Comments 60

Re: Sony Officially Confirms Re-Organisation of Japan Studio


@naruball why? Because I can understand that maybes it's a business decision? They see the numbers daily, so they can make a better judgement than we can on whether it's worth their time, effort and cash to keep pumping out these obscure titles just to please their fans. When clearly there isn't enough of or they would have made a larger net profit. Hence it's business

Re: Will PS5 Support 1440p Screens? Fans Are Eager for Answers


@Cybrshrk a bit rich calling me a fanboy when you're sounding exactly like one. I don't care whether it's on xbox, sony or Nintendo as you say I'm no ties with either. But constantly nit picking over things that don't matter to most is getting tedious. Certainly before they've even been confirmed

Re: Will PS5 Support 1440p Screens? Fans Are Eager for Answers


@graysoncharles because sony gets the money from selling vr whereas they won't through supporting monitors. I get your point, my frustration isn't really with this. It's just that it seems that every time I'm on this site someone's complaining because they aren't getting what they want

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