

Mid lifer with slow thumbs

Comments 5

Re: Feature: Our PS5, PS4 Predictions for PlayStation Showcase 2021


In my dreams - a return to Resistance, particularity R2 with decent online MP, a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, a Cole based InFamous (Deslin was annoying and didn't feel as powerful), a new IP that is a proper space opera in a procedural generated world where you can follow multiple story arcs and spend over 500 hours in game and still not have finished everything. I don't want much honest. Just push my PS5 to the limit now I finally have it please.

Re: No Man's Sky Teases Its Next Big Update on Game's 5th Anniversary


When it first came out I gave up before I even left the first planet. I downloaded it for PS5 last week and I now have 35 hours in it. It's a great place to de-stress after a busy day in the office. Absolutely love where they have bought it to after a shaky start. There are much bigger studios out there that could take a leaf out of the HG playbook. Love the last campfire too. Great games for a chill night.