

Souls Veteran, Hobbyist Guitarist.

Comments 29

Re: Preview: Silent Hill 2 PS5 Grows in the Right Ways for Anticipated Remake


@Jimmer-jammer Probably. Depends how I get on with RE2 & RE4 & Another Crab's Treasure and maybe Jedi Survivor before then. You said it will round out the year for you, I believe?

It also depends if any DLC/infinite ammo upgrades become available for purchase like in the RE games, I know combat is not the focus of these games but I may find that I struggle, otherwise.

Edit: It also depends on how much of my spare time gets eaten up with guitar playing, reading and watching cricket. Sri Lanka Test starts on Weds!

Re: All PS5 Launch Games


No Demon's Souls? @Potatomanz Sorry if I missed it in the above comments , I didn't scroll that far up, but I saw you had mentioned the Souls games, so, do you reckon that will pop up on that list anytime soon?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 316


@MaskedKami Cool, I liked the depths during my first attempt at the game, which took place a year or so ago. What I really liked ,though was the boss fight with Ornstein and Smough, so you've got that to look forward to. I think it's a great game, the mangaka is actually called Berserk, and it's what Dark Souls is loosely based on. I'm opting for a Berserk Guts build for NG+, If I can only make it that far...