Comments 42

Re: Review: Toukiden 2 (PS4)


Hey, bit of a sidenote for the on the fence people:

The Toukiden 2 demo can a bit hard to find for some reason, as you (or at least I) can't seem to search for it.

Go to games->demos and look around there to find it.

As to why you might want to try it beforehand, it, as far as I can tell, is just the first few missions up to talking to the professor in your house. (the mission marker says to go there but continuing in the demo is impossible as the scene doesn't activate, meaning you can continue to play elsewhere in the demo)

If you plan on buying it, but not right away, supposedly there is some sort of bonus for:

A) having Age of Demons/Kiwami save files (As AoD is vita exclusive I think its just one bonus) I think its an armor set of some kind.

B) carrying over demo save data. I dunno if there is a bonus exactly or just early access before release though. Completing one of the missions did give me a ton of low level materials though, like item alerts popping up about 15-20 seconds after the mission complete long.

Re: Site News: Welcome to the New Push Square


@Quintumply If nothing else, it proves its not a cut and paste deal from Nintendo Life, because their title bar doesn't have size issues on my end.

I still kinda wish for a way to turn off the whole popping up when you scroll up thing.

Its by far the most annoying part to me, even on Nintendo Life where it isn't massive, but if I need the title bar functions scrolling to the top is what I plan on doing anyways.

Re: Site News: Welcome to the New Push Square


@Quintumply I thought it (the "push []" at the top) may have been a zoom thing, but getting it to a normal size causes the rest of the site to be micro sized. Right now, trying to scroll up with a touch screen function is impossible for me.

I'm on Pale Moon (Firefox fork) so incompatibility may be an issue I guess?

It hasn't been fixed since I've posted this, at least.

(For those lost I'm having the same problem Quintumply mentioned a bit further back about a massively oversized titlebar)

Re: Never, Ever Change Japanese Game Developers


@DLB3 Whoops, fair point. I had gotten them mixed up. (incidentally, when is christmas? Working 60 hour weeks is clearly taking a toll...)

The topic of it being wrong, in a moral sense anyways, really isn't something I'm going to argue with anyone over, online or local. (my lines of reasoning are still being worked out, in a sense that I can't articulate what I want to say, though I know what I believe to be acceptable and what isn't)

At least you aren't resorting to insults and shaming, unlike others I've seen. (here and elsewhere)

Re: Sony Patents Elite PS4 Controller with Paddles and Adaptable Layout


Personally, I like the idea of the L4/R4 buttons on the handles, but they'd need to be either much larger than necessary or somehow slidable up and down the handle itself, because it won't be comfortable to everyone otherwise.

I saw a discussion about tilt controls... somewhere, can't remember where... on the internet and I'd like the 9-axis gyroscope if it doesn't have it already. (I do remember they were talking about the PS3 [6-axis] and Wii U [9-axis gamepad] main controllers, didn't really mention the PS4. Apparently the 360 controller not having any sort of gyroscope is why most games never used it on the PS3, it was considered rude or something for the PS3 to use anything the 360 couldn't for multiplatform games)

The d-pad is by far my favorite variation on d-pads across all 3 main consoles. I dunno but it just makes the most sense to have each direction its own separate button.

Re: PS4 Remaster Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 to Get New Trailer Tomorrow


First things first, series spoiler alert for KH through DDD. (I think he tries to announce roughly which game he's focusing on if you only want to watch part but still, warning is there now)

That video there is one I saw awhile back. All told, the guy does a good job keeping the timeline organized. (And if I recall correctly, he points out some discrepancies with it too)

Seeing as how there's seven games in the series, it may prove useful to have a refresher on the story in 20 minutes so players don't have to go through them all at once. (~50hours a game x 7 = ~350hours to get the full story, I think it may be a bit useful...)

