Comments 29

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


@JP80 Because of system power differences between standalone devices and dedicated console, games on standalone has to take some lessened compromises on things such as draw distance, graphical/texture quality, effects, etc. to be able to run well enough on standalone - though still sufficient, impressive and enjoyable enough for a mobile device, yet there will be some compromises with games just like between PS5 and Switch. PSVR2 has things/games and ways (larger scale/production) standalone can’t handle which is fine and understandable (alongside AA/A/indies across multi-platforms that don’t have too much graphical/production difference).

Quest has MR but I don’t really care for it, but if others use and enjoy extent of it that’s fine.

Cutting edge, latest higher end graphics are not necessarily required and I still play and enjoy charming retro stuff as well ps1/ps2, snes/nes, etc. on tv/monitor, handheld also.

Re: PSVR2's Anticipated PC Adaptor Appears Imminent


@Fuzzymonkeyfunk HLA is well optimized and not that demanding, able to run well and be sufficiently playable with a mid range PC, mid-high/mid settings and still be visually/performance sufficient. A PC for under $1,000 (or around/about even) can accomplish this, and can vary depending with going self building or prebuilt. It’s only gonna cost over $1,000+ if need for max highest/ultra settings for larger, more demanding games. Many people find mid to high (or just mid/medium) settings just fine to enjoy VR or other traditional gaming play.

This is where I’m also glad to have a console/PS5/PS4Pro as its just more streamlined and easier of entry and use without comparative potential hassle and fuss with PC ie if need of tweaking settings, matching compatibility, etc.

Re: Sony Doubles Down on Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement by Taking It Off Sale for PC in Numerous Countries


@ED_209 @IOI @Nepp67 @OnlyGaming @B_Lindz If the game is gonna require a psn account to play (just like xbox games on pc require an additional account), then it kind of makes sense to have the game delisted/unavailable to purchase anymore with areas that can’t create specific additional console, etc. accounts. Though refunds for those cases should and are seemingly being allowed.

Re: Sony Doubles Down on Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement by Taking It Off Sale for PC in Numerous Countries


@Lavishturtle delisting just means it’s no longer to purchase, and if the game is gonna require a psn account to play (just like xbox games on pc require an additional account), then it kind of makes sense to have the game delisted/unavailable to purchase anymore with areas that can’t create specific additional console, etc. accounts. And refunds for those are being allowed.

Re: Sony Doubles Down on Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement by Taking It Off Sale for PC in Numerous Countries


@LiamCroft hmm but I delisting means it’s no longer to purchase, and if the game is gonna require a psn account to play (just like xbox games on pc require an additional account), then it kind of makes sense to have the game delisted/unavailable to purchase anymore with areas that can’t create specific additional console, etc. accounts. Though refunds for those cases should and are seemingly being allowed.

Re: Brand New Batman: Arkham Game Is a VR Exclusive on Meta Quest 3


@cantthinkofaname @CieloAzure @CieloAzure @CieloAzure @TrickyDicky99 @CieloAzure @OnlyGaming @AmanK_Art
For gosh sakes the studio devs got bought by meta so this is the reason for current exclusivity. If vr not for everyone/you tis fine but - so far PSVR has a substantial catalog between 7 exclusives (+3 more between pc), multiplats, AA classics and indie gems-of 180 there’s at least 80-100+/dozens of objectively solid games/experiences (estimate of consensus high/well acclaimed scores and praise from those who’ve played them). Some significantly good stuff also been releasing/ed in 2024.

Re: Brand New Batman: Arkham Game Is a VR Exclusive on Meta Quest 3


@Americansamurai1 So far PSVR has a substantial catalog between 7 exclusives (+3 more between pc), multiplats, AA classics and indie gems-of 180 there’s at least 80-100+/dozens of objectively solid games/experiences (estimate of consensus high/well acclaimed scores and praise from those who’ve played them). Some good stuff also been releasing/ed in 2024.

Re: Everybody's Golf Dev Skips PSVR2 for New VR Golf Game


@TrickyDicky99 Seems definitely not tried RM2, etc. on PSVR2 – with DFR it’s on par with high end/settings PC version, just not necessarily highest/ultra end/settings, which is fine because still impressive as is and unnecessary – and people still manage to enjoy on Q3/2 level, PSVR1, retro gaming etcetera. Also with the OLED panels while smaller sweet spot the colors are more vibrant/deeper (but flat panels perhaps would be a better trade off later). All titles with DFR get a significant boost (though even without most VR2 still fine enough to enjoy for myself and many others).
Also the pricing (though could use a price reduction if/when appropriate) is fair and reasonable given the additional features such as headset haptics and eye tracking, reaching great 2K per eye threshold resolution. Regardless of whatever currently myself and others quite enjoy VR2/1, alongside traditional monitor/handheld gaming as well.

