're the most illogical. 95% of the time, what you say makes no sense.
Unpopular opinion: Souls games should have difficulty options, including easy. Veterans can play as they always have and less experienced players can get right on it. Everybody wins. If it bothers you how other people play their games, you're an elitist, and elitists suck.
@InsertUsername RL CAN do 120 fps. But Psyonix has to port the game to the ps5. Right now it's only the ps4 version, which is the reason it doesn't run 120 fps.
Are you serious Liam!? You think the art style is more important than having a bug free stable game? What is wrong with you? First and foremost is to fix the game and second, if there is time, the art style. Aestethics will NEVER be more important than performance. Ever.
@Brydontk Men and women are not defined popular opinion, but by their DNA. This is a fact. Biology dictates what we are. Always have, always will. Science is more important than peoples feelings.
@Kev_Morrison Calling her a monster for what she wrote shows how low we've come as a society. These people don't know what a true horrible monster really is.
@nessisonett The same with you. If you truly believe how a person identifies is more important than science, biology, evolution, then with people like you, this society is doomed.
@nessisonett Gender is just what people think of themselves, and this is what you don't get or you do, but are too dumb to get. Opinions don't matter. Physical nature, biology does. A person is born a man or a woman, that's how they're determined and how they will be for the rest of their lives. People don't get to choose that. Deny facts all you want, say lies like scientists back you up all you want, the reality is you're wrong. That's the beauty of reality.
Being gay is a preference. Being a man or a woman is not.
@nessisonett I have, 3 family members actually, all agree. People's opinion/gender don't matter. Biology does, DNA, chromosomes, that's how people know if it's a man or a woman, those are the only 2. Facts. People that don't like what they were given and call themselves otherwise are delusional.
Comments 29
Re: Square Enix Delists Base Dragon Quest XI After Special Edition Launch
And yet people want a digital only future. Imagine if physical copies no longer existed.
Re: PlayStation Boss Reiterates Importance of Japan As Core Fans Get Antsy
@TG16_IS_BAE Sure buddy, keep your tin foil hat clean.
Re: Here's a Video of PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan Speaking Japanese
Ok, I don't really agree with some of the decisions he's making on the company.... but this is pretty cool.
Re: PlayStation Boss Reiterates Importance of Japan As Core Fans Get Antsy
@TG16_IS_BAE My god, how dumb can you be? Nintendo never scarce systems. All of that has always been unfounded rumors.
And yeah, Sony scarce systems purposefully, not because of COVID and factories closing or having less employees, no no no, you're right, Sony bad.
Re: No, Cyberpunk 2077 Does Not Have a 56GB Day One Patch on PS4, PS5
Hasn't it been already confirmed that the game is 70 gb? Then how come the instal size is 56 gb? Or is 70 gb just that the space you need in hard drive while it's only 56 gb?
In which case that's low, for such a big scale game.
Re: No, Cyberpunk 2077 Does Not Have a 56GB Day One Patch on PS4, PS5
@Jaz007 Yes, it is.
Re: Veteran Sony Bend Directors Depart After Decades
"John Garvin, who’s written every single one of the developer’s games"
.................. So he wrote Bubsy 3D. Huh.
Re: PS Plus, PS Now Members Frustrated by Duplicate PS4 Games
@Stoffinator You can play online for games that are on ps now. If a game that's not on ps now has online, you can't play online.
Re: PS Plus, PS Now Members Frustrated by Duplicate PS4 Games
I've said this for years. PS Plus is unnecessary. Drop it and give the discounts and being able to play all games online to ps now.
Re: Sounds Like Xbox Is into the PS5 Controller
@JapaneseSonic Out of 10 articles he writes, I'll say 8 are dumb, but I hope you're right on this one.
Re: Xbox Series X|S Runs PS2 Games Better Than PS5
God hand is meh.
