Comments 78

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Must Introduce Price Parity Across Regional PSN Stores


Thought this would be about physical and digital being the same price.

As physical is nearly always cheaper than digital.

The regional thing is a good idea but you've got different taxes and wages along with the value of money. If you even look at the basic minimum wage in UK and Australia, it's miles different same with the cost of a game but 5.5hrs work would buy that same game in both countries.

That if Australia started paying $50 for a game, then surely we're then getting screwed more in the UK.

Re: Talking Point: Could Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass Model Work on PS4?


@mookysam I doubt I would even buy them but don't forget Game Pass 200+ games on it for the £8 a month and I've got Xbox gaming friends and something like Sea of Thieves they might get day one and if I get 6 months later, I may have missed the boat for playing online with them.

As someone who doesn't buy digital versions of big AAA titles and why the original unveiling and plans for Xbox One wouldn't have been for me as I wouldn't and won't pay £50 for a digital copy of Halo 6 for instance.

But with people banging on for years that gaming is going digital only etc the model xbox is doing is a way around people like me.

I think lot's would be willing to pay £8 a month for digital only then £50 per download.

Re: Talking Point: Could Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass Model Work on PS4?


I've been saying since 2013 this is Xboxes future and I hope Sony or Nintendo don't do it.

I hope all take different approaches at least for the foreseeable future, MS with the Netflix like model, Sony with a more traditional model and Nintendo with a hybrid/gaming on the go.

Surely that is good for gaming than 3 boxes basically doing the same thing but one plays Halo, one plays Zelda and one plays Uncharted.

Re: Review: Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)


@get2sammyb thanks, I'm not one for side quests, I normally only ever do the story as that's why I play games but some like Mass Effect, I did do all the characters side mission as I felt they expanded the overall experience.

Re: Review: Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)


@get2sammyb how long would say just the story missions are as I don't want to rush the game but a certain other system is out two days after and I will playing that.

So I want to get as much as I can out of this in the two I can.

Re: PlayStation Plus Subscribers Suddenly Losing Access to Accounts


I've been having this issue for days, I bought hand of fate then it didn't download. I rang Sony and they didn't have a clue.

They told me what to do like Tekken179 but nothing has worked, the last thing to try is told reset but jeez that's going to take awhile to sort out.

I might ring Sony again to see what's happening.

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