Maybe a 10-15% discount on all digital games to bring it closer to physical prices. That would be win win for Sony but would also suit me fine as I prefer digital.
Good tips, I'm sure I will use them. Going to get stuck into this very soon when it finally finishes downloading! One question, is there different difficulty settings with this game?
@kyleforrester87 I'm still hoping they up the light level for vault of glass in the last big update so I can play through it again and it still be a challenge.
@kyleforrester87 I played it for a solid year after the initial release not touching any other games! I gave it a rest when fallout 4 arrived but then went straight back when I finished that. Not played now though since I completed the rise of iron add on. And I'm pretty happy with myself for that!
@kyleforrester87 me too, I'm just hoping it will leave me enough time to play all the other great games due out over the course of it. Hopefully it won't be so much of a grind as the first one.
I enjoyed the game for a good 15-20 hours but then it all became a bit samey. I loved the idea of the game but after that amount of time playing there was just no point to the game anymore in my opinion.
Really can't wait for this game, hope we do see it at E3 this year. Still play borderlands 2 from time to time but I need 3 to come soon to get me off of destiny!
Comments 17
Re: 'High-End RPG Remake' for PS5 in Production at Japanese Studio
Might be on my own here but I’d love a summoner 1&2 remake
Re: Sony Wants to Make PlayStation Plus Even More Attractive to Members
Maybe a 10-15% discount on all digital games to bring it closer to physical prices. That would be win win for Sony but would also suit me fine as I prefer digital.
Re: Destiny 2 Is Down For Maintenance at Prime Playing Hours Yet Again In Europe
Given up playing now until new content arrives anyway, no where near enough to do in the endgame. Looking forward to the first Dlc though.
Re: Destiny 2 Is Down for 6 Whole Hours Today
Got nothing left to do anyway, really isn't enough weekly content. Need a few more strike options or pvp modes. Why can't iron banner be weekly??
Re: Stunning Metal Gear Solid Models Open Pre-Orders
I have never been that big a fan of anything to pay that much for a statue!
Re: Say Hello to Your New Home in Destiny 2
Looks good, can't wait to get my destiny groove back on!
Re: July 2017 PlayStation Plus Games Announced
Excellent month considering I don't own any of these games! The £40 yearly pass is definitely worth it with a selection like this.
Re: E3 2017: Sony's Listening to Your Requests for PS4 Remakes
Tenchu: stealth assasins for me! Absolutely loved those games.
Re: Guide: 10 Ghost Recon: Wildlands Tips and Tricks for Rookie Agents
Good tips, I'm sure I will use them. Going to get stuck into this very soon when it finally finishes downloading! One question, is there different difficulty settings with this game?
Re: Destiny 2 and Final Destiny Event Detailed By Bungie
@DrClayman more good news!!
Re: Destiny 2 and Final Destiny Event Detailed By Bungie
@kyleforrester87 I'm still hoping they up the light level for vault of glass in the last big update so I can play through it again and it still be a challenge.
Re: Destiny 2 and Final Destiny Event Detailed By Bungie
@kyleforrester87 I played it for a solid year after the initial release not touching any other games! I gave it a rest when fallout 4 arrived but then went straight back when I finished that. Not played now though since I completed the rise of iron add on. And I'm pretty happy with myself for that!
Re: Destiny 2 and Final Destiny Event Detailed By Bungie
@kyleforrester87 me too, I'm just hoping it will leave me enough time to play all the other great games due out over the course of it. Hopefully it won't be so much of a grind as the first one.
Re: No Man's Sky Controversially Wins Innovation Award at GDC 2017
I enjoyed the game for a good 15-20 hours but then it all became a bit samey. I loved the idea of the game but after that amount of time playing there was just no point to the game anymore in my opinion.
Re: Here's Your Shock First Look at Borderlands 3
Really can't wait for this game, hope we do see it at E3 this year. Still play borderlands 2 from time to time but I need 3 to come soon to get me off of destiny!
Re: Your Free PlayStation Plus Games for August Have Been Revealed
Already got rebel galaxy and have around 40 hours of fun from that, it's actually a great game. Definitely worth a play for free!
Re: It's Not Just You - Destiny's Offline for Maintenance Today
Better today than xur day