Comments 27

Re: Poll: Would You Pay $70 for a Brand New PS5 Game?


You know what irritates me? Games are increasing in price, yet we still get DLC, season passes, pre order bonuses, buggy games with massive patches months after launch and, last but not least, MICROTRANSACTIONS! I can't even play assassins creed without the game begging me to pay money, because these companies have no self respect

Re: As Microsoft Looks Poised to Discontinue Xbox One, Sony Has a Huge Opportunity with PS4


@get2sammyb I think so too, but I get the feeling Microsoft will end up pricing the console before Sony. I do honestly believe that the PS5 won't be as expensive as people are expecting. There won't be any '$599 USD' that some people are worried about I don't think, but its possible Sony is luring Microsoft into a false sense of security by hinting at a high price, only for them to come out and surprise everyone and price it a bit lower than what a lot of people think

Re: As Microsoft Looks Poised to Discontinue Xbox One, Sony Has a Huge Opportunity with PS4


I'm glad there are a few people here who want 30fps next gen. A solid 30fps at 4k is much better than sub 4k/4k at 60fps with an erratic framerate that's all over the place. Developers will always prioritise resolution over framerate and that's the way it should be.

@Tharsman I think Microsoft will eventually stop making Xbox One games, of they axe the console they are obviously trying to nudge people into next gen quicker.

Sony's last game might be due out next week, but PS4 will still be on sale with games coming out for it in three years. Will you be able to say the same for Xbox One?

You also have to think about the goodwill. Here we have Sony basically saying that your PS4 is still good to go for a few years, whereas Microsoft are essentially saying they don't care and want you to upgrade.

I get this gen has been a disaster for Microsoft and they've wanted it over and done with for awhile but it doesn't sit right

Re: As Microsoft Looks Poised to Discontinue Xbox One, Sony Has a Huge Opportunity with PS4


What if Sony prices PS5 in the middle? Where will that leave Microsofts strategy?

I think welding the axe on Xbox One is a mistake, there are a lot of people that won't upgrade straight away and will be happy to wait a year or two for the games to have reached an amount, and the consoles have dropped in price, to a level they are happy with. Microsoft is effectively throwing out the current gen leaving people in the lurch. Sony isn't, and there we have a situation where people will still be content with new PS4 games coming out until they upgrade

Re: PlayStation Store Sales Charts: The Last of Us 2 Is June's Most Downloaded PS4 Game


@Scollurio I would agree that whatever Naughty Dog would have made, there would have been people to hate on it. However, the level of rage that they are getting from this is way, way beyond mere 'nerd rage' that we see quite often in gaming. This is completely off the scale.

I would disagree that coming forward with the tweets seems like a pr move. Neil Druckmann getting antisemitic messages and Laura Bailey getting people say they will literally kill her are not pr. Its something that people come forward and say, but I think it's also important to highlight that there are a lot of people out there that are totally unhinged and, in America's case, these lunatics are allowed to carry a gun which just makes the situation worse. All it takes is one person to follow through on a threat...

But yes, it is a sad time we live in where this sort of thing is the norm. The Internet has been a great invention but unfortunately is has also allowed people who are quite clearly mentally unstable to flourish with little to no repercussions for their actions. And I don't see it getting any better unless the police start locking these people up.

Re: PlayStation Store Sales Charts: The Last of Us 2 Is June's Most Downloaded PS4 Game


@Scollurio well the reviews weren't critical of lev being transgender or Ellie being a lesbian, but I was referring to the negativity that has engulfed the game. I'm sure you've seen what they've been putting up with, this site has shone a spotlight on it for starters. I'm really referring to the fact valid criticism is fair, but its all being overshadowed by what people like Laura Bailey are having to deal with. The valid criticism some people have is literally being drowned out.

But certainly there are people who just hate it for Ellie being a lesbian. I would disagree that Naughty Dog are branding people who don't like it bigots, I think that it's a case of branding the people sending those tweets bigots, and they are.

Re: PlayStation Store Sales Charts: The Last of Us 2 Is June's Most Downloaded PS4 Game


@Scollurio all the sales so far are saying its a success, its the fastest selling PS4 exclusive. Literally we keep hearing how it's selling really well. But yes, July will be interesting. I do think the sales in July will be strong.

Some Asian countries have made it illegal to be gay anyway, and some have gone further and have the death penalty, so that continent would automatically be against it. And in Japan maybe if Ellie was 12 and wore a school uniform they'd have kept it at no1 for weeks. Japan isn't exactly known for its adoration of Western games.

I think valid criticism is fair, but at the moment that is being overshadowed by the homophobic criticism that is being directed at naughty dog. And the death threats at Laura Bailey. I really think it's game of the generation, and certainly it's a polarising game where you either love it or hate it but there doesn't seem to be much in between.