In my two years+ of owning the Vita I have played one game on it. And that game was Gravity Rush. And even if its the only game I'll ever play on my Vita I still won't regret buying it. But its kind of sad that a handheld with so much potential don't get the games it deserves.
If I just could tear myself away from Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen, my Vita would get so much love right now, and this one is obviously a must play too. But alas I'm stuck out on bitterblack isle, probably for months to come still.
Have to agree with above commenter. I want new games for new consoles. Remakes only if done like resident evil on GameCube, or console games ported to handhelds.
Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen. Just can't seem to let it go. 500 hours in...What a fantastic game that is. "'tis not defeat to flee from battle master, 'tis survival" I call BS. Never surrender!
But whatever anyone says the Vita is still the only console that plays Gravity Rush and for that you have to own one. Its that good. Only other portable game that comes close to this one in amounts of sheer innovation I can think of must be "the World Ends with You" on the DS.
I used to be kind of interested I'm this game for a while because of how cool the city looked and stuff but after seeing this video I almost lost all and any interest I had before. Is this really representative of how the gameplay will be? It just looked so cheap, boring, generic and unimagnitive. Hope it proves me wrong as the re-creation of Seattle still appeals.
I will hold on to my original OLED Vita, but I'll probably get this one or maybe the next revision (there will be another one, just wait and see) too. Will it happen that developers now will start making games optimized for the new LCD screen and not the old OLED? As you can't adjust colors on the Vita, this might or might not be a future problem if the differences of the screens are as big as some might say.
I think the Vita is in for the long run. So 2014 or 2015 it doesn't really matter, but boy am I looking forward to this game, the original is one of my favorite games of all time. And we need more Raven too.
ps4 sounds like an awesome piece of hardware and remote play is a godsend for those long jrpg sessions, but so far there are absolutely not a single game announced that says "buy me now!" to me. So I will probably not get one before FFXV comes out. And there are still so many PS3 games I have to play before I shut that one down: the last of us, gta5, beyond, lightning returns, gran turismo 6 and persona 5 are only tip of the iceberg and then there are some backlog still to finish. I probably won't need a new console before 2015...
Xbox360 controller sticks I can use, but those buttons.....they are really eating into my thumbs after a while. The DualShock has always been a nice allround controller so I'm glad they kept it that way. It just works.
My strategy seems to be to buy all the consoles in a generation as they drop in price and the exclusives gets to tempting to bare.
And I guess I'll be doing that this generation too but I for one wish the Xbox One and the PS4 where equal in performance so that the multiplatform games don't suffer too much in development and we get optimized versions for both platforms without sacrificing too much either way. Some games work better with xbox controller and others with ps3's and some games only work on the WiiU.
"but in terms of CPU performance, the PS3's Cell chip, while difficult to handle, is really capable". What is it that he's really saying? That the ps3 still have some juice to offer those who are capable and that there should still be life left in that old dog? Seems like it took more than 7 years for the devs to really handle the ps3's cell architecture, and look at the games we have been getting in what is presumably the ps3's last year: The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, GTA V, FFXII: Lightning Returns and GT 6. Thats a pretty strong line up for any console and I have to wonder how many years it will take for the PS4 to reach these heights...Makes me a little bit sad that this is the end of the line for number 3.
But of course I'm also really looking forward to the PS4 launch, and as its supposed to be easier to program for, a lot of great game experiences in the next couple of years.
the Vita is such a nice console with such sweet hardware specs it will last for years to come, there is no rush. I think the Vita has at least 5-7 years of life in it and with the "play all ps4 games remotely" function I think more and more people will want it as it gets cheaper and cheaper as the years go by. I'm quite happy if we get 5-10 real triple A titles on the Vita each year from now, there are just so many (great) games to play on all consoles right now its overwhelming if you want to complete them all w/o resorting to gamefaq's and stuff which I don't. The Vita will live on, its not dead.
With this function the Vita automatically gets the ps4 software library instantly, and theres no needs for expensive memory cards? All the Vitas problems solved in one go. Good idea Sony.
And its really sad too as the Vita otherwise is a great system as the psp was before it. I'm more and more drawn to handheld gaming these days and while the 3ds is great I think there should be room for a powerhouse handheld device like the Vita too not only android tablets. Yes I'm stuck with the 4 GB and its full and I have to remove stuff to buy new games from the network, its not ideal. While my 3Ds is purring along w/ 32 Gb in its belly and lots of room for eshop games and demos.
I just keep all of the consoles I ever bough. So far at least. Until the super über-mega box that plays everything arrives sometimes in the future when all the big companies have to merge to stay alive.
