Comments 152

Re: Review: MediEvil (PSone)


This game had potential, but that potential was overly clouded with control and camera problems. Nice idea, but very poor execution. Great review Jamie.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Vita Stagnates


I look at it this way - Nintendo has dominated the portable gaming market for two decades, so them getting the 3DS rolling didn't surprise me at all. And while no one has been a bigger fan of the PlayStation Vita than I have, these sales right now are a bit worrisome for me. In fact, "a bit worrisome" might be the understatement of the year. My big hope is that Sony knocks one out of the park at E3 in regards to the Vita and this thing starts getting the recognition it deserves.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Vita Stagnates


Those Vita sales are just downright sad. Hard to believe a system this powerful and functional is just languishing at the moment. Sony had better hope they have one hell of a Vita game lineup announcement at E3 or every developer and publisher outside of Sony will likely be dropping the Vita like a boiling-hot turd.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Vita Dips Below 10k Units


I'll wait until after I see what Sony announces for Vita at E3 and how sales are through the holiday shopping season before I begin considering the Vita in serious trouble. But clearly Sony need to get some top tier titles on the Vita, especially in Japan, and soon.

Re: Review: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND (PlayStation Vita)


Well with a game of this depth, it was tough to narrow down the things to talk about and what things I'd probably leave to the player to find. I really enjoyed the game from top to bottom and was actually rather surprised it was as balanced as it was.

@Mickeymac is right, the story lines of the characters are very good and very much worth exploring, even if you're someone who normally just likes to pick a character or two and stick with them.

Re: Robin Hunicke Latest to Leave thatgamecompany


I saw Robin smoking a cigarette outside of the convention center back at E3. If I hadn't been late to a meet-up with Jools, I would have liked to have at least said hello to her. Sad to see her leaving thatgamecompany. They've lost quite a few pieces lately.

Re: PlayStation Orbis Concept Sketches Emerge


I'm kinda like Sammy, I'm wondering if this isn't just an upgrade to the Move and Camera system. Personally I'm getting a little sick of all of this motion control stuff. Wish these console makers would take things back to basics a bit.

Re: Runner 2 Delayed Until November


While it's killing me to wait to play RUNNER 2, I don't mind the wait to get the game just right. I do wonder why they think it's going to take that long to get this game ready. Could this perhaps be an attempt to launch the game alongside the Wii U? Could a deal with Nintendo be lurking?

Re: Retro City Rampage to Retail for $15


I got the chance to play an early WiiWare build and the game was quite awesome. Tons of stuff to do and I love the open world feel of it. I'll definitely be picking this up on Vita.

I also agree with Brian, if a game has plenty of content and is a good game, there's no reason to feel pressured by the iOS and Android titles to price it much lower than is warranted.

Re: Review: Army Corps of Hell (PlayStation Vita)


This game was pretty fun for about 2 hours, but I found myself losing interest in the game rather quickly after that. Great idea, but it needed some variety and polish. Here's hoping for an Army Corps of Hell 2. Great review Patrick!