Comments 480

Re: Surprise! Cult 90s Platformer Flashback Is Getting a Sequel


Interesting! Flashback is one of my favourite games, and I'd be interested to see what they did with a modern take on it. Hopefully they keep the 2D, side-on mechanics, like with the new Abe's games, I don't want a generic Third Person shooter, with a Conrad Hart skin slapped over the top.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy a PS5 Remake of The Last of Us?


The Demon's Souls remake was welcome because it was only ever released on PS3, and from what I've read, doing a straight port was problematic because of the hardware it was built for (ditto MGS4), so being able to play it on a current gen console made sense.

TLOU1 was released at the tail end of the PS3's life and was quickly remastered for PS4, so it's already perfectly playable on PS5. Unless they're going to completely redo it with extra story points and new characters, a la FF7R (and even then I'd be a bit iffy about it), I really don't see the point.

Re: So, Square Enix Is Making Another Final Fantasy VII Remake Called Ever Crisis... On Mobile


"Indeed, we've seen a lot of people say that Ever Crisis could be what they wanted from Final Fantasy VII Remake all along — a 'faithful' remake of the PS1 classic"

Yeah that's pretty much what I'd have been happy with — as much as I enjoyed FFVIIR, and appreciate the work that was put into it, I still have a soft spot for the original, with its quirky designs and traditional combat.

Re: Mystery Metal Gear Solid Reunion Teases with 'Details Coming Soon'


Okay, dream scenario:

MGS Ultimate Legacy Collection Plus:

  • Every game in the series from Metal Gear all the way to MGSV
  • MGSV gets its ending sorted out, and Hayter re-records all of Snake's lines
  • Metal Gear Solid Remake (no wall-climing, just a straight up redo of the first game, in high-def)

Likely scenario:
A Metal Gear-branded talking tie rack.

Re: The Dream Is Dead: PS5 Will Not Play PS3, PS2, or PS1 Games


Aw, rats...

It would have been a day-one purchase for me if it had, but in my heart of hearts I kinda knew it was unrealistic - especially for PS3 games. I still have a dozen or so PS3-exclusive games that I keep it hooked up for, but those are slowly being whittled away (oh hello, Scott Pilgrim! )