Nope! Going out with a bang is the way to go for the ps3. Beyond: Two Souls, GTA V, FFXIII - Lightning Returns, The Last Guardian and The Last of Us. What a way to go out!
yeah my backlog pile is getting to kind of humongous sizes and growing, and its not getting better that I have started to replay games I already finished 10 to 15 years ago. Like the other day I played through the whole of FFIX and the game was almost completely new to me because of all the time that has passed. And I want to play at least the first three silent hill and resident evil games through again as it has been such a long time and then there are series where I want to play the latest game in the series, but also want to play all the games that came before first like the Star Ocean series and the Atelier series and I'm just halfway through Etrian Odyssey II and they are so great I want to finish all of them in order. And I recently played through Yakuza 1-4 so I am prepared for the next games in the series whenever it is they hit Europe. (And its good I do not try to platinum my games, cause there are lots and lots of stuff to do and I like to do stuff in games already as it is.)
Not to even begin on the remakes and re-issues and handheld and HD-versions of games I have already finished. Like ICO and Shadow of the Colossus and Metal Gear Solid; the Twin Snakes and Persona 4 Golden and Persona 3 which came in two versions on the PS2 (regular and FES) and then another one on the PSP with some different content, and the 3D remakes of FF III and IV on the DS. And Project Zero: Deep crimson Butterfly and on and on and on.
And then there are games like FF XII and Xenoblade Chronicles that you can just play forever (and Monster Hunter too I have heard). Thank God I'm not so hot on online gaming (yet) it would have been the end of me, have to wait till I get really old and have stopped working my day job or something.
And the fact is I really like to take my sweet time with a game, like actually really play with it, try out lots of stuff and just enjoy it, the sights the sound, the stories, the play mechanics and clever stuff that goes on. I don't want to play a game just to finish it so that I can start another game and that conflicts a lot with having so many games that I want to play and limited time.
Another thing is that if I really start on a game, investing more than a couple of hours on it, then that game have to be really really bad for me to not try to finish it and when I don't like to use faq's for games I haven't finished at least once....well it can take some time sometimes to get through.
And then there are games that are so good that you just have to play them more than once. And games that have different endings. And games where your different play style will make for a totally different game each time you play. And games that are short but super addictive.
And unlockables which you get only after you have finished the game at least once.
So with all the games piling up its important to remember that gaming is something you do because you really want to play and enjoy and not something you do just to finish another one of life's chores.
And the backlog is actually not only games but there are also movies, music, anime, manga, comics, books, tv shows......
And on that note I'll just wonder how it is to be a game reviewer knowing finishing games (and having deadlines) is part of your job?
Very good article btw. Its getting more and more clear that its time we need not money.
@TheRealBatman Its not that I don't want them. I do want a next-gen console. What I am trying to say is that I want ONE next-gen console. I bought the Wii and the 360 and the PS3 for the exclusives, but I would rather just buy one and get ALL the games on that one. Now its like when I want to buy a game that is not exclusive to one console I first check which consoles version got the most favorable reviews, then I think about which controller would fit the best and then I buy that version which I think will be the best fit. I rather not have that anymore, I think competition is healthy in a marked dominated economy but I also think we are at some kind of crossroad with the big games getting rather expensive to produce, port and marked and I can see some benefits in getting rid of one of the three big players in the console field.
For me a 12-16 h game is more like a 40-50 h game as I really like to take my sweet time. Looking so forward to this game, think it will be the game of the generation.
we do not even need the ps4 and the 720. My xbox360 and my ps3 is exactly the same apart from the controller. Really. Give me the PS720 and then i'll be happy.
I got sort of obsessed with FFX-2, and I played it for a ridiculous amount of time, even more than I spent with FFX which I actually don't remember too well, I remember Blitzball though...Nice to have it on the Vita so I can play it again.
I'm kind of split on this one. Yes it would be nice to have this game perform as it should on the new hardware, still its something really cool about the games coming out for a console in its dying hours, when the developers really get to squeeze the hardware to its last drop and you get the "vow I can't believe this game is on .... (N64, Gamecube, Ps2, ps3, wii, insert last gen console of choice here). And the ps3 being known to be hard to develope for, and The Last Guardian being a first party release of sorts, well I would actually like it to join The Last of Us, GTA V. Beyond: Two Souls and Lightning Returns as the swan song on the ps3 - talk about going out with a bang and not a whimper!
That for me is actually some of the charm with games like Shadow of the Colossus on the ps2, slowdown and all, that its actually a ps2 game and Final Fantasy XII - it looks fantastic for a ps2 game. And FFIX on the psx, who cannot say it looks pretty damn nice on the hardware?
