I'm still playing it. Working on a full time Warrior right now. But I do play it on PC though. I hope the DLC is successful on PS3, I have a bad feeling a lot players left the PS3 for other versions of the game
Alright now you're speaking my language. First of all I love collector edition games. I believe they are only mean't for people who really want the game and what developers strive to achieve in creating a world that the buyers has a connection with. Take Bioshock. It was one of the first collectors games I bought complete with Big Daddy figurine and all. I did not know what was in store for me with that game but I felt a connection with it when I played the DEMO!!!! It only cost me 20$ more but it was worth it. Little did I know that I just played one of the greatest games in history. Bioshock 2 I got the collectors, and Bioshock Infinite I got the collectors. even the Halo series I got the collectors. The last collectors edition I received was Black Ops 2 but I did feel cheated with the quadcopter but its for display really. I love collectors edition and I do think they are worth it but I think they are not for everyone
It doesn't matter to me. I have both systems and I love them both. Xbox with Halo and Gears of War and PS3 with GOW and Uncharted. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but I'd choose my Xbox over PS3, mostly due to the online services that Xbox offers. Also I think the excusives are better than PS3. But (just in case there are die hard PS3 fans out there) Uncharted 2 and 3 are two of the greatest games ever made in my opinion.
One of the funny things about this is that they are offering 25$ for your violent video games, right? God of War 3 costs like 15 bucks used at gamestop. Heck I would have sold mine to this drive and proceed to gamestop and get it again- with profit. I wonder if you were allowed to rinse and repeat?
Ah, come on everybody. Look at it closely!!!! A man .... a man who must defend himself against the unknown. He holds a gun for protection while he looks into the the eyes of the player which says "You control what I do" Then behind him a burning image of the flag on fire which says to us that "This is not a ordinary game with a happy ending." Then above everyone you see a half of a zeppelin - not much there - but still. In a personal note to this, I have never seen such backlash over a cover. What happened here to us. We are gamers not critics of covers. Who cares what the cover looks like. We are not going to be staring off at the cover for 10 to 15 hours - I don't know how long the game really is. So stop the hate. Just love the fact the game is coming out soon.
@Splat I agree, I always tell people "I bought the PS3 for Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, I kept the PS3 for Among Thieves, and I Promote the system for Drake's Deception. A fantastic game with and a fantastic Trilogy .... never mind Abyss though
I feel really bad about it. I admit that I sold my Vita due to the fact that one of my best friends also bought it so we decided to share it. But I want it to succeed!!!! I wish there were more multi Platform games but there isn't enough. I thought Declassified was going to be but it isn't. A damn shame....
Sounds like a Road Trip but with Zombies. I just like to know the story behind this, what gives these people a reason to go out and kill zombies, unless they are trying to get somewhere.
I want them to fully realize the function of remote play and playing vita games on the T.V. through the PS3. I also think that they should market the Vita as a home console supporter, like with DUST but with more interactivity. They should look at the Vita as an essential PS3 owners dream, then everybody would want one.
I really don't like the idea of a game that will only be in development for 2 months and its ready for the public. Especially if its a game like Oddworld. saying that though - HOW MUCH WILL IT BE!!!! I can't wait to get it for the Vita!!!!
If you actually preorder this game at Gamestop they are giving this poster away. Cool thing is that it is double sided. This being one image, the other side being the cover of the game!
You know, when I first heard about the idea of Bioshock Infinite, I was skeptical but after reading the article I completely supported the idea of new worlds in the Bioshock universe. In fact after the initial shock of the Columbia, I told myself "what are the limits to this franchise?" Is it possible we could see Bioshock in space. From what Ken Levine said about BioVita, it will be unlike the others. Could this be the next area. Like using Russia and the whole space race as a initiative to form a city in space and using power obtain through gamma radiati- wow I'm rabbling on . . . sorry.
Comments 87
Re: Review: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PlayStation 3)
I really want to play this but my Ps3 is kaput. Motherboard problems.....
