Comments 480

Re: Don't Want to Play Death Stranding 2 on PS5? You Can Read It Instead


I've been deliberating whether to go in on Death Stranding, but knowing that these exist, I think I might much prefer them in prose form! Hell, can we get a novelisation of MGS4 while we're at it? I'm sure there's a good story in there but I found those pesky sections where you have to play the game quite distracting.

Re: 15 Years Ago, Square Enix Released the Most Divisive Final Fantasy Game


FFXIII felt like a finely-crafted tech demo to an egregiously incomplete game.

Still, it's hard to get past FFXIII's disjointed narrative, the lack of exploration allowed by its more directed adventure, and ditching of essential elements like an overworld, towns, or even many NPCs to explore and interact with.

This, a hundred percent. What really stuck out to me as well was the item upgrading system. You essentially get given a load of loot/components after battles, and you just blindly shove them into your gear, with no real way to know exactly what effect they'll have until you've done it.

Re: 'Don't Bet' on The Last of Us 3, Warns Neil Druckmann


As bleak as the games are, I'd be perfectly content with having the story end with Part 2. I don't really know where else you can go, and what more you can "say" by adding to the plot, outside of (MAJOR SPOILERS)...

...Ellie and Abby reuniting, and coming to the realisation that revenge is not the way, and then working together combining their collective smarts of science and violence to wipe out the infection, rebuild society, and then ultimately becoming an item. Abby uses more science to rebuild Ellie's fingers, and then the two form a band for a big, super upbeat musical finale that is completely at odds with the misery that's come before.

Highly doubt that Druckman would want to go for that, but it'd certainly be a hell of an unexpected narrative swerve for the audience.

Re: Looks Like Resident Evil 5 Is Getting a PS5 Port Too


I would like to revisit 5 — I actually had a less fun time with it than I did with 6 at the time; the AI-controlled partner setup always felt a bit clunky and the overall vibe I remember being a lot more joyless than the other entries.

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Support Could Be Over Already as Patch 5 Drops on PS5


@Runex2121 I'm a little in two minds about DLC when it comes to expansive RPGs such as this. On the one hand it's nice to be able to return to the world again (if it's something as big as Awakening or Trespasser - although with both of those examples I played the main game after the DLC had already released), but on the other hand it's nice to have closure and be able to put a game to rest.

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard, FC 25 Underperform, Force EA to Lower Financial Forecast


@Rich33 Yeah, I only got around to playing DAI last year (once I knew Veilguard was coming I finally pulled the trigger on it!), and yeah i'm loving just how streamlined and efficient the devs have made to QoL things, mainly like gear/item upgrades and management — and yeah they've completely overhauled the combat, for the better in my opinion — it's a lot less automated than in 1-3 (so horses for courses I guess!) — playing a Shadow Dragon / Rogue

Only minor nitpick is that you only get two party companions, so group banter is a little limited compared to previous games.

Re: The Worst Tomb Raider Game Should Play a Bit Better in PS5, PS4 Remaster


@ReddMcKnight I hope so — I got pretty far into AoD but I encountered a bug while playing as Kurtis where I went through a door and the level environment just straight up didn't load. But my save file was already up to that point and with no way to revert it outside of starting over, I ended up shelving it. I'm pretty keen to revisit and finally finish it.

Re: Resident Evil 6 Appears Set for a PS5 Port


I honestly didn't mind RE6 when I first played it. My only real nitpicks were the fact that you had to re-play entire sections of the game when switching characters, which felt a bit redundant, and that it's just straight-up overshadowed by better entries in the series, but as a standlone game I had a decent time with it.

Re: PGA Tour 2K25 Sets Up PS5 Birdie for 28th February


@Totheteeth oh yeah, same! Have you tried Everybody's Golf? I find it just arcadey enough without losing the core integrity (something I've read the new Mario Golf suffers from), and it has a really great character/career mode.

Re: Video Game Industry 'Doesn't Want a Game Pass', Says Market Analyst


Sequel wrote:

I detest the idea of gaming subscriptions personally. I hate the feeling I'm being timed, and I like to take as long as I need.

Ditto — plus I've already got a pretty sizeable backlog; I don't need MS/Sony to ladle a new glut of games on my plate every few months, 95% of which I'll honestly never get around to playing, let alone finishing, anyway.

Re: PGA Tour 2K25 Sets Up PS5 Birdie for 28th February


@Andy22385 yeah, I really liked those RPG style elements from the mid '00s-era TW games; building up your golfer over time with stat-boosting gear and equipment was so satisfying.

Also I wonder if they're going to implement some sort of save migration for owners of the previous game? The one thing I felt the old Tiger Woods games lacked was a way to continue your progress between games; starting from scratch every time was a bit deflating.

Re: PS3 Games Could One Day Get Emulated on PS5


JonTheGod wrote:

I want the PS6 to play all PS1-5 games out of the box. Maybe have a Legacy edition with a more costly disc drive that reads CDs.

Before it was released, I was hoping that the PS5 would be revealed to be fully back-compat with everything. I would totally buy a PS6 on day one if it was — the PS5 Pro has proved that there are people willing to go the extra few pennies.

Re: SEGA Is Pondering a PS Plus-Esque Subscription of Its Own


I imagine if videogames had been invented today, being able to purchase them individually wouldn't even be an option. Companies seem to be pushing subscriptions to be the default way to acquire everything now, and buying a standalone videogame/movie/album feels like it's becoming a relic of a bygone era.

Re: Feature: Khayl's PS1 Memories


For me FFVIII was the misunderstood middle child between VII and IX — for my money, IX is my favourite of the three, but VIII definitely has a charm, despite its jank and unbalancedness

Re: Feature: Khayl's PS1 Memories


@Oram77 yeah, same — I got FFVII (which I finished the week before FFVIII released) with the demo/trailer disc, and seeing that opening movie, with the more realistic characters designs, blew my mind at the time. Liberi Fatali still slaps hard.