And considering TLG having been in development for so many years with the ps3 in mind well I can't possibly imagine it being optimized for the ps4 hardware and not for a moment taxing the system.
So I would actually prefer TLG coming out on the ps3, I think the hardware should be at least adequate for the vision that Ueda had with this game and then he should hopefully begin a new project from scratch for the ps4, with an even grander vision and scope.
Comments 90
Re: Store Update: 18th June 2014 (Europe)
Atelier Rorona Vita it is.
Re: Talking Point: What Does E3 2014 Tell Us About the Future of the PlayStation Vita?
In my two years+ of owning the Vita I have played one game on it. And that game was Gravity Rush. And even if its the only game I'll ever play on my Vita I still won't regret buying it. But its kind of sad that a handheld with so much potential don't get the games it deserves.
Re: Child of Light Points a Beacon in the Direction of PS Vita
If I just could tear myself away from Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen, my Vita would get so much love right now, and this one is obviously a must play too. But alas I'm stuck out on bitterblack isle, probably for months to come still.
Re: Feature: 12 PS3 Hits We'd Like to See Remastered for PS4
Have to agree with above commenter. I want new games for new consoles. Remakes only if done like resident evil on GameCube, or console games ported to handhelds.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 25
Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen. Just can't seem to let it go. 500 hours in...What a fantastic game that is. "'tis not defeat to flee from battle master, 'tis survival"
I call BS. Never surrender!
Re: Weirdness: Sony's Opinion of Portable Gaming Perfection Is Misjudged
But whatever anyone says the Vita is still the only console that plays Gravity Rush and for that you have to own one. Its that good. Only other portable game that comes close to this one in amounts of sheer innovation I can think of must be "the World Ends with You" on the DS.
Re: Be a Hater with Eight Minutes of inFAMOUS: Second Son PS4 Footage
I used to be kind of interested I'm this game for a while because of how cool the city looked and stuff but after seeing this video I almost lost all and any interest I had before. Is this really representative of how the gameplay will be? It just looked so cheap, boring, generic and unimagnitive. Hope it proves me wrong as the re-creation of Seattle still appeals.
Re: Feature: Three Reasons Why You Should Skip the PS Vita Slim and Snag the Original
I will hold on to my original OLED Vita, but I'll probably get this one or maybe the next revision (there will be another one, just wait and see) too. Will it happen that developers now will start making games optimized for the new LCD screen and not the old OLED? As you can't adjust colors on the Vita, this might or might not be a future problem if the differences of the screens are as big as some might say.
Re: Don't Worry, Gravity Rush 2 Is Coming Along Nicely
I think the Vita is in for the long run. So 2014 or 2015 it doesn't really matter, but boy am I looking forward to this game, the original is one of my favorite games of all time. And we need more Raven too.
Re: Sony to Reduce Digital PS4 Prices Prior to EU Launch
But digital game sales? Those are dangerous man! Click, click, click and you've got yourself a serious backlog and an abysmal thin personal wallet...
Re: Hardware Review: PlayStation 4 - For the Players
ps4 sounds like an awesome piece of hardware and remote play is a godsend for those long jrpg sessions, but so far there are absolutely not a single game announced that says "buy me now!" to me. So I will probably not get one before FFXV comes out. And there are still so many PS3 games I have to play before I shut that one down: the last of us, gta5, beyond, lightning returns, gran turismo 6 and persona 5 are only tip of the iceberg and then there are some backlog still to finish. I probably won't need a new console before 2015...
Re: Tune in to This Cheerful PS Vita TV Features Footage
Now I really want this too...
Re: Sony Saw Sense and Ditched Asymmetrical Sticks for PS4
Xbox360 controller sticks I can use, but those buttons.....they are really eating into my thumbs after a while. The DualShock has always been a nice allround controller so I'm glad they kept it that way. It just works.
Re: EDGE Reckons That PS4 Has A Power Advantage Over Xbox One
My strategy seems to be to buy all the consoles in a generation as they drop in price and the exclusives gets to tempting to bare.
And I guess I'll be doing that this generation too but I for one wish the Xbox One and the PS4 where equal in performance so that the multiplatform games don't suffer too much in development and we get optimized versions for both platforms without sacrificing too much either way. Some games work better with xbox controller and others with ps3's and some games only work on the WiiU.
Freedom of choice.
