There really are some morons amongst hardcore gamers aren’t there? Who think there opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong. You are the ones that give gamers a bad name IMO
@Jayofmaya does anybody require this at this stage? It's been bled to death, move on bathesda stop milking your fans dry for some extra money on a still broken game
@naruball why? Because I can understand that maybes it's a business decision? They see the numbers daily, so they can make a better judgement than we can on whether it's worth their time, effort and cash to keep pumping out these obscure titles just to please their fans. When clearly there isn't enough of or they would have made a larger net profit. Hence it's business
@Cybrshrk a bit rich calling me a fanboy when you're sounding exactly like one. I don't care whether it's on xbox, sony or Nintendo as you say I'm no ties with either. But constantly nit picking over things that don't matter to most is getting tedious. Certainly before they've even been confirmed
@graysoncharles because sony gets the money from selling vr whereas they won't through supporting monitors. I get your point, my frustration isn't really with this. It's just that it seems that every time I'm on this site someone's complaining because they aren't getting what they want
Nah just fed up of hearing people complaining when they don't get what they want regardless if they're in the minority or not. I doubt any company would include something for a handful of customers that use monitors when the majority of their customers use tvs. As I say entitled
Who cares, honestly people will complain about anything. I don't know the facts and figures but I'm guessing more people in the world use a TV rather than a monitor. So stop expecting companies to support something just because you want it you entitled children
Comments 60
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS Blog in 2021?
What sammy? Your Sony bashing again? You must really be butt hurt that purexbox doesn’t want you
Re: Resident Evil Village Wins Game of the Year at Golden Joystick Awards
There really are some morons amongst hardcore gamers aren’t there? Who think there opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong. You are the ones that give gamers a bad name IMO
Re: Resident Evil Village Wins Game of the Year at Golden Joystick Awards
@JAMes-BroWWWn nope not factually wrong,just wrong in your opinion. Try and not get the two mixed up
Re: Oh God, Twelve Minutes Is Coming to PS5, PS4 Next Month
Unless it’s on plus don’t bother
Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?
Removed; user is banned
Re: The Elder Scrolls 6 Isn't Coming to PS5, But It's Not About 'Punishing Other Platforms'
If it looks like a snake, moves like a snake and sounds like a snake. Then it’s damn sure Phil spencer
Re: The Elder Scrolls 6 Isn't Coming to PS5, But It's Not About 'Punishing Other Platforms'
I might actually have found the one game that has made it worth my while buying an Xbox. Right now it’s gathering dust after the first week.
Re: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Upgrade Prices Revealed
How about you focus on releasing the new ES rather than milking your fans for every cent they have. Just an idea. 10 bloody years old
Re: Psychonauts 2 Treated to a PS5 Patch
Poor game anyway. Not worth the hype BUT that’s only my opinion
Re: 'Checkmate, Lawyers' - dbrand Returns with Newly Designed PS5 Faceplates
@RavenWolfe81 well Sony will be suing them for making “false” claims now
Re: 'Checkmate, Lawyers' - dbrand Returns with Newly Designed PS5 Faceplates
Keep it, iooks naff
Re: Sony Threatens to Sue Company That Goaded It to Sue Over Black PS5 Replacement Plates
I don’t mind the white and black, goes well with my series s
Re: PS5 Revision Teardown Prompts Cooling Concerns
Could it be that the revised ps5 is better at extracting heat than the original? Genuine question and that's why the exhausted air is hotter?
Re: Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut Is Superb, But Sony Shouldn't Be Charging Extra for PS5 Upgrade
Does this really warrant an extra article?
Re: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Coming This November for PS5, PS4
@Jayofmaya does anybody require this at this stage? It's been bled to death, move on bathesda stop milking your fans dry for some extra money on a still broken game
Re: There's Talk of New Twisted Metal and WipEout Games for PS5
@Jackpaza0508 as far as I can make out it's for both with and without vr
Re: Ray Tracing Removed from F1 2021 While Codemasters Tinkers with Technical Troubles
Only thing I visually picked up on is during interviews the drivers caps were reflective, now they aren't, after the patch
Re: Mini Review: A Plague Tale: Innocence (PS5) - Rats a Good Next-Gen Upgrade
Removed; user is banned
Re: Reaction: Messy Ghost of Tsushima Upgrade Makes PS5 for the Payers
@mucc sometimes I think I'm on purebox, the amount of articles mention how great xbox is
Re: Sony Under Heavy Fire for Handling of Indies on PS Store
Most indie games are pointless garbage anyways so meh
Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free
Why bring up the xbox thing again? Unless your trying to Stoke the consol war fire
Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity
Enjoyed Bethesda games but I won't buy a console just for them. It is what it is can we just move on already?
