Comments 23

Re: PS Store Sales Charts: Saints Row Sells Well Despite Mixed Reception


Bought day 1, 50 Quid. Was I expecting much, no not at all, was the game buggy in places yes of course, isn't every new game these days. Did I have fun, yes loads, was it worth playing, yup some of the challenges were a bit tedious but didn't take too long to complete. I traded after I got the platinum for 32 quid cash at Cex. so not really a loss. 12 quid for 2 weeks game time so not too bad.

Re: Battlefield V's Second Multiplayer Chapter Kicks Off Later This Week


You say needs to go back to it's roots by doing Modern Warfare. You do realise that the first game in the series was 1942. Which came out in 2002. Anyhow I am liking battlefield 5. Been waiting for rush mode but having a limited time on it is taking the piss. Favourite BF game in the series was BF2 on PC. Released 2005. Which was like you say modern warfare. I doubt we will see a new BF till next year now. Plenty time to still play BF1. 4 and 5. I just hope it not a remake of 2142!!

Re: Battlefield V's Release Schedule Is So Ridiculous There's Now a Guide



I know what I wrote.
I game share with the misses so the extra cost is not that much of an issue.
Like i said previously I never pay extra for any other games just the BF games, since have played everyone except 2042 as they one didn't take my fancy. All I saying is no need to complain you can either way or pay more, if you don't like don't buy it or wait till it cheaper. My choice is to pay extra so that is what I do.

Re: Battlefield V's Release Schedule Is So Ridiculous There's Now a Guide



Who said the last game was awful, I have put loads of hours into BF1, okay it not as many as BF4 but I have played many of hours of BF1 with friends and had a great laugh, as per usual with all BF games dating back to playing on PC on 1942 and BF2, the games have never been ready at launch and take a number of patches before the game is completely playable.

I didn't assume people were cheapskates was just saying people are left with a choice and the BF games are the only game I buy for the early release, have never done that on any other game but that is my choice.

Rockstar never have anything ready at release date but you see no one complaining at them because it Rockstar and not EA they still get a 10/10 on a review even on a part finished game !

Re: BBC's PS4 iPlayer Updated with 4K Ahead of Inaugural England Match


I have watched all the bbc games on iPlayer in 4k without issue at all using my new Oled LG tv i bought 3 months ago. Have had no problem with the stream what so ever. It doesn't work properly on my bedroom Samsung 4k tv from 2015 though that might be as on wifi. Haven't tried using the ps4 pro though. Doubt i will as it will more than likely be down sampled.

Re: Hands On: Arizona Sunshine Needs Work on PlayStation VR


@get2sammyb exactly that, it's just i don't like it when people already cancel pre-ordered just cos someone says wasn't as good, I can see over on Reddit the Dev's have already submitted a patch for the game to Sony so hopefully that will clear some of the issues you were having, Even though I have already bought it not got time to play till the weekend, curently playing Evil Within (not played it before till last week) I shall give this a go on Saturday.

Re: Hands On: Arizona Sunshine Needs Work on PlayStation VR


I will probably get a lot of hate for this comment, but I learn't a long time ago to ignore what I read on this site in the way of Previews/Reviews of games and just use this site for upcoming news. I have read time and time again that a game is not up to Par or that a game doesn't compare to the PC version. That has been the base point for many years and will still be the case, this does not mean this is a bad game. I will purchase it and make up my own mind as long as I have fun then that is all that matters for me. I have bought many games in the past that I have played and enjoyed then traded if disc versions that this site says are terrible and not to touch but i have enjoyed to spend quite a few hours on completing. Just look at Metacritic plenty of games some reviewer like and some don't but it mostly down to backhanders or friends in the business, make up your own mind but playing the games you wanting to play not just playing the ones people recommend you play and skipping the ones you told not too.

Re: Review: Polybius (PS4)


Was playing this yesterday in VR, absolutely mental, currently on level 13, wonder when we hear of the first fit caused by VR. Just wish i had VR and this game back in the Late 80s early 90s

Re: Review: Late Shift (PS4)


TBH for a tenner i can't complain. I have watched worst movies than this. At least this one you get to change the story to your decisions. I hadn't even heard of this game till read about it tonight but liked what I see so decided to take a punt and was happy with my purchase. Others may not be and may feel 4 is too high. All down to personal opinion.

Re: Review: Late Shift (PS4)


I plan to get a lot more playthroughs out of it to get the platinum. I think around 8 to get all the endings But it nice easy. Non stressful game to play through. And I am enjoying the different in the decision making to what my misses is.

Re: Review: Late Shift (PS4)


Just played this through twice, while the misses played it as well in the other room to compare playthroughs. We both like it too. 4 is a really bad score for this, it was less than a tenner and already I have played it through twice and want to play it through again. TBH i always find Pushsquare very harsh on reviews and it used to put me off buying games but now i take this sites review with a pinch of salt and just use it for gaming news.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on PlayStation VR So Far?


Loving VR the misses loved it so much I have now ordered a 2nd one for her to use, We both have man/woman caves lol.

Games we have are the us demo disc, uk demo disc, Vr Worlds, Rush of Blood, Headmaster, Batman and Thumper. Bloodly good job we can gameshare,

Extremely pleased with it so far, absolutely loving Rush of blood, feel like i'm on some theme park ride at universal, Ok Resolution is low compared to the tv, but still a hell of a lot of fun with headphones and all other sounds blocked out.
If you still on the fence, find somewhere to try it out, it's a blast, the future of gaming is here, this is not a gimmic

Re: People Really Aren't Happy with August's PlayStation Plus Games


First Solution - I would much rather have 1 AAA title offered for Playstation Plus, but it can only be played for that month, once the month is up the title is no longer valid but it can be bought at a discount price, this is seems a much better idea than being offered rubbish games that i get to keep for my duration of plus and never even bother to download.

Other Solution, let me opt in for a cheaper version of plus with added games options.