Re: Polyphony's Yamauchi: Gran Turismo 6 Is "About 80 Percent Done"
"but in terms of CPU performance, the PS3's Cell chip, while difficult to handle, is really capable". What is it that he's really saying? That the ps3 still have some juice to offer those who are capable and that there should still be life left in that old dog? Seems like it took more than 7 years for the devs to really handle the ps3's cell architecture, and look at the games we have been getting in what is presumably the ps3's last year: The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, GTA V, FFXII: Lightning Returns and GT 6. Thats a pretty strong line up for any console and I have to wonder how many years it will take for the PS4 to reach these heights...Makes me a little bit sad that this is the end of the line for number 3.
But of course I'm also really looking forward to the PS4 launch, and as its supposed to be easier to program for, a lot of great game experiences in the next couple of years.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 13
And so the time has come for Catherine...And some EO III inbetween.
Re: Reaction: Sony Has Outwitted Microsoft at Every Opportunity with PS4
the Vita is such a nice console with such sweet hardware specs it will last for years to come, there is no rush. I think the Vita has at least 5-7 years of life in it and with the "play all ps4 games remotely" function I think more and more people will want it as it gets cheaper and cheaper as the years go by.
I'm quite happy if we get 5-10 real triple A titles on the Vita each year from now, there are just so many (great) games to play on all consoles right now its overwhelming if you want to complete them all w/o resorting to gamefaq's and stuff which I don't.
The Vita will live on, its not dead.
Re: Preview: Combating Death and Depression in The Last of Us' Bleak New World
looks. so. good.
Re: PlayStation 4 Page Virtually Confirms Complete Vita Remote Play Compatibility
With this function the Vita automatically gets the ps4 software library instantly, and theres no needs for expensive memory cards? All the Vitas problems solved in one go. Good idea Sony.
Re: Talking Point: Sony Must Solve the PlayStation Vita's Memory Woes
And its really sad too as the Vita otherwise is a great system as the psp was before it. I'm more and more drawn to handheld gaming these days and while the 3ds is great I think there should be room for a powerhouse handheld device like the Vita too not only android tablets. Yes I'm stuck with the 4 GB and its full and I have to remove stuff to buy new games from the network, its not ideal. While my 3Ds is purring along w/ 32 Gb in its belly and lots of room for eshop games and demos.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Three
Plowing through Etrian Odyssey II. 23th floor now.
Re: Sony Thought 'Long and Hard' Over PS4's Lack of Backward Compatibility
I just keep all of the consoles I ever bough. So far at least. Until the super über-mega box that plays everything arrives sometimes in the future when all the big companies have to merge to stay alive.
Re: My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute Is Raising Eyebrows on PS3
Season two starts airing this sunday.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Easter Edition
its....still etrian odyssey II
Re: Talking Point: Should Beyond: Two Souls Be a PlayStation 4 Game?
Nope! Going out with a bang is the way to go for the ps3. Beyond: Two Souls, GTA V, FFXIII - Lightning Returns, The Last Guardian and The Last of Us. What a way to go out!
Re: Sony: Interesting and Innovative Titles Coming to PlayStation Vita
@neumaus second that. All Legend of Heroes on the VITA localized, that would be so awesome.
Re: Quantic Dream: We Don't Think PlayStation Move Is Necessary for Beyond
Re: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Travelling to Europe and North America
I like FF X-II more than thats the one my Vita gets.
Re: Talking Point: Is Time Gaming's Greatest Handicap?
yeah my backlog pile is getting to kind of humongous sizes and growing, and its not getting better that I have started to replay games I already finished 10 to 15 years ago. Like the other day I played through the whole of FFIX and the game was almost completely new to me because of all the time that has passed. And I want to play at least the first three silent hill and resident evil games through again as it has been such a long time and then there are series where I want to play the latest game in the series, but also want to play all the games that came before first like the Star Ocean series and the Atelier series and I'm just halfway through Etrian Odyssey II and they are so great I want to finish all of them in order. And I recently played through Yakuza 1-4 so I am prepared for the next games in the series whenever it is they hit Europe. (And its good I do not try to platinum my games, cause there are lots and lots of stuff to do and I like to do stuff in games already as it is.)
Not to even begin on the remakes and re-issues and handheld and HD-versions of games I have already finished. Like ICO and Shadow of the Colossus and Metal Gear Solid; the Twin Snakes and Persona 4 Golden and Persona 3 which came in two versions on the PS2 (regular and FES) and then another one on the PSP with some different content, and the 3D remakes of FF III and IV on the DS. And Project Zero: Deep crimson Butterfly and on and on and on.
And then there are games like FF XII and Xenoblade Chronicles that you can just play forever (and Monster Hunter too I have heard). Thank God I'm not so hot on online gaming (yet) it would have been the end of me, have to wait till I get really old and have stopped working my day job or something.