Re: BioShock Infinite Trailer Sticks Its Head Among the Clouds
Woke up this morning to this trailer on the web. Its going to be a great day
Re: We'd Totally Study the History of BioShock Infinite's Columbia
I'd love for them to make a full length special the day before Bioshock comes out!
Re: Sony Teases Game Day with Mysterious Trailer
I say God of War, It seems like ash is falling
Re: Resident Evil: Revelations' Collector's Edition Tells the Time
Not all all, what is with the Japanese bundles these dayz? They are way over priced
Re: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Turns Back Time on PSN
Go Love Fist!!!!!!
Re: Dead Space 3 Will Let You Buy Better Weapons with Real Money
not a fan
Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC Travels to PS3 in February
I'm still playing it. Working on a full time Warrior right now. But I do play it on PC though. I hope the DLC is successful on PS3, I have a bad feeling a lot players left the PS3 for other versions of the game
Re: Talking Point: Are Collector's Editions a Waste of Money?
Alright now you're speaking my language. First of all I love collector edition games. I believe they are only mean't for people who really want the game and what developers strive to achieve in creating a world that the buyers has a connection with. Take Bioshock. It was one of the first collectors games I bought complete with Big Daddy figurine and all. I did not know what was in store for me with that game but I felt a connection with it when I played the DEMO!!!! It only cost me 20$ more but it was worth it. Little did I know that I just played one of the greatest games in history. Bioshock 2 I got the collectors, and Bioshock Infinite I got the collectors. even the Halo series I got the collectors. The last collectors edition I received was Black Ops 2 but I did feel cheated with the quadcopter but its for display really. I love collectors edition and I do think they are worth it but I think they are not for everyone
Re: Talking Point: Does It Matter if the PS3 Overtakes the Xbox 360?
It doesn't matter to me. I have both systems and I love them both. Xbox with Halo and Gears of War and PS3 with GOW and Uncharted. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but I'd choose my Xbox over PS3, mostly due to the online services that Xbox offers. Also I think the excusives are better than PS3. But (just in case there are die hard PS3 fans out there) Uncharted 2 and 3 are two of the greatest games ever made in my opinion.
Re: A Connecticut Town No Longer Wants To Buy and Burn Your Copies of God of War
One of the funny things about this is that they are offering 25$ for your violent video games, right? God of War 3 costs like 15 bucks used at gamestop. Heck I would have sold mine to this drive and proceed to gamestop and get it again- with profit. I wonder if you were allowed to rinse and repeat?
Re: BioShock Infinite Delayed Yet Again, Launches 26th March
Its a Shame but it will still be worth the wait
Re: BioShock Infinite's Box Art Looks Really Bland
Ah, come on everybody. Look at it closely!!!! A man .... a man who must defend himself against the unknown. He holds a gun for protection while he looks into the the eyes of the player which says "You control what I do" Then behind him a burning image of the flag on fire which says to us that "This is not a ordinary game with a happy ending." Then above everyone you see a half of a zeppelin - not much there - but still. In a personal note to this, I have never seen such backlash over a cover. What happened here to us. We are gamers not critics of covers. Who cares what the cover looks like. We are not going to be staring off at the cover for 10 to 15 hours - I don't know how long the game really is. So stop the hate. Just love the fact the game is coming out soon.
Re: God of War Movie May Deviate from Game's Plot
Call Uwe Boll, It will be done and it will be - you know, bad! But still it will get done.
Re: Ubisoft Would Like to Know What You Think of Uncharted 3
@Splat I agree, I always tell people "I bought the PS3 for Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, I kept the PS3 for Among Thieves, and I Promote the system for Drake's Deception. A fantastic game with and a fantastic Trilogy .... never mind Abyss though
Re: Rockstar Games Gears Up for Grand Theft Auto V with Sale
I actually got the Steam version for $7.50, still $15 is a great deal for a game like this
Re: This PlayStation Vita Deal Is Almost Too Good to Be True
But then isn't it a price drop anyway since bundles are going right now for 199?