Oh, game order, story-wise: [Birth by Sleep] [KH1] [358/2 first half] [Chain of Memories] [358/2 second half] [KH2] [Re: Coded] [Dream Drop Distance]

All other games are remakes, remasters, etc. of whatever they're named after. To my knowledge, there aren't any important scenes missing from the non-remastered versions, at least concerning the overarching story.

The upcoming Aqua-playable game releasing on the 2.8 disc is... unknown to me (I may simply be forgetting it) on the timeline, but I presume it to be before [KH3].

Re: No Man's Sky Has a Confirmed Release Date on PS4


Ok, now I know you're lying. At least one of you won't be happy without a proper date, or heck, even more than last year's trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3. Unless I've constantly been missing it, nothing since E3 has appeared.

But at least, for the moment, my brother and his friend will be happy, they've been after this piece of news for some time now.

Re: H1Z1: King of the Kill Is a PS4 Competitive Shooter No One Asked For


H1Z1 seemed to be filled with a massive amount of trolls, at least thats what various youtube videos and local friends seemed to show me. The problem is that I don't see a way to have the survival in a multiplayer landscape without the rampant trolling flinging unwanted stuff everywhere.

Oh, what happened to the 5 dollar random crate drop that players could fight over, is it still there? (If that made no sense, you could pay 5 real life us dollars to drop a crate filled with random loot whose only guarantee was the location nearby, and all the nearby players could see it drop as well. And of course they know where you are and can simply ambush you for the loot that you just payed for)

Though, at least it isn't DayZ, I kinda lost any support I had for the game after seeing Doxy's video on it awhile back. (The people running it basically said that harassment of a, shall we say, catcalling nature was fair game, and oh yeah, shame on you Doxy for abusing a glitch to get said harassers off your back)

Which still isn't as bad as the other game, I think it was Ark (though I could be wrong on this one, sorry if I am!) that had user made and dev approved guides on how to trap players, make them your slave, and keep them from dying to escape by respawn.

Yeah, while the concepts for open world mmo type stuff tend to be fun and varied, its stuff like that that kinda ruins it. Not to mention several of these (though, again, at least Ark went Dinos over another Zombies) were made around the same time with similar concepts.

Re: Site News: Would You Kindly Take Our Survey?


@Utena-mobile I'm kinda with you there, I don't often remember those exact numbers and I'm far too lazy to look them up. And I also have no interest in VR. (To be honest I'd be more interested in AR, but Google's goggle glasses seem to have downed that idea for the time being, as I never hear anything on it anymore)

Re: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Packs Up Its Swimsuit Until 24th March


@Utena-mobile This'll actually be my first time with the Xtreme games, and as a guy I'd buy it in person if I could, though maybe not have my brother and sister around, as they seem to vehemently despise this sort of thing.

Also, @wariowarewolf I did find a new friends at work who are married and seem interested in this type of thing. At least, they burst into laughter at the thought of Akiba's Trip and its main draw of brawling the clothes off people.

How they plan on keeping their PS4 they want to get away from their children (All 3 are kinda young and don't seem to understand the relative fragility of Discs in general, its not so much a 'mature content worry') is going to interesting to hear though.

Re: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3's Fresh Footage Ain't Safe for Work


I posted in the forums awhile back about this, but if you want it, and in english no less! outside japan, look around play-asia. You can preorder it on there and get english and chinese subtitles if you choose a version with the [Asia] region.

Still costs a fair amount more, but thats how importing goes...

Oh, the forum topic while I'm at it:

Re: Shepard Signs Off in Mass Effect Andromeda Teaser Trailer


@ShogunRok Oh dear, you don't think Cerberus or its databases survived in some form, do you? They, uh, 'rebuilt' Shepard from scraps, don't think it'd take too much to clone one or two thousand of them. (With various forms, genders, and abilities because people need feti-hobbies, I mean hobbies, dangit!)

Re: Soapbox: Why the Industry Is Getting Greedy (And How to Stop It)


@andrew20 Just a couple things to address.

