Comments 17

Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?


I think they lied.

They were having a dig at Microsoft for supporting last gen, and they've done exactly the same.

I think it's good MS and Sony support the previous generation for all sorts of reasons but they were trying to make out that PS5 was going to be better than Series X as the games were "proper" next gen.

PC games can look and play amazing despite needing to scale for older hardware.

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


I get where he is coming from, the bulk of the revenue comes at full price in the first month along with all the press coverage and marketing, be nice if most new releases weren't a buggy mess at launch.

I bought Cyberpunk on release for £50, returned it due to the state and just rebought for £30 and the game works now (mostly).

We all know most big titles are half price within months, I picked up Resi 2 from the supermarket about 3 months after launch for £12... £12!

You know what I buy at full price? Nintendo first party games, due to a. they tend to hold their price and b. they actually work on release.