Re: Sounds Like Xbox Is into the PS5 Controller
Another stupid article from Sammy. Just because the new controller is better, the old one is *****. BS. The mentality that new is better and the old thing you used to like is garbage, is stupid and so is anybody that thinks that way. People like this will automatically ***** on the Dualsense they so much love the moment it gets replaced by a better controller. You can't trust people like this.
Re: Something Is Amiss with Sony's Secret San Diego Studio
@God_of_Nowt The biggest issue is, why make this article in the first place? All of this is based on nothing. It's clickbait.
Re: Something Is Amiss with Sony's Secret San Diego Studio
@Classic_console Literally can ask you the exact same question but for not existing. You see the issue now?
Re: Something Is Amiss with Sony's Secret San Diego Studio
Just because 2 people left, it means a whole studio closed?
Seriously Sammy, of all the journalists on this site, you're the most illogical. 95% of the time, what you say makes no sense.
Re: Soapbox: Demon's Souls' Difficulty Shouldn't Deter You from Playing PS5's Best Game
Unpopular opinion: Souls games should have difficulty options, including easy. Veterans can play as they always have and less experienced players can get right on it. Everybody wins. If it bothers you how other people play their games, you're an elitist, and elitists suck.
Re: PlayStation Fans So Desperate for PS5 Stock They Brought Their Beds to GameStop
@Juanalf No, you're part of the problem.
Re: Borderlands 3 Runs at Up to 120 Frames-Per-Second on PS5
@InsertUsername RL CAN do 120 fps. But Psyonix has to port the game to the ps5. Right now it's only the ps4 version, which is the reason it doesn't run 120 fps.
Re: Publisher of Poor XIII Remake Seems to Miss the Point with Apology Post
Are you serious Liam!?
You think the art style is more important than having a bug free stable game? What is wrong with you?
First and foremost is to fix the game and second, if there is time, the art style.
Aestethics will NEVER be more important than performance. Ever.
Re: Resident Evil Village Goes All the Way with PS5 Feature Support
@LiamCroft ..... You do know that the game was cancelled for the ps4 and xbox one months ago right?
Re: Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Is Not Involved with Hogwarts Legacy
@Turbodream I knew it! My mom was right!
Re: Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Is Not Involved with Hogwarts Legacy
@wiiware She stated facts. Trans women are not biological women and real women should have their own safe spaces. That's it.
Re: Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Is Not Involved with Hogwarts Legacy
@oldschool1987 Because the world has gone crazy. People have become nonsensical and delusional.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy Is an Open World RPG, Will Allow You to Become the Witch or Wizard You Want to Be
@Brydontk Men and women are not defined popular opinion, but by their DNA. This is a fact. Biology dictates what we are. Always have, always will. Science is more important than peoples feelings.
Re: Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Is Not Involved with Hogwarts Legacy
@Kev_Morrison Calling her a monster for what she wrote shows how low we've come as a society. These people don't know what a true horrible monster really is.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy Is an Open World RPG, Will Allow You to Become the Witch or Wizard You Want to Be
@nessisonett The same with you. If you truly believe how a person identifies is more important than science, biology, evolution, then with people like you, this society is doomed.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy Is an Open World RPG, Will Allow You to Become the Witch or Wizard You Want to Be
@nessisonett Gender is just what people think of themselves, and this is what you don't get or you do, but are too dumb to get. Opinions don't matter. Physical nature, biology does. A person is born a man or a woman, that's how they're determined and how they will be for the rest of their lives. People don't get to choose that. Deny facts all you want, say lies like scientists back you up all you want, the reality is you're wrong. That's the beauty of reality.
Being gay is a preference. Being a man or a woman is not.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy Is an Open World RPG, Will Allow You to Become the Witch or Wizard You Want to Be
@nessisonett I have, 3 family members actually, all agree. People's opinion/gender don't matter. Biology does, DNA, chromosomes, that's how people know if it's a man or a woman, those are the only 2. Facts. People that don't like what they were given and call themselves otherwise are delusional.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy Is an Open World RPG, Will Allow You to Become the Witch or Wizard You Want to Be
@Brydontk She deserved them. It's her universe. She created it. She said nothing wrong.