Comments 269

Re: Talking Point: What Free July 2018 PlayStation Plus Games Do You Want?


What happened to the improvements in playstation plus they said when they hiked the price up. Playstation really need something similar to xbox's game pass to take the place of plus. Their are so many games like laser league and kabounce which I brought recently that are so fun to play but nobody is playing them and both theses titles are similar to rocket league in a way which went on plus and sky rocketed to success. Even if say you get 5 picks a month for a library of 200 - 300 games everybody will be a lot happier choosing a genre they want, with some chart system and rating system similar to netflix to recommend stuff for you.

Re: Sony Issues Statement Regarding Fortnite Cross-Platform Play on PS4


I think it would be great to cross play but I fully understand why they are not, thoses people saying they will choose xbox over playstation next generation because of this issue are ridiculous. We play playstation because of there amazing range of exclusive not because you can't cross play a third party game with that one friend who choose forza, gears, halo repeat for 7 years

Re: Blackout Is Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's Battle Royale Mode


Battle royal need some kind of skill matchmaking more than any other mode, it can be so off putting if you can't get anywhere near the end. I've been lucky with fortnite played closed beta before it was out managed to get a lot of hours in of practise so I think I'm a decent player at fortnite but for my friends they put it straight down because players are so good now.