1: Sega making a dreamcast 2? Aside from the name, what would be its hook? Could they even afford the R&D for it right now? Would anyone really care at this point?

2: Does that multiplatform rule apply to the big 3? (4 if you include Sega and its dreamcast 2, and dreambobber portable to abide your other rule [fishing thing, casting, the bobber thing that sinks when a fish bites]) I can't imagine any of them would allow that so easily.

3: Does Microsoft have to make a portable version of Xbox, or can it get some legal loophole shenanigans by saying PC laptops are portables? How do iOS devices fit into this?

Re: Talking Point: Does EA Access Really Represent Poor Value for PS4 Players?


To whoever was arguing over the traditional shops, the analogy is just all wrong.

It really should be rental shops. The difference being you're renting the whole selection, not just what you need/want.

Yeah, sure, it might be cheaper than just buying what you want, but it comes with a bunch of crap you don't want and there's no saving it for later, like most of the people complaining about the lack of ownership are saying. (Crap you may or may not in fact want subject to different descriptions based on observer's own opinions)

Of course, should you hit a wall in that no more stuff comes out that you want, but you still have stuff on there you do want, now you're paying to keep that stuff, paying more than if you'da just bought it outright just to keep it all. (That one there's a bit more like owning vs. renting a home)

If you never hit the wall, great, but how likely is that for you? Thats the real question...

Re: Feature: The PS4 Game That's Being Built in a Hotel Lobby


@themcnoisy I suppose that part's true. But still, the idea of an office that's also a cafe is intriguing to me for some reason.

In fairness, I would say that the answers to both of those questions lies in the specific circumstances I find myself in. I mean, my main thing with the making a game on the consumer side is that the game is fun to me, so if they could make a fun game, then more power to 'em. As a business owner, though, I could see the point of maybe not taking that risk. Or at least being really careful about training them with the programming first or something.

To the triple heart bypass, I mean... theres just sooo many scenarios where I would or wouldn't, most depending on critical moments and who the heck can predict for that? I guess for an 'I would': If they're the only one conscious there for some reason and had someone on a live connection from elsewhere who could walk them through it, and my death was nearly guaranteed if we did nothing? I'd risk it, because I like living too much not to, though I'd also ask them not to use the word 'hacking' because come on, have some empathy for a man about pour his heart out please?. (I realize such a scenario is purely hypothetical, but I think about things like this far too much, take it to the extreme, then see about coming back and you'll find the lines you unknowingly drew along the way)

Re: Feature: The PS4 Game That's Being Built in a Hotel Lobby


I can imagine it now, when they finally decide to get their own office, it'll be one or two floors at most, and also serve as a public cafe. It might have a 'reserved for employees' section somewhere in the middle or at a crossways in the cafe traffic.

You could even have people who just work at the cafe, and people who just work at the game making, and of course some who simply get bored and wander between the two.

Re: Interview: Bandai Namco on Bringing Its Japanese Properties West


Aww, as a fan of the tales of series, I was hoping you might ask about Vesperia's 'final-mix-F-like-version' only in japan at the moment.

I played the 360 version but that story is so, I dunno, incomplete and individually episodic (each arc feels like they have almost nothing to do with each other outside of positioning people for the next arc) that I want the japan version.

And I heard a rumor that the finish point for the 360 version is the halfway point in the ps3 version, though this is unconfirmed from my personal knowledge store.

Re: 30MB Final Fantasy X HD PS4 Patch Fixes a Couple of Lingering Issues


The RNG thing is apparently only a problem if you're farming endgame drops off bonus boss type enemies. Beyond that its not really important. (Granted, Trophy Hunters know its pain all too well because some drops are needed to get some trophies, at least I think so...)

Oh, that said the RNG also controlled boss attack orders and any accuracy/critical hit chances, so players may find some bosses easier/harder because now repeated attempts may not play out in the exact same way.