Re: This PlayStation Vita Deal Is Almost Too Good to Be True
Ho...ly..... Crap! I might just consider it
Re: PlayStation Vita Slumps to Its Saddest Defeat Yet in Japan
I feel really bad about it. I admit that I sold my Vita due to the fact that one of my best friends also bought it so we decided to share it. But I want it to succeed!!!! I wish there were more multi Platform games but there isn't enough. I thought Declassified was going to be but it isn't. A damn shame....
Re: Digital Version of Resident Evil 6 Infected by Nasty Virus
@get2sammyb Me too, I have been a resident evil fan since I first popped in 2 and I really want to play this one as well.
Re: Activision Resurrects Call of Duty: Black Ops 2's Zombies Mode
Sounds like a Road Trip but with Zombies. I just like to know the story behind this, what gives these people a reason to go out and kill zombies, unless they are trying to get somewhere.
Re: Microsoft's Making You Wait for These Resident Evil 6 Modes
I honestly just found out that the "6" looks like a giraffe. Does anybody else see that?
Re: Killzone Trilogy Confirmed for 23rd October
Of Course I will, been waiting for this actually!!!
Re: Take a Closer Look at CoD: Black Ops 2's Care Package
Preordered it today!!!!!
Re: Dead Island: Riptide Rises at PAX Prime
YESSSSSSS, I loved the first dead Island, and I played the original at PAX prime last year. CANT WAIT TO SEE THE FOOTAGE FOR THE NEW ONE!!!!
Re: Killzone: Mercenary Targets PlayStation Vita Next Year
Way better than Call of Duty. I.... am..... Excited!!!!
Re: First Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Trailer Fires Online
I'm not very impressed with this trailer, the Vita is more powerful then this. I . . . am . . . Disappointed.
Re: Beautiful Crysis 3 CryEngine 3 Tech Demo Unveiled
That looks Legit!
Re: Skyrim's Dawnguard DLC "Unsatisfactory" on PS3
I actually got it on PC but it literally crashes after a few minutes. Its really sad when the expansion is there and you cant even play.
Re: Watch This Ridiculous Japanese PlayStation Vita Commercial
That was awesome. It was like seeing Charlie Sheen or Christian bale doing that here!!!
Re: Round Table - What We Expect From Sony At E3
I want them to fully realize the function of remote play and playing vita games on the T.V. through the PS3. I also think that they should market the Vita as a home console supporter, like with DUST but with more interactivity. They should look at the Vita as an essential PS3 owners dream, then everybody would want one.
Re: Just Add Water Targeting June Release for Stranger's Wrath Vita
I really don't like the idea of a game that will only be in development for 2 months and its ready for the public. Especially if its a game like Oddworld. saying that though - HOW MUCH WILL IT BE!!!! I can't wait to get it for the Vita!!!!
Re: Store Update: 1st May 2012 (North America)
@James Doh!!! (Smack my face) on the plus I got tickets for PAX, yeah!!!!!
Re: The Living Dead Return in Call of Duty: Black Ops II
If you actually preorder this game at Gamestop they are giving this poster away. Cool thing is that it is double sided. This being one image, the other side being the cover of the game!
Re: Store Update: 1st May 2012 (North America)
According to this post you made it sound like Bad Company 2 is coming out for Vita. Is this true?
Re: Sony Announces Nasne for Japan
I don't have any yen
Re: BioShock Vita Was Announced Before Development Started
You know, when I first heard about the idea of Bioshock Infinite, I was skeptical but after reading the article I completely supported the idea of new worlds in the Bioshock universe. In fact after the initial shock of the Columbia, I told myself "what are the limits to this franchise?" Is it possible we could see Bioshock in space. From what Ken Levine said about BioVita, it will be unlike the others. Could this be the next area. Like using Russia and the whole space race as a initiative to form a city in space and using power obtain through gamma radiati- wow I'm rabbling on . . . sorry.