Comments 28

Re: PS5's Astro Bot Doesn't Support PSVR2 Because It Was Never Designed to Do So


@TrickyDicky99 This isn't Capcom; they're an indie dev.

Again, they said they have "no proof for the number", and again, they don't have access to the PSVR2 sales figures, and don't know how many were sold via PlayStation Direct.

So no, they don't know. They're guessing. They could be right or close, or they could've made a mistake and be way off.

Refusing to accept guesses as 'facts' is not 'coping', it's being honest.

Re: PS5's Astro Bot Doesn't Support PSVR2 Because It Was Never Designed to Do So


@TrickyDicky99 'Facts'? You literally just misrepresented an unsubstantiated claim (saying that Sony halted production, when the <claim> was that they paused production).

Link for the 1.3 million claim?

Edit: found the claim:

'There is reason why all VR games focus on Quest store.Disclaimer; I exepct PSVR2 install base is now 1.3m, Its just my thoughts based on my research, so no proof for the number.'

So even though this indie dev doesn't have access to the PSVR2 sales figures, doesn't know how many are sold via PlayStation Direct, is making a guess and says "no proof for the number"'re accepting that number as a 'fact'.

Holy moley. You need to re-check what 'fact' means.

Re: PS5's Astro Bot Doesn't Support PSVR2 Because It Was Never Designed to Do So


'It's been a sales flop'

You don't know that. The only actual sales figures we have are 600k sold in 6 weeks.

'Sony had to halt production due to low sales'

Incorrect. The claim is that they paused production, not halted. And that claim was made by Bloomberg (who've gotten multiple claims wrong before), and hasn't been verified to be true. Yet here you are repeating it as if it's the truth.

'Firewall Ultra (published by Sony) Studio shut down due to poor sales'

Yeah, because the game was crap as the devs didn't listen to their audience.

'PC adapter released'


'Astro Bot not playable in VR'

This is a genuinely bad decision from Sony.

'No 1st party games announced'

The dearth of first-party games is a PlayStation problem, not just a PSVR2 problem.

There are around 200 games out for PSVR2, with more quality ones than I'll ever have time to play.
I'd of course love some more AAA PSVR2 games..just as I'd love some more AAA PS5 games.

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


Helldivers 2, Phantom Blade 0, Ultros and that sand-surfing game were great to see.

RE4 being fully in VR is excellent news. Arizona Sunshine 2 has Dead Island vibes so that could be good. Crossfire could be good arcade fun.
As with the flat games though, I was hoping for more new announcements, especially from 1st party devs.
I'd give it a 7.

Re: Sony Considered Xbox Series S-Style PS5, Doesn't Think Lower Spec Models Have Had Success


"Based on our research, it’s clear that people who buy a game console want to continue using it for four, five, six or even seven years. They want to believe they have bought something that is future-proofed and not going to be outdated in two-to-three years."

Quite the shade there.
Let's not forget the Series S CPU is (marginally) more powerful than the PS5 CPU.
For people who aren't interested in 4K, there's no reason it won't be able to play the same games.

Re: Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain - EDF Is Back to Its Best


@arnoldlayne83 Yup. 2-player splitscreen or 4-player online co-op (or 4v4 PvPvE). EDF is one of the best co-op franchises out there IMO. The harder difficulties actually require a good deal of tactics so playing with buddies makes the game even more fun.

Re: November PS Plus Games Seemingly Outed by Official PlayStation Website


@JoeBlogs "Bonus suggests you’re getting sth more than what you paid for, so it isn’t any more adequate."

'at no extra cost beyond the subscription fee you've already paid'

It's adequate for people who pay for PS+ to play online.

It's also certainly more accurate than 'free'. If people need to spend money in order to get games, they aren't free by definition. People may understand what is meant by 'free' in this instance, but only because the term's been misused by marketers so much.

Re: Review: Firewall Zero Hour (PS4)


Sure, I get that you're informing people that they should be aware of player numbers, but the devs can't choose how many people play the game. They can only make it and hope it's received well.
The 6 just seems very harsh to me, especially at this early stage when the game has just been released and the player-base could still be growing.

Re: Review: Firewall Zero Hour (PS4)


I've seen a good bit of player feedback about the game, and other people have mentioned having no problems with tracking. It may be your setup (too many light-sources in the room?).

Also, like Naruball said, it seems unfair to mark the game down for something out of its control, and especially since the game's only been out a day and a bit. I'm still waiting for my copy in the post!