

I play a bit of everything

Comments 114

Re: Days Gone Director Pitched an Open World Resistance Game


Um no this is what Jeff said, it was bend studio itself that reject those ideas, Is it so difficult to research a little bit?
Jeff Ross and John Garvin are on Jaffe's stream. Jeff clarified his tweet a little. The way he seems to explain it, is that local management in Bend didn't want Days Gone 2. Apparently Bend management didn't even push the pitch to the higher levels of WWS to people like Hulst. Garvin and Ross also confirmed that Naughty Dog North support studio stuff from the Schreier article was over-exaggerated and wasn't that close to the truth. Apparently Bend sent team members to Sucker Punch to help on Ghost, and to Naughty Dog to help on projects. They said that this was standard practice in the industry. When a team is done with a project and doesn't have a lot of work on their hands, they get sent to other parts of the company to help. Ross and Garvin seem positive on Sony overall, especially when it came to creative freedom. Ross's main issue seems to be with management at Bend not pushing Days Gone. Just thought it's been pretty good context to the topic.

Re: Back 4 Blood, A Plague Tale: Requiem, More Will Be Full-Price on PS5, PS4


I wonder why nobody says the same to Nintendo?. Why sony is the one that should respond or why it only affects sony but not nintendo?
And i see some nintendo fans complaining about the prices of ps5 games but never have a problem when nintendo sells them a barebone remaster at 60usd with an additional amibo that have dlc for fast travel at 25usd, or last year with the mario collection for 60usd which were ports.
Just saying.

Re: Neil Druckmann to Continue Writing and Directing at Naughty Dog as Co-President


@Texan_Survivor @Turbodream sorry but both of you and everyone who thinks Neil kick Amy out of naughty dog are so stupid and misinformed because if you actually research a little, it's not that hard here i will do it for you https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2020/06/23/ign-amy-hennig-naughty-dog-report/
Oh @Turbodream, he was the story writer of uncharted 4 and tlou 1, and the last one got him an award for writer. And before anyone else says Bruce Stanley he was in charge of the gameplay.

Re: Neil Druckmann to Continue Writing and Directing at Naughty Dog as Co-President


Man where Is all this outrage with crunch with cyberpunk 2077. Why people don't talk about CD project red crunch as much as naughty dog espcially after breaking their promise of slowing down crunch. But also where Is the outrage for CD project for copyright strike in Twitter to some people for sharing a video of the game that leak. Where are all those thousands of videos of that or people are selective with what they are angry and forgive CD project. HYPROCRITES.

Re: PS5 Sold Out in Japan, But Launch Numbers Are Dire


@thefourfoldroot, i think they haven't censored any jp game recently so you can stop with that for now.
@menchi can you show me proof. Probably some very loud minority as usual. By the way the original composer like the remake soundtrack, this is what he said: BILL、そしてチームの皆さん、
心から感謝しています。"BILL and the team!
He faced his music with bold courage and sincere love, and brought it back to life.
And he brought it back to life beautifully.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Re: Don't Panic, But More PlayStation Exclusives Will Come to PC


@nessisonett, he did kinda boycott some Playstation exclusives cough tlou 2 cough. What i found funny is now some people here "like" all ps exclusives but two months ago tells a different story. Just saying.
After the reactions of some ps fans of the Horizon PC port and tlou 2 leaks, i say sony can release any games they want on any platform. As long as they keep making games i don't mind.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Ghost of Tsushima Retains First Place in Slow PS4 Week


@themightyant, i agree with everything you say in both comments. I think outside of this site is way worse with anything related to tlou 2 and it's kinda affecting me in a negative way. Heck i can't even browse peacefully on youtube without a video recommendation of "why tlou2 is bad", all bacause for listening the ost of the game. I just want to enjoy and have a great time with videogames.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Ghost of Tsushima Retains First Place in Slow PS4 Week


My god some people really have some kind of trauma with tlou2. Also when the game was selling well they say that good sales doesn't mean it's a good game, now that the game is in 6th spot in uk chart it means the game is bad? Make up your mind people.
PS good job on ghost of tsushima though. Too bad some people is using ghost to ***** on tlou2.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Sets a New Record with 2.8 Million Digital Sales in June


@wiiware, i know right Marvel would never do something like that with it's trailers like false advertising....
Cough cough https://youtu.be/n9DwoQ7HWvI Spiderman homecoming
https://youtu.be/TcMBFSGVi1c Avengers endgame
https://youtu.be/6ZfuNTqbHE8 Avengers infinity war
https://youtu.be/Nt9L1jCKGnE Spiderman far from home

This one is Sony pictures though
https://youtu.be/tg52up16eq0 Spiderman into the spiderverse

And i'm sure a ***** ton of others movies trailers do that

Re: Site News: Yes, We're Playing The Last of Us 2


Hey will you look at that, it turns out that the story/synopsis that many people read on reddit or 4chan is all fake, the cutscenes that were leak some are true and some aren't. Why i say this because according to a reviewer who played the game to the end confirms this, if you don't believe me read the tweets from @GenePark.

Re: PlayStation Disables Likes, Dislikes, and Comments on The Last of Us 2's New Trailer


I found this while looking about the dmca, it's when there were spoilers circulating before the sixth season of GoT and HBO was coryright striking videos for discussing said leaks: "Copyright protects an expression of the idea, not an idea itself, and while plot points might be an idea, the expression of that idea is protected," he told Business Insider. "Characters, dialogue, plot twists... all of these are protected by copyright. After the Lenz v Universal case (of Prince fame), Google are under an obligation to consider fair use before removing content, but in this case I would argue that the number of fair use arguments would be limited."

Guadamuz added: "The fact that these plot points are central to the storyline could be very important in a copyright litigation, the test for infringement is qualitative."

Re: PlayStation Disables Likes, Dislikes, and Comments on The Last of Us 2's New Trailer


The disabling comments made total sense because a lot of people will be spoiling there i mean just look at the trailer video in ign or gamespot for example, duh. Second poor youtubers who are getting copyright strike for talking about spoilers which some are true and some are false on a game which hasn't released yet, i'm sure they are angry for not being able for expressing their opinions and not for the all the money they get on said videos wink wink