Re: Everybody's Golf Dev Skips PSVR2 for New VR Golf Game


@NEStalgia @SgtTruth Seems definitely never tried RM2, etc. on PSVR2 – with DFR it’s on par with high end/settings PC version, just not necessarily highest/ultra end/settings, which is fine because still impressive as is and unnecessary – and people still manage to enjoy on Q3/2 level, PSVR1, retro gaming etcetera. Also with the OLED panels while smaller sweet spot the colors are more vibrant/deeper (but flat panels perhaps would be a better trade off later). All titles with DFR get a significant boost (though even without most VR2 still fine enough to enjoy for myself and many others).
Also the pricing (though could use a price reduction if/when appropriate) is fair and reasonable given the additional features such as headset haptics and eye tracking, reaching great 2K per eye threshold resolution. Regardless of whatever currently myself and others quite enjoy VR2/1, alongside traditional monitor/handheld gaming as well.

Re: Everybody's Golf Dev Skips PSVR2 for New VR Golf Game


@Mikey856 So far PSVR has a substantial catalog between 7 exclusives, multiplats, AA classics and indie gems-of 180 there’s at least 80-100+/dozens of objectively solid games/experiences (estimate of consensus high/well acclaimed scores and praise from those who’ve played them). Some good stuff also been releasing/ed in 2024.

Re: Everybody's Golf Dev Skips PSVR2 for New VR Golf Game


@MagicMonkeyBoy So far PSVR has a substantial catalog between 7 exclusives, multiplats, AA classics and indie gems-of 180 there’s at least 80-100+/dozens of objectively solid games/experiences (estimate of consensus high/well acclaimed scores and praise from those who’ve played them). Some good stuff been releasing/ed in 2024.

Re: Everybody's Golf Dev Skips PSVR2 for New VR Golf Game


@Max_the_German So far PSVR has a substantial catalog between 7 exclusives, multiplats, AA classics and indie gems-of 180 there’s at least 80-100+/dozens of objectively solid games/experiences (estimate of consensus high/well acclaimed scores and praise from those who’ve played them).

Re: PSVR2 Hit C-Smash VRS Gets Squashed Flat with New Dimension Update on PS5


@__jamiie I suppose I had carried over from twttr/x over omitted/lack of additional words/wording and lessened/incomplete sentences due to limited characters in a tweet so I apologize if lack enough clarity. I I was just listing why vr isn’t can’t be for everyone, and to which is fine. Though I quit like vr, ultimately I could live without and keep enjoying generations of traditional play with tv/monitor/handheld gaming. Take care and well regards

Re: PSVR2 Hit C-Smash VRS Gets Squashed Flat with New Dimension Update on PS5


@__jamiie Yeah buy also thing is VR isn’t/can’t be for everyone - because of extent of people with physical, mental/emotional limitations and/or barriers to do so - ie such as nausea, arm movement, space and/or set up effort, vr being too intense/visceral for individuals, the effort to get into vs comfort of chilling with a controller and nothing else necessary etc.

But tis fine to each their managed own. Myself and others whom can get into, gain tolerance for and enjoy VR tis wonderful. And also can still play and enjoy traditional flarscreen/tv/monitor gaming as well too.

Re: PSVR2 Hit C-Smash VRS Gets Squashed Flat with New Dimension Update on PS5


@Styledvinny79 Not really, but even if it doesn’t pan out for decades there’s still PCVR. I still enjoy a balance of traditional flatscreen, tv/monitor gaming as many VR peeps come back to/play alongside also.

And I do personally also look forward to the non vr/flatscreen play release try for it’s own alternate individual angle/perspective experience after having the VR version.

Re: PSVR2 Hit C-Smash VRS Gets Squashed Flat with New Dimension Update on PS5


@WaveBoy It’s been just over a year and few months, and they already released two RE games within a year so it would make sense to hold off, give a bit more time before another, and can take lessons with the experience of the prior to carry over refinements for the next.

So far PSVR has a substantial catalog between 7 exclusives, multiplats, AA classics and indie gems. Of 180 there’s at least 80-100+/dozens of objectively solid games/experiences (estimate of consensus high/well acclaimed scores and praise from those who’ve played them). BTW +3 more exclusives between PC ie NMS, CF Sierra Squad, Legendary Tales.

Re: Sony Refutes Rise of the Ronin Korean Cancellation Claims, Says It Was Never Announced


It’s highly likely Fumuhiko didn’t even know about the extent of events and controversial stances from past history, as it had been a notable thing before with extent and parts of either Japan academics/history class and/or whatever passing down or not of past which had left out/excluded parts of history that were shady ie with the past corrupt government regimes/officials and the military they had under their order and control.