Re: Feature: How Velan Studios, and the Community, Are Shaping Knockout City
This has ps+ written all over it
Re: Let's Build a Zoo Is a PS1 Era Management Sim with Crocoducks
@navonod18 if that's your thing you should definitely check out two point hospital
Re: Talking Point: What Free May 2021 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
Since its May 4th be with you, star wars?
Re: E3 2021 Confirmed for June, Sony Nowhere to Be Seen
E3 just die already, you're no longer relevant
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 Runs Much Better on PS4 Pro, But There Are Sacrifices
@Frozzik we are sorry our Lord we shall not do it again
Re: Random: Here's a Graphic of Every PS4 Game Published Physically by Sony
@Total_Weirdo yeah I see the number 21, which makes me think something big will be announced 21st of this month
Re: Poll: Which Bethesda Franchise Will PS5 Miss the Most?
Is it time to move on yet?
Re: Mini Review: Taxi Chaos (PS4) - Crazy Taxi Clone Is a Write-Off
You could just play crazy taxi on playstation now instead of wasting money on this or dusting down your dreamcast
Re: Sony Officially Confirms Re-Organisation of Japan Studio
@naruball why? Because I can understand that maybes it's a business decision? They see the numbers daily, so they can make a better judgement than we can on whether it's worth their time, effort and cash to keep pumping out these obscure titles just to please their fans. When clearly there isn't enough of or they would have made a larger net profit. Hence it's business
Re: Sony Officially Confirms Re-Organisation of Japan Studio
It's business
Re: Rumour: Konami to Outsource Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania IPs
Please don't let bloober team anywhere near silent hill
Re: Sony Commits to Safer Gaming Environments Alongside Xbox and Nintendo
Regardless of what you say or do. Someone out there will be offended
Re: Codemasters in Talks with Take-Two Over Takeover
Please make another TOCA touring cars game please, miss those drys
Re: Will PS5 Support 1440p Screens? Fans Are Eager for Answers
@Cybrshrk a bit rich calling me a fanboy when you're sounding exactly like one. I don't care whether it's on xbox, sony or Nintendo as you say I'm no ties with either. But constantly nit picking over things that don't matter to most is getting tedious. Certainly before they've even been confirmed
Re: Will PS5 Support 1440p Screens? Fans Are Eager for Answers
Nope not too at all😉
Re: Will PS5 Support 1440p Screens? Fans Are Eager for Answers
@graysoncharles because sony gets the money from selling vr whereas they won't through supporting monitors. I get your point, my frustration isn't really with this. It's just that it seems that every time I'm on this site someone's complaining because they aren't getting what they want
Re: Will PS5 Support 1440p Screens? Fans Are Eager for Answers
Nah just fed up of hearing people complaining when they don't get what they want regardless if they're in the minority or not. I doubt any company would include something for a handful of customers that use monitors when the majority of their customers use tvs. As I say entitled
Re: Will PS5 Support 1440p Screens? Fans Are Eager for Answers
Who cares, honestly people will complain about anything. I don't know the facts and figures but I'm guessing more people in the world use a TV rather than a monitor. So stop expecting companies to support something just because you want it you entitled children
Re: The New PS Store for Web, Mobile Is a Dramatic Downgrade
Hopefully it isn't yet complete, yet why release it if it wasn't?
Re: Ghost of Tsushima Sequel Rumoured as Dev Wants New Narrative Writer with Knowledge of Feudal Japan
Maybes it's an infamous origin story, the first known conduit in feudal Japan
Re: PS4 Friends List Displays the Console You're Playing On
Thought it already done this but realised it done it with the messaging only
Re: These Are the PS4 Games That Won't Play on PS5
@ellsworth004 a lot of crap
Re: Final Fantasy 16 Targeting a Mature Age Rating
@KirbyTheVampire what the feck is a zoomer?
Re: Final Fantasy 16 Targeting a Mature Age Rating
@Kienda your own fault for having kids 🤣
Re: Don't Worry, Dying Light 2 Is Still in Active Development
Ignorant much? Just because you don't care doesn't mean the rest of us don't
Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Players Are Having to Chat to PlayStation Support to Unlock Free Avatar Bundles
@AdamNovice he's just a xbone fanboy, ignore him
Re: Random: Don't Get Doritos Dust on Your DualSense with PlayStation Chip Picker
@EternalOptimist1 that's just wrong 😂
Re: Indie Dev Demonstrates How Bad PS Store Discoverability Can Be
Doesn't bother me i won't be buying their games anyways