Comments 90

Re: Poll: One Week Later, Is Red Dead Redemption 2 the Best Game of 2018?


I just can’t get excited for this game (or Spider-Man, Assassins Creed Odyssey or God of War), Rockstar has been a total disappointment after GTA IV which I though was pretty good (while the two dlc episodes were disastrous), RDR and GTA V were absolute travesties and I just think they are wasting their resources and obvious talent. Why bother building these amazing open world environments when you fill them with tired gameplay mechanics, idiotic protagonists and uninteresting stories? Is this really what you want from video games, people?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This... Christmas? - Issue 6


Gonna start up Nier:Automate when I get home from visiting. Also I recently played through Persona 5 and I don’t really get all this talk about it being so long and bloated. It’s pretty tightly structured with a gameplay loop that repeats seven times or so. The only thing that feels remotely stretched out are the expositions happening at the beginning or ending of each chapter where you are locked out of any meaningful interaction for quite some time. Everything else is pretty tightly done. I finished in 125 hours with the true ending and I don’t think I did any grinding whatsoever. And once you finish the story there really is nothing more to do so for a jrpg it’s not really all that long. Just saying. (Although there are some stuff to do in new game+ that you might have missed in a first play through and some alternative choices you can make regarding confidants for different cut scenes.)

Re: PSX 2017: Sony Commits to Single Player, Jokes About Service Games


@get2sammyb . I have to agree. Multiplayer in Demon Souls and Dark Souls really added to the experience. I also enjoy multiplayer in ‘monster hunter’ type games and had a lot of fun doing co-op in Soul Sacrifice (delta) on the Vita. Also the asymmetric multiplayer in games like Dragons Dogma and Xenoblade Chronicles X works well for me.

Re: Knack 2 Bombed at Apocalyptic Proportions in Japan


Yeah knack....that whole concept was a pretty hard sell wasn’t it? I haven’t played the game so I won’t say anything about the quality but Japan Studio has been involved with so much cool stuff so it can’t be all bad can it, and some of the stuff they have been working on has been pretty “out there”. I think it’s nice that they are allowed to take some chances on weird concepts even if Sony has to accept some bombs (sales wise) here and there.

Re: The Last of Us: Part II Appears to Be Set in Seattle


@DerMeister. Yeah that's the thing with tLoU, I though the gameplay was pretty standard and uninspired, still the experience of playing through it was absolutely fantastic. The characters, the story, the environments, the suspense and the attention to detail really vowed me. And the last mission you do was the best (for me at least), the gameplay actually worked well for that last section.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Gran Theft Auto V Steals Back Top Spot


I can't even imagine what people see in GTA V. I was pretty hyped for it after GTA IV which I liked a lot but boy it was a complete let down. For me GTA V was a disaster of old, out dated and boring game mechanics, a horrible story and disgusting spineless characters that got pushed around because they were all morons.
I cant even remember one single mission from the game and that's bad considering I still remember some of the missions from the first gta and gta 2... The open world was good though but been there done that, it just couldn't save this travesty of a game.

Why people is still buying it is beyond me, but as always to each their own.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Nurburgring Is PS4's Most Beautiful Thing



Well yes you are, and that's one of the reasons I visit this site at least once a day (there are really only two things that has been nagging me about your coverage lately. It's the "vow great graphics" thing and then there is the handling of the PlayStation Pro. It's not a secret that I really think this was a bad move by Sony. It's not that I think the PS pro is a a bad machine I just think the introduction of an upgraded console halfway through its lifespan is a really, really bad idea. My arguments for why that is so you can find if you check my comments history. And I think you have been treating it like it's a godsend to gaming and have not been critical to what this actually means for console gamers and effects on the industry as a whole. And I think you should have been.) But I guess I got my point across, keep up the good critical journalism and I will keep reading your articles with a critical and open mind.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Nurburgring Is PS4's Most Beautiful Thing


@Splints thanks for your response, appreciate it! And I will continue making comments whenever I feel I got something to say.

@get2sammyb. Just to finish whatever I started. What I mean is that when articles on a site that claim to have "the worlds best independent PlayStation coverage" starts to read more like advertisements for Sony endorsed products it's only appropriate to question journalistic integrity.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Nurburgring Is PS4's Most Beautiful Thing


I don't want to split hairs here. I think mr. Barker is a competent writer and I enjoy reading both his articles and reviews on this site (that's why I'm here isn't it?) @Splints. My only point here is that gaming journalism is so much more than noting that a game "looks good", and if even well renowned gaming sites are starting to focus so much attention towards this little aspect of gaming (cue the recent surge in "vow doesn't this really look great" articles from mr. Barker) I think the medium is heading in the wrong direction. Both "spirits within" and "kingsglaive" looks absolutely gorgeous but it doesn't make them good movies, in fact they both are disastrous.

Did my point come across clearer now? I also like games to have a nice art direction and to be pleasing to the eye or purpose it's supposed to convey, but in the end it's the gameplay that keeps me playing games and that's what should be the main focus on a major gaming site (together with the unique interactive feature that video games represent, storytelling, characters, philosophy, ethical discussions etc.) That's my take on it anyway. (Of course the technical aspects of video games is also an interesting angle but still that also goes beyond merely posting a YouTube video and saying "GT4... is the most beautiful thing.)

Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Nurburgring Is PS4's Most Beautiful Thing


@get2sammyb. I just needed to see the headlines to know that this was one of your articles, and what do you know? By Sammy Baker. Honestly just go back to the last six months of articles and see how many times you have posted something about great graphics for games on the PlayStation/Pro. To me it's getting really old, its lazy journalism and it tells me that you have lost whatever integrity you might have had. This is like six year olds discussing games, and has nothing to do with game journalism.

