Comments 2,284

Re: PS5 Controller Revealed, Named DualSense with Create Button and Built-in Microphone


Ew. Fugly.

Also, it took six controller revisions in to get concave R2/L2 buttons with the DS4, and they're great. And they just thought, nah, let's buff those bad-boys back out!

And no one seems to care!

I think this is one of those times where Microsoft's incremental iteration approach would've been better. They could fit everything they're talking about in to the DS4 shell I reckon.

Re: Random: Animal Crossing Player Proudly Displays PlayStation Characters in Their Home


@Kidfunkadelic83 That's a pretty massive leap.

Think about that for a minute. You have a PS4, you bought Dreams - a very specific piece of software for creation and replay of those creations; hundreds, probably thousands of unique player created experiences. And you think a handful of those being inspired by - or even lifts of existing games would actually represent a lost sale for a fully developed game on a different system?

That's nonsense.

"I was going to buy a Switch but decided not to because I can play some things in Dreams..."

Re: Nintendo Putting Pressure on Sony to Remove Dreams Creations on PS4


@TheNewButler the content doesn't ship on the disc. It is independently created by remote users and is not for sale.

There's no direct 'game' to compete with.

As I said before Marvel couldn't manage to convince a judge that City of Heroes was infringing IP when players were creating their own Hulks and Wolverines - this is no different.

Re: PS5 Backwards Compatibility Will Play Overwhelming Majority of All PS4 Games, Improved Framerates and Higher Resolutions on PlayStation 5


@Dr_Derp Pretty unlikely. I'm not certain, but I don't think that's how the Xbox BC works - and this seems largely to be mirroring that.
The testing and 'improvements' will more likely to ensure that the game is running on the new hardware configuration properly, since unlike PC - console games (apart from recent Pro/X ones) really aren't designed for scalability, just the spexific, unchanging platform. Improvements will be stuff like framerates, load times and display/maybe rendering resolutions made available by small patches informing the OS how to handle each specific title.

Re: DOOM Eternal - The Best First-Person Shooter on PS4


@P4RT1CLEM4N Really? Can't say I saw any screen tearing on 2016, I mostly played the multiplayer though.

No screen tears encountered for the first two missions.

The only performance issue I've run in to, if you can call it that - is that the game seems to shudder a bit if you try and access bits of the environment it doesn't want you to.

Re: Uncharted Movie to Begin Shooting This Month, Sony 'Very Excited' About the Project


It really is though.

Holland is crap for starters. Genuinely. He also really can't maintain an american accent in any convincing way and just doesn't have the look.

Wahlberg is perhaps less of a terrible an actor, but again - he's no Sully!

I get the wish to start Drake younger. The plan is undoubtedly to try and kick-start a movie franchise. I think the biggest issue it will have is finding the mystical wider audience it will need.
The games are cinematic enough that there's really not much left that could be put on screen that'll feel like a new experience for people who've played the games (even if the casting were great, I'm not sure I need to see or would make the effort to go and see an Uncharted film).

So you have to then look elsewhere for your box office and really hope for a favourable release date.

Re: March 2020 PS Plus Games Are Available to Download Now on PS4


You get more custom character slots once you've finished the story.

Interestingly - I'm not all that keen on the 2D levels. There's something about classic Sonic's physics that don't quite gel for me. Same as Generations.

There are a couple of banging 3D levels that I'll happily go back to though.