Re: It Doesn't Matter That EA Access Isn't on PS4, Says Moore


@GiacomoHall I'll give you that in a general sense but I would have to add personally that they did slide a little. Namely online multiplayer is now locked behind it as well. And as this day and age appears to be moving ever more online... well, it doesn't stand well on that front.

It would be nice if you could get a 'PSM' for just the online multiplayer for a lot less per month or something... I personally am just not interested in the games PS+ offers, and those few I am I merely buy outright.

Re: It Doesn't Matter That EA Access Isn't on PS4, Says Moore


@Gamer83 While its a slippery slope kinda logic, I'd bet thats what most people supporting Sony's decision are fearing, that it may not actually be just 'an option for an advantage' in the future, but 'an option to even play' in the future.

Stopping it here prevents even the possibility of such a thing occuring, and to be perfectly honest, its flipping EA, whose biggest customers are people who buy the yearly Madden and FIFA and thats it, who have a combined IQ that might beat a turkey if their lucky, meaning a high likelyhood of a skewed result that could easily convince other companies it'd be worth it to go all in and then force the paywall nature upon us. (This is 100% perception here, don't get me wrong I don't actually know EA's best games sales wise and I know for a fact that smart people buy Madden, Fifa, etc. blah blah blah IcouldgoonbutwhybotherwhenI'mtiredandwantingto... goto... sleep...?)

EDIT: Why is the asterisk shorthand for bold? I'm gonna leave it here but ask a question, is there a way to have it not do that, preferably using the quick post at the bottom of the page? I like to overuse my asterisks dangit...

Re: Feature: The Best Games on PS4 - 2015 Edition


Nyeh, I threw Toukiden: Kiwami as my number 1.

I know its not for everyone, but its the one I keep coming back to. I also know that I play it for awhile, then go play something else when it seems to reach the burned out stage, then come back to it later.

I also think Journey may have been a little bit of a copout, being a PS3 game first and all... but thats just my opinion.

Oh, and in the interest of fairness, the only game I play online is Splatoon at the moment because I'm too cheap to pay for online, and too busy to use some sneaky workarounds I heard about. So any game thats primarily online is knocked off my list.

(Not to mention my internet isn't the most consistent thing around, I've been avoiding Ranked mode because random disconnects'll be the death of my rank)

Re: Beauty Triumphs as Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir Is Confirmed for a Western Release on PS4, PS3, and Vita


Ok, I admit I was not expecting this at all. I love this game.

That said I wonder if it'll be a straight remake or if there'll be anything new added, gameplay/progression/story-wise. (Remakes imply visual upgrades but, unfortunately, not much else, I would like to see more of the world)

Edit: Just to be clear, I kinda somehow missed the announcement on the... uh... 20th? and I don't know how.

Re: E3 2015: Bethesda Says Graphics Were Sacrificed for Gameplay in Fallout 4


I don't understand why it isn't commonplace to do the thing that the Hi-algo mod for PC Skyrim does.

For those who don't know, it allows the game to render at 20 fps when there isn't a lot of action on screen, instead choosing to render everything at 1080p.

But, when the action heats up (or you decide to fling the camera around like some sort of madman) it speeds up to 60 fps while dropping the quality down a bit (I think mine only goes to 720p, it does still look too clear to be 480p) so you can concentrate on playing.

A sort of best of both worlds (that your PC/console can process, at least) that honestly would go a ways to making consoles comparable to PC, visually at least.

Then again, I'm not a programmer, maybe such a thing is a pain or a nightmare to program...

Re: Rumour: Wii U Exclusive ZombiU Could Plague PS4


Hmmm... I played it. The game does have flaws (like why I can't just choose what my character looks like, don't give me random people and no I don't care I'll mostly never see their faces, and weapon choices were rather, uh, limited) but is 700K units sold really that bad? (That number was on Nintendoenthusiast sometime last year, by the way)

I mean, I realize it was bad for ubisoft's apparent point of view, but still...