That being said it does look good but it will probably play like any other GT game. Been there done that.

Re: PS4 and Nintendo Switch Need to Find a Balance in Japan


@Savino I would say similar but not the same. It's first with this generation of consoles we have two consoles with almost the exact same hardware inside. Before that we had consoles that operated on completely different components and architecture, and with different design philosophies.

Re: So Many People Are Going to Get Ellie's Tattoo from The Last of Us: Part II


"....should all play into the titles darker theme" it's not like part one were all hugs and butterflies either...

Oh boy I'm looking forward to this title. After finishing the last of us I kind of felt a bit sad for the people who never get to experience it 'cause they "don't play video games". I'm not saying that the last of us had the best gameplay or story or characters or whatever (even though especially the characters were kind of brilliant) but it all came together to create a tremendous experience I wouldn't want to be without in my life. I'm glad I play video games.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 140


Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair on the Vita.

Edit. Vow after reading through everybody's comments there really isn't much excitement going on in gaming atm. Like nothing at all. Guess this is the right time to burn through that backlog that built while I was lost in Dragons Dogma, fantasizing about a pawn ai that while still being pretty cool is not all that we though it could be at the time.

Re: TGS 2016: Revisit Resident Evil 7's Free PS4 Demo Now


Hm just watched that brand new trailer and well eh...meh. Character models are awful, it's dark and probably going to be very disorienting in VR. So far it's not looking very promising. But still I'm kinda intrigued. Have to try out that demo soon. And for anyone who wants that old school RE feel you might want to give Revelations 2 a try, it worked for me, I had a blast playing it trough.

Re: Feature: Everything You Need to Know About PS4 Pro


@Major-Zero yeah i know. Push Square has been acting really biased since the Neo first was announced, and there is no reason to be very happy with what is happening to consoles right now even if they are a "pro" Sony site. I'm starting to doubt their integrity too.

Hopefully nobody buys into this idiotic idea and leave the ps4 pro to collect dust on store shelves.

Just think about this: why should I have a feeling of playing an inferior version of a game even though I'm playing it on a current gen console, just because some idiots released a new version of said console three years into its lifespan? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Re: Feature: Everything You Need to Know About PS4 Pro


It's no longer the "exact" same game when the textures are improved. If that was how this thing worked we might as well still be playing games on our ps2's. This upgraded console thing is just really stupid and hopefully will die along with the whole "remaster" shenanigans. I don't know what Sony or Microsoft were thinking when they first hatched this idea but it smells of desperation and being clueless to why people buy consoles in the first place.

It's not that I can't afford a 4K tv or a $399 console every other year. It's just that I can't see anything good coming from this "modern" way of thinking. I would rather call this a step backwards into pc territory and not a move foreward for consoles.

So in a couple of years when we get the PlayStation pro ultra slim whatever, the game makers have to release three different optimized versions of the same game? Yeah I see that one gonna happen. Now that it takes from 3+ years to develope a triple A game title, how many triple A' s will we get pr. generation?
And if the trend with upgraded consoles continues, when will there ever be a ps5, so that developers can move away from the restrictions of having to run the game on the ps4 architecture?

To me this upgraded console thing, like the remaster thing, is a cancer to an already dying business and to turn it around I don't think this is the way to go at all.

The reason mobile games are thriving is because they are plentiful, easy to develope, accessible and affordable. That's also why handhelds like the vita and 3ds are getting lots of games and original content while the ps4 has gotten one real AAA title in 3 years (uncharted 4), and just a whole bunch of ports, multiplatforms and remasters.

And since the ps4 and xbone are more or less pc's in a box now they might as well just be pc's with Sony and Microsoft branding running Linux or Windows or whatever. And that might just be as well.

As it now stands the Nintendo NX might be the consoles last stand. Let's keep our fingers crossed </rant>

Edit. And just for the record. The reason I mention triple A content is because that's the only content that really needs that extra power or are gonna make use of it. Every other small developer just don't have the resources to produce that kind of content and would rather make games for the vita, 3ds or mobile.

Re: PS4K Is Codenamed Neo, Has Upgraded Specs, Will Not Supplant Existing PS4 Systems


This move, if it's actually going to happen, might spell the death of home consoles as we know them. I feel like this is just the next step towards a complete pc dominated platform for gaming on the big screen. In the future we will have whatever Nintendo is doing, mobile and a gaming console/pc with upgradable components....and that doesn't really sound that bad. The transition might get a bit ugly though, with multiple versions of the same console.

Re: Here's the Map from Red Dead Redemption's PS4 Sequel


As with all recent rockstar games RDR just didn't do it for me, the beginning was fantastic but midway through the Mexico missions things went south and stayed there. In the end I just didn't care and finished it just to be done. I think a revolution need to happen within rockstar for me to ever care about their games again. It was better than GTA V but that ain't saying much as GTA V was a piece of xxxx. The world was fantastic but story, missions and characters dreadful.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy an Upgraded PS4K?


The whole idea of upgraded consoles just seems off to me. So now they are turning the PlayStation into a pc? What's the point in having different platforms at all, why not just go full on pc and be done with it? This rubs me the wrong way. Maybe they should consider shorter console cycles instead? But when games take 10 years to develope, that too will obviously be a problem....

But if the rumors are true it's probably to get the VR to run properly and that is acceptable if they also lock whatever extra resources to VR only, that way they don't need to split the user base and most things should be fine. By me at least. And I'll probably buy it for the VR then in a couple of years or so.

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