Comments 15

Re: Among Us VR Has Just Vented onto the US PS Store for PSVR2


I did not have Among Us VR high on my radar of games to play this December, but after trying it out last night (just $10), I am hooked.

I am still looking forward to the many other releases scheduled for December, but in particular Arashi, RE4 VR Mode, Vertigo 2, Arizona Sunshine 2, and Towers and Powers.

I will probably also be trying out Not For Broadcasst VR and Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2.

Re: Uncharted Is One of the Highest Grossing Video Game Movies of All Time


I enjoy movies based on Video Game intellectual properties.

My favorites to date have been Uncharted, Prince of Persia, Wing Commander, Mortal Kombat (original and reboot), and the first Resident Evil movie (sequels not so much).

The Tomb Raider and Hitman movies have been fine action movies. Rampage was a good creature feature. Sonic, Detective Pikachu and the Angry Birds movies been good family movies. Halo, Dead Rising, and Resident Evil have fine animated movies. Silent Hill made for really good horror movie.

Looking forward to new Halo TV Series starting on Paramount+.

Re: Destiny 2 Available Right Now on PS Plus


@Bliquid I think I played 800+ hours of Destiny original from time it launched all the way up to release of 2nd expansion around which I finally gave up on the game and Bungie making the game less painful experience for players. They just wanted to reset the "work" and start you anew on new grind quests.

In any case, easily 90% of those hours were reason to loath the game because they were played in pursuit of trying to get one freaking thing that I wanted that the game would never drop for me nor offer via XUR or some other way. To then see that for people that are spending 1000+ hours to finally get some thing, a future expansion just makes it obsolete told me everything I needed to know about Bungie and Destiny.

The game was work and it was pointless work.

Re: Destiny 2 Available Right Now on PS Plus


I've had Destiny 2 free since my wife got me the white PS4 Pro for my birthday last year (which came with Destiny 2), but I have never bothered taking it out of shrink wrap because Destiny original was such a loathsome self hating experience to waste time on.

Re: Guide: PSVR CUH-ZVR1 vs CUH-ZVR2 - What's the Difference?


@SoulChimera I have used both original and more recently the new one.

In the original (CUH-ZVR1) the headphone would be connected via this control module built into the wire (that connects PSVR to processing unit) where you have the Power On/Off as well as Volume Up/Down and Mute On/Off.

In the new one (CUH-ZVR2) the Power On/Off as well as the Volume Up/Down and Mute On/Off controls are built right into the actual PSVR headset and the headphone also connects directly into the PSVR headset (in the back). You still have a wire going from PSVR headset to the processing unit, but it is now thinner and easier to manage in both storing away PSVR and also while using it.

It is actually a much improved design and the earphones it comes with are perfectly sized to plug into the back of it and reach your earns and not have wires getting tangled up in front of you as you play.

Re: Assassin's Creed Origins Microtransactions Confirmed, Helix Credits Make a Comeback


I really want to play this game, but I also want to continue my boycott against all full retail priced games that include any of this loot box stupidity that needs to stay limited to F2P gamble with grind or money games.

Is there any difference between the AC-Origins "optional" crap-transactions and crap-boxes vs the implementation of similar in other recent games I decided not to get (Mordor, Star Wars, etc)

Re: Valkyria Chronicles Looks Real Tasty on PS4


Valkyria Chronicles is like a hybrid between Fire Emblem and Fallout. Both game styles that have large fan base in western markets, but SEGA fails to bring Valkyria Chronicles to west on platforms that people in western regions prefer to play such games.

The originals PS4 port needs to come here. They already had the localization done for the PS3 release. Next up they need to port the portable sequels to come modern machine as well (either PS4 or PS-Vita).

Lastly the new 4th game they working on must also make it here on whatever platforms they release for in Japan market.

Re: Review: Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse (PS4)


Got the game on a whim (sale or something). Started playing yesterday without any knowledge/expectation, and gotta say that game managed to get me interested. It is weird playing a Click Adventure with a controller, but the art is gorgeous and the characters are entertaining, and the puzzle aspects are not too obscure and in early part of game there seems to be enough options and clues that you do have some freedom to think through multiple options and figure things out for yourself.

Also worth mentioning, I don't think being a #5 on the game has me at any disadvantage. It seems to be a stand alone game story and only background is the two playable characters have worked together before.

Re: Soapbox: Destiny's Progression System Is Destroying the Game from the Inside


Destiny started as a game with great potential for future growth. Sufficient content for a $60 retail release of a new IP game. Covered many different types of gameplay activity from Story Missions to Patrol Explore to 3 player Co-Op Strikes to PvP Crucible Modes, and the stand out attraction of a 6 player co-op Raid.

About 20 hours in, you have probably seen/done everything. Then it is all about replaying stuff, trying new classes, replaying stuff, grinding for something or other, replaying stuff, more replaying stuff, just keep replaying stuff... and then 200+ hours later, still just replaying stuff, maybe anxiously awaiting the DLC which will add some new content into the replay stuff rotation.

However, DLC didn't just come, it came bearing punishing punitive gifts. It also barely add any new content, but mainly I am upset at the "reset" to progression system, introduction of new "materials", and other stuff designed to just have players not just do the replay stuff, but reset and re-grind old stuff, while replaying stuff.

So not even replaying stuff with new weapons/armor and some new content in the rotation, but flat out reset old stuff and re-grind the old stuff.... and make lots of the old stuff obsolete as well.

Destiny at launch: 7/10 game
Destiny post-launch as managed by Bungie: Worse game ever