Comments 222

Re: Round Up: We've Played a Ton of PS4 Games, Read Our Thoughts


@ViciousDS I think anyone who plays alot of games, watches alot of films or reads alot of books or does anything in which there is choice is bound to compare things. Why else would we be interested in what reviewers have to say. Also I asked if Killzone would have the same potential as Halo as a system seller etc, not if it is better.

Re: Round Up: We've Played a Ton of PS4 Games, Read Our Thoughts


@get2sammyb Do you think that Killzone has the potential to be what Halo was the the O.G Xbox? Will it have the "last of us effect" of people telling all their friends how amazing it is, sparking massive sales? Or is it more a solid game, where you can't fault it but it misses that special something?
I'm not really an fps person these days but as I see it if there was a game to bring in the chump masses it would be Killzone over Knack or something. So i'm a bit curious to know whether you feel it could be a Sony savior or just a soggy biscuit.

Re: So, That PlayStation 4 RAM Saga Is Still Rolling


I wonder if they're planning on optimising the vita interface too. A few things like adding swip to delete individual files in the video app, or moving the bottom file in the list up when using the copy or delete button. Little things like that would just make the Vita more sleek to use.

Re: First Impressions: Stepping into the Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse


I actually played the original an inordinate amount of time, and as excited as I am to see the title, I must admit it doesn't really give the same feeling that the original did. Perhaps something was lost in the 3d translation. That said said the new art style is very pretty so perhaps the game will attract lots of new players as well as us nostalgia hunters.

Still hoping the title will be great though. Along with Ducktales I'm hoping for a rollercoaster ride down memory lane.

Disney's Sega Aladdin game could be a pretty fun remaster thinking about it.

Re: Talking Point: Is Free-to-Play the Future for PlayStation 4?


Personally I cannot stand free to play games with in app purchases, designed to make the player feel like they're not getting the most enjoyment possible out of the game unless they make additional purchases. Give me one-time-buy experiences anyday!

From a developer perspective though, I can understand how it's a viable model, so many kids with easy access to mommy and daddies' credit card mean they'll never be without the newest downloadable outfit etc.

I hope it doesn't catch on.

Re: This Cloud Strife Costume Makes Lightning Even Moodier


I'm not really sure what made them even consider making this sequel. After finishing ff13 I was left feeling that I hadn't really accomplished much. Definitely not the feeling that made me love some of the previous entries in the series. Hated the combat system of ff13, and even though they were trying to tell an emotional story, it felt like it was an emotional story told by someone void of all emotion. All Lightning had going for her as a MC is #1 That she was female. #2 That she was female. I really hope that the new final fantasy can win back my love of squeenix.

Re: UK Sales Charts: The Last of Us Sneaks to the Summit


@Splat Originally I was thinking GotY would be a battle between Beyond:Two Souls and Last of US, but having played a bit of TLoU I cannot see any other game being better than it this year. It feels like a generation defining game, it almost feels that it just wants to shout "This is what ps3 means to us!"

Re: E3 2013: Destiny of Spirits Sends You Soul Searching


@JGMR Lets be honest about this whole matter though, lets say I have an excellent product with tons of potential, but for a few reasons it's not selling well, lets say theres a huge advertising opportunity guaranteed to be watched by thousauds should I:
A: Give it minimal advertising space and hope people find information about it later.
B: Showcase my item and try and get more people on board.

I understand you're saying "Look! Vita isn't dead yet I found loads of trailers", but it really shouldn't be you saying that, it should be Sony during their conference. Pretty much every Vita owner watching that conference was left with a sour taste in their mouth just because it felt like Sony pushing Vita to the side, and everyone on the sidelines was given the impression that all the bad press the Vita suffers was true.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my Vita to pieces. I know it's great, I just wish other people knew it too. Instead of Sony treating it like an embarrasing uncle, dancing the robot at a family gathering.

Re: Store Update: 12th June 2013 (Europe)


@belmont Hmm... Are you unable to order it via amazon or shopto? Both have it down as about £40 which I think is about 47 Euro. There are literally no game stores left open near me anymore so ordering online is pretty much my ONLY option!
I ordered Soul Sacrifice for vita too, got it for about £30, including exclusive dlc! There is no way i'd pay the same price for a digital copy

Re: Store Update: 12th June 2013 (Europe)


@belmont The prices generally on PSstore are pretty out of whack. Personally on new titles I would always buy a physical copy, not only do you get the manual and box, it's also cheaper most of the time. I'd only use the store if I had no other choice.

Re: E3 2013: Sony's Decided to Boost Internal Sales Estimates for PS4


Xbone is gonna sell loads of consoles. There are people who will happily pay $500, put up with shoddy ownership ideals etc just for the chance to play Halo. There seems to be quite alot of buzz around dead rising 3 also. I think they've taken Sony's stance at the last generation. People will buy their consoles, so they just dont give a damn.