And the fact is I really like to take my sweet time with a game, like actually really play with it, try out lots of stuff and just enjoy it, the sights the sound, the stories, the play mechanics and clever stuff that goes on. I don't want to play a game just to finish it so that I can start another game and that conflicts a lot with having so many games that I want to play and limited time.
Another thing is that if I really start on a game, investing more than a couple of hours on it, then that game have to be really really bad for me to not try to finish it and when I don't like to use faq's for games I haven't finished at least once....well it can take some time sometimes to get through.
And then there are games that are so good that you just have to play them more than once. And games that have different endings. And games where your different play style will make for a totally different game each time you play. And games that are short but super addictive.
And unlockables which you get only after you have finished the game at least once.
So with all the games piling up its important to remember that gaming is something you do because you really want to play and enjoy and not something you do just to finish another one of life's chores.
And the backlog is actually not only games but there are also movies, music, anime, manga, comics, books, tv shows......
And on that note I'll just wonder how it is to be a game reviewer knowing finishing games (and having deadlines) is part of your job?
Very good article btw. Its getting more and more clear that its time we need not money.
Re: You Should Really Consider Signing This Yakuza 5 Petition
it will be localized...on the PS Vita. Just you watch.
Re: Pachter: Microsoft Will 'Deliberately Trash' the PlayStation 4
@TheRealBatman Its not that I don't want them. I do want a next-gen console. What I am trying to say is that I want ONE next-gen console. I bought the Wii and the 360 and the PS3 for the exclusives, but I would rather just buy one and get ALL the games on that one. Now its like when I want to buy a game that is not exclusive to one console I first check which consoles version got the most favorable reviews, then I think about which controller would fit the best and then I buy that version which I think will be the best fit. I rather not have that anymore, I think competition is healthy in a marked dominated economy but I also think we are at some kind of crossroad with the big games getting rather expensive to produce, port and marked and I can see some benefits in getting rid of one of the three big players in the console field.
Re: The Last of Us Will Spook You for About 12 to 16 Hours
For me a 12-16 h game is more like a 40-50 h game as I really like to take my sweet time. Looking so forward to this game, think it will be the game of the generation.
Re: Pachter: Microsoft Will 'Deliberately Trash' the PlayStation 4
we do not even need the ps4 and the 720. My xbox360 and my ps3 is exactly the same apart from the controller. Really. Give me the PS720 and then i'll be happy.
Re: Talking Point: Do We Pay Too Much Attention to Review Scores?
And I still want that Lets FisH! Hooked On! Even though its probably a pretty crappy game, something just draws me in....
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue One
Final Fantasy IX
Re: Final Fantasy X HD Sure Looks Snazzy on PlayStation Vita
I got sort of obsessed with FFX-2, and I played it for a ridiculous amount of time, even more than I spent with FFX which I actually don't remember too well, I remember Blitzball though...Nice to have it on the Vita so I can play it again.
Re: The Last Guardian Re-emerges Ahead of PlayStation Meeting
I'm kind of split on this one. Yes it would be nice to have this game perform as it should on the new hardware, still its something really cool about the games coming out for a console in its dying hours, when the developers really get to squeeze the hardware to its last drop and you get the "vow I can't believe this game is on .... (N64, Gamecube, Ps2, ps3, wii, insert last gen console of choice here). And the ps3 being known to be hard to develope for, and The Last Guardian being a first party release of sorts, well I would actually like it to join The Last of Us, GTA V. Beyond: Two Souls and Lightning Returns as the swan song on the ps3 - talk about going out with a bang and not a whimper!
That for me is actually some of the charm with games like Shadow of the Colossus on the ps2, slowdown and all, that its actually a ps2 game and Final Fantasy XII - it looks fantastic for a ps2 game. And FFIX on the psx, who cannot say it looks pretty damn nice on the hardware?
And considering TLG having been in development for so many years with the ps3 in mind well I can't possibly imagine it being optimized for the ps4 hardware and not for a moment taxing the system.
So I would actually prefer TLG coming out on the ps3, I think the hardware should be at least adequate for the vision that Ueda had with this game and then he should hopefully begin a new project from scratch for the ps4, with an even grander vision and scope.
End of rambling.
Re: Toshihiro Nagoshi Wants to Show Next Gen Yakuza This Year
And first we need Yakuza 5 over here in Europe. Please.
Re: Review: Gravity Rush (PlayStation Vita)
So i just finished this one today, and it was brilliant! I just want to linger and linger in the gameworld, hope there will be more of these.
Re: Joel and Ellie Headline The Last of Us' Special Editions
Ellie all the way!