Re: Preview: Ignore the Snark, Foamstars Is Good


@Octane Botw also had multiple things/features that were inspired by/also ways in other games prior as well, ie parachuting via Just Cause/Saints Row, cooking in Skyrim/Minecraft, climbing with Spider-man/Assassins Creed, etc. Of course it’s fine for games to by inspired by other games, things from other games and iterate or package/presented/featured in their own game way, but not be hypocritical in that not everything in Botw is completely hundred percent original, which is fine enough for games, and implementing inspired by/iterations within their own game and way.

Re: Preview: Ignore the Snark, Foamstars Is Good


@SplooshDmg Botw also had multiple things/features that were inspired by/also ways in other games prior as well, ie parachuting via Just Cause/Saints Row, cooking in Skyrim/Minecraft, climbing with Spider-man/Assassins Creed, etc. Of course it’s fine for games to by inspired by other games, things from other games and iterate or package/presented/featured in their own game way, but not be hypocritical in that not everything in Botw is completely hundred percent original, which is fine enough for games, and implementing inspired by/iterations within their own game and way.

Re: Preview: Ignore the Snark, Foamstars Is Good


@FredBiletnikoff Botw also had multiple things/features that were inspired by/also ways in other games prior as well, ie parachuting via Just Cause/Saints Row, cooking in Skyrim/Minecraft, climbing with Spider-man/Assassins Creed, etc. Of course it’s fine for games to by inspired by other games, things from other games and iterate or package/presented/featured in their own game way, but not be hypocritical in that not everything in Botw is completely hundred percent original, which is fine enough for games, and implementing inspired by/iterations within their own game and way.

Re: Preview: Ignore the Snark, Foamstars Is Good


@UltimateOtaku91 Botw also had multiple things/features that were inspired by/also ways in other games prior as well, ie parachuting via Just Cause/Saints Row, cooking in Skyrim/Minecraft, climbing with Spider-man/Assassins Creed, etc. Of course it’s fine for games to by inspired by other games, things from other games and iterate or package/presented/featured in their own game way, but not be hypocritical in that not everything in Botw is completely hundred percent original, which is fine enough for games, and implementing inspired by/iterations within their own game and way.

Re: PSVR2 Manuals Are Being Printed Prior to Launch, Sony Massively Cuts Weight


@Sequel I personally enjoy switching off between varying, various gaming options at varying points of time depending on my dispostion, so ie VR, traditional first/third persons, top down/isometric, and 2D as I can and do have the capacity to go back and enjoy some retro, classics. Then back to some VR if/as incline whatevs.
Both vr and traditional ways all valid for me, and what/whichever options for various other decent peeps at varying different dispositions, physical and personal experience capabilities, points and periods of time.

Re: PSVR2 Manuals Are Being Printed Prior to Launch, Sony Massively Cuts Weight


@NeonPizza That’s fine that you feel/felt a certain way at a point and period of time, but know that it is subjective and does not represent everyone and doesn’t have to either - to each their innocent own and filter extent of what they more or less prefer and can get to enjoy for them.

Because each of different varying and various viewpoint styles are valid for different people - with varying different situations, ability and dispositions for which ones, ie first person, third person, vr and the perspective it puts someone in, top down/isometric, 2d, etc.

I personally have and can still enjoy them all; each bring their own unique perspective and experience, more or less distanced between viewpoints to engage and fine for various different people at varying points and periods of time.

Some people just have too much nausea, can’t/don’t want/have a harder time to if possible get the hang of/use to the perspective or not, and/or their personal ability prevents them (ie some even just don’t prefer first person on tv/monitor, and if so this or that tis fine for them).

But I have myself acclimated and enjoyed vr for a few years now, and know and appreciate the function and perspective it offers - it has its own unique way, and the others have their own individual unique valid varying viewpoint way that different people have and can experience and enjoy.

For me personally I can switch off between vr and/or various traditional flat screen gaming, videos, etc. Perhaps if one gets burned out for time/at a moment in time the can consider to step back and take a break from gaming for a period, rest and relax, take care, do other things, then can come back to which/whatever when ready and want.

And I personally am still good with some good ol retro, classic styles games and experiences to; coexisting with vr and/or non vr, traditional stuff people have been just fine to experience for decades for various different people of various walks, dispositions, situations and capabilities and dispositions. Allow what oneself and what others innocently manage, can and able for each their own.
I personally look forward and will preorder psvr2 if I manage to; and for those that don’t necessarily want or need for vr that’s fine too. Each respecftully enjoy their own. Regards.