Comments 29

Re: God of War Director Speaks Out in Defence of Single Player Games


I am also a single player only gamer. I need a good story to keep my interest in the game I am playing. I feel the industry has been moving towards multiplayer for a while but there are still single player games around. If single player games do die out then I will become a retro gamer and play all the past single player games I missed first time round

Re: Talking Point: Was Mass Effect: Andromeda Unfairly Torn Apart by the Internet?


I was put off buying this game by the videos I saw and the media. But the game should be under scrutiny considering the amount of money we are expected to pay. People would be pissed off if the gaming media did not highlight the game had issues and forked out the money. I will but the game once it has been fixed like it should in the first place. This is more evidence not to pre order games anymore and if everyone did that then maybe the game companies would deliver a better quality product.