
Topic: Push Square Community Game Club | Now Playing: Under the Waves

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AgentCooper wrote:

@Pizzamorg Must be hell?

So hot in this hole and there is no aircon. Typical UK summer.


[Edited by Pizzamorg]

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Kidfried @Gremio108 That’s encouraging that the platinum maybe isn’t as bad as I thought. I’ll have to use the button spamming, as I have reloaded the first song with Tre probably over 10 times and still can’t manage to get past 99%. I’m missing a note somewhere. It’s weird because I think the game isn’t registering my button press sometimes; I know I’ve got the button before the note passes, but it shows red on the screen as if I haven’t…? I don’t know.

I’ll have to try the mini-game races and shooting galleries. I’ve done a few of them, including a flying race and it was fairly janky with the controls so after getting a bronze on the second try I thought I’d struggle to get gold. And there appears to be no incentive to getting anything above a bronze in these because all the in-game trophies give you the same number of claw-game credits, as far as I can tell. Maybe there’s something later that requires getting gold but so far since it seems optional I’m skipping the races and such and planned to loop back only if I feel the urge later.

@QualityGeezer Having not finished the game yet, I can’t speak comprehensively but I feel like Tchia’s character is well done. She’s enough of a ‘blank slate’ to be able to invest oneself in, but also has a charm and personality all her own. Mainly the way she interacts with other characters and animals. She’s friendly, courageous, curious, and above all independent. That’s the thing that has amazed me so far about her — she is just a child (I can’t remember if the game ever says her exact age) but yet she is running all around the islands on her own with very little adult guidance, since her father was taken. The fact she’s so determined and courageous in the face of such trials is a really great character trait. Perhaps children are given freedom at an earlier age in New Cadelonia but as far as Western society a child of her age running about by themselves would be quite unusual. Most would be crying and/or starving within the first 24 hours 😅. I’m trying to think of a Western game that has a child protagonist where they have to survive on their own. Maybe A Plague Tale, or Limbo/Inside? Either way, I like the independent spirit and survival skills

I like how she’s also able to serve as a mediator of broken relationships between factions

I do think that all the goofy outfits are a slight distraction from the characterization and narrative. I felt the same way about Hogwart’s Legacy and the crazy glasses and hats you could wear, which completely ruin the more serious cut scenes. I’m experiencing a similar issue with Jedi Survivor although all the facial hair and clothing swaps you can do are a little more grounded. In Tchia, the game obviously doesn’t take itself too seriously and tries to straddle the line of somber tale and silly gamey fictional adventure, which I think is one of the little issues with the game, as @Kidfried pointed out. The game doesn’t quite know what it wants to be. Personally I’ve chosen to maintain Tchia dressed in clothing that keeps to the traditional island feeling of the game.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I do like my platinums so I looked at a YouTube video for the no bum notes trophy and there is a song at the end of the game which is just top and bottom notes so just spam the button whilst moving the stick up and down...I guess.
Don't go googling for the song though as you will have the ending spoiled, mine has already been spoiled as I said earlier in this thread which is why I went looking for the song.



@CaptD Good to know. I’ll leave it as something to worry about later. I have lightened some on my commitment to getting platinums, although I don’t mind a little extra effort for the bling when the game is still enjoyable.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution yeah I agree, just feel like the interactions between characters is so well done, whether it's a tribe leader in a village or more prominent characters it has a big charm to it which is helped by the musical interludes that usually accompanies these moments. I believe Tchia is 12 but could be wrong



@QualityGeezer Yes, I do love how she will be respectful to the leaders and then they’ll usually help her out and teach her. It’s a very culturally specific thing, but I don’t doubt that it’s probably pretty accurate, both in the way children treat their elders and the way communities rally together to take responsibility for raising the youth. The lifestyle appears to be more communal and I find it interesting that you never have to pay for food and can just walk up to a place and eat. My experience with some other Pacific Island cultures makes me think that’s likely accurate to their lifestyle. Really cool stuff.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Played about an hour or so to test out the game and... eh.

Story set up was different than I expected in a good way. I think its cool to celebrate lesser known places and cultures, a lot of love obviously went into this. I won't say I particularly liked the art style, but I still appreciated its unique stylisations. I was also impressed with the extensive suite of options, like a PC title, and the inclusion of gyro aim.

Then it came to me actually playing it and... it all went downhill from there. I hate the map, it all feels very jank, the objectives are incredibly tedious and that nine hour long leaf jam, I wish I was playing Yakuza.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Just want too say thanks for starting this club back up, not sure how many people would have played Tchia if it wasn't for this club but I'm certainly glad I did



@Pizzamorg sorry it hasn't connected with you, stay with it tho if u can it does get better



Ha ha got shredder on the first song, just spamming the button as you guys have stated.
The song was wrecked, my finger hurts but it is done....autoplay is on from here.




Good day to one and all, I hope everyone is having a splendid Sunday and if you are a dad, your children are treating you with kindness and using quiet voices on this Fatherly Sunday (in the UK) and a massive shout out to all the single Mothers out there, often overlooked and doing a stupendous job. I was rewarded for my grit and graft with brownies, home made pizza and a long soak in the bath.

Anywhodle, I think by all accounts June has been a success and it has been amazing reading all your discussions and thoughts on our game of the month, Tchia. Alas, the time has come to vote on a game to play in July. We currently have 21 games to choose from, I've added in Humanity to replace Tchia in the running as it was suggested early by Kidfried. I think perhaps next month or in September we should completely refresh the shortlist, what are people's thoughts? You will find the shortlist on Post 3 please ‘@‘ me with your vote and with a bit of luck I’ll keep tab! I’ll close voting a week today ish (Sunday 25th) or at least by the end of the month, hopefully.

@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson

As always, if your name isn’t here and you want to be added, please let know! Happy voting!

[Edited by AgentCooper]

Massive, massive quantities and a glass of water, sweetheart. My socks are on fire!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

PSN: thebeastisuponme


@AgentCooper my vote is for Toy Story 2, cheers

I'd also chuck in a suggestion of Beyond Two Souls for the shortlist

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@Kidfried Artful Escape is a transcendental experience...well maybe not but it is jolly good.

My vote is for Stray. I have downloaded it but have yet to start.

[Edited by CaptD]



@AgentCooper I think it’s a very reasonable approach. The list is still quite meaty, so we might as well vote from it again.

My top three, in order of preference would be:

Life is Strange 2
The Artful Escape

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@AgentCooper Great to hear you had a lovely Father’s Day. I was treated to a nice breakfast and a ‘bad dad jokes’ book 📕, which might be a little hint from the Mrs and kids.

I vote for The Artful Escape, Humanity, or Toy Story 2.


PSN: Mr_B021


@AgentCooper I'd give a vote for humanity. Loved me some lemmings back in the day, would be interested in a modern take and have heard nothing but good things.

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82

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