Comments 36

Re: Monster Hunter: World Will Push PS4 Sales in Japan, Says Former Famitsu Editor


A couple of figures, for extra context:

The best-selling Capcom title is Resident Evil 5, at 7.2 million units sold. The best-selling MH titles are Freedom 3 (PSP, 2010, 4.9m) and X/Generations (3DS, 2015 JP, 2016 West, 4.3m).

Quite frankly, I can see how sales in the West could make up for the sales lost in Japan due to a lack of portability, but I don't see how World is supposed to sell more than double the amount of units Freedom 3 sold. This analyst is banking pretty hard on the title taking off on Steam, which is a big gamble.

And for further reference, the guy also predicted DQXI would sell more than Final Fantasy XV and Pokémon UltraSun/Moon combined in Japan, which is just bonkers.

Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?


@dark_knightmare2 Is Ubisoft a "middle of the road aa type publisher" now? Is Square-Enix? Going by what they're saying, their games have sold well on the system. Enough to pledge more support.

But hey, maybe if every Bethesda game tanks, and if L.A. Noire does as well, then we'll be able to have an actual discussion about the topic. As of now, what you're saying is just factually wrong.

Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?


@naruball No (Sonic) and yes (Just Dance), respectively.

Has every big publisher made a comment about every single game they've released and all said they are happy about each game's sales?
You're not reading my posts, I take it. Yes, they have. Go read Mochizuki's twitter, it's all there.

That aside, let me get this straight: first you claimed people couldn't know if games are selling well on the system (even though these publishers said it themselves). After that, you re-interpreted the original post at your convenience to say "well, not every single publisher has said so, huh?", which has now turned into "well, even when they say they're happy with those sales numbers, they aren't". That's no assumption, that's the definition of moving the goalposts.

Let's take a step back, shall we? You have two different people telling you that yes, third-party publishers have come forward saying their software has done very well on the Switch. We're even telling you where to find this info, if not giving you the source outright. Who's disregarding the facts, exactly?

Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?


@naruball The rest of the big publishers that have put games on the system? EA and 2K have already been covered. That leaves Ubisoft. They too put Mario + Rabbids as one of their big successes of this quarter. There's Sega too with Puyo Puyo Tetris, which I'm sure didn't need to sell much to justify its existence since it's a 2014 game. Sonic Forces will surely do well enough too, since it's always sold well enough on Nintendo hardware.

Even if you want to turn the conversation towards how the smaller titles are faring, stuff like Stardew Valley and SteamWorld Dig 2 are making a killing. SteamWorld recouped its dev costs in less than a week, even. The same sentiment was being echoed even before those titles came out: I recall Shin'en being very impressed with Fast RMX's sales (especially compared to the original's sales numbers on Wii U) and Yatch Club Games being more than pleased with Shovel Knight as well.

Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?


@naruball Square, Namco and Capcom (I believe) just reported that the games they put on the platform surpassed expectations and are pleased with the results. Square mentioned they're looking to support the platform "aggressively", Capcom plans to put more multiplats on it and Namco is currently developing three exclusives for it. It's all recent news, comes from these companies' fiscal quarter reports.

Re: Feature: 20 PSone Games We Want on a PlayStation Classic Mini


My wishlist:

Ape Escape
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Chrono Cross
Crash Bandicoot 2
Crash Team Racing
Darkstalkers 3: Jedah's Damnation
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Metal Gear Solid
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Spyro the Dragon
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Tekken 3
Vagrant Story

It's impossible to fit in everything I consider a must-play from the PS1 days without putting more than 30 games on the thing. Damn Capcom and its fighting games.

Re: New Berserk PS4 Screenshots Show Boss Characters in Bloody Action


@Octane Definitely agree with @Utena-mobile about watching the 97 anime first and foremost. Stay away from the new series, it's beyond horrible.

Other than that, keep in mind there's no definitive adaptation of Berserk. The manga is where's at. If you like the series you owe it to yourself to catch up with the manga. It's so good it has ruined most other series for me.

Re: New Berserk PS4 Screenshots Show Boss Characters in Bloody Action


@Octane Assuming one of those two is Hyrule Warriors, maybe you'll like this one more, at least when it comes to game feel. Attacks seem to have more weight and momentum in Berserk than in Hyrule Warriors. The general feel of the attacks is usually a point of criticism for musou games and, from what I've seen, Koei seems to be on the mark when it comes to that here.