Comments 1,402

Re: Sony Bigwig Teases Very Important 2023 for PS5


Being fair to you I can’t take that honour
As it was a list of PS5 stock 😂
Yes we definitely in funny times at the moment with Microsoft and Sony.
But Xbox should just get on, showcase their games and release dates and stop pissing us gamers off and acting like arses 😱🎄🎄🎄

Re: Sony Bigwig Teases Very Important 2023 for PS5


Was thinking are Microsoft doing the same with Xbox being quiet about the supposed big 3 AAA before June 2023 because of the Activision deal or are they just the usual rubbish Microsoft with Xbox since the release of the series consoles?

Re: PSVR2 Pre-Orders No Longer Require an Invite


Getting a bit of a bashing PSVR on here.
Wonder why Sony keep pursuing this PSVR if its not that popular.
I mean it must cost them a lot money design, manufacturing, production and that’s without the developing the games cost.

Then again Sony Music purchased Bruce Springsteen music rights for 500 million dollars.
God knows how they gonna make that money back.

Re: PSVR2 Pre-Orders No Longer Require an Invite


Really need to try this first.
Hope they set up some demo pods in the UK
In Game or Currys etc.
I think they could sell more if they do.
If I try it and like it and get on with it I’m definitely buying.
So Sony go set up demo pod things.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West DLC Takes Aloy to the Burning Shores Only on PS5


I agree things are a lot better than the old days for sure.
There just comes a point, now two years, that when you have paid £450 for a new generation hardware with all that new power, you want developers to move on and create games that take advantage of your new console investment.
Else we might not as well not have a new generation.

Some go on about it’s easy to convert, but we know deep down if you built a game from the ground up for the new generation it definitely should be a lot better than the old generation all round.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West DLC Takes Aloy to the Burning Shores Only on PS5


To all those moaning, developers on all sides have been more than generous with cross generation games etc and dlc. It’s been two years and counting.
Just move on and get a new generation console.

You all should have about in the old days.
New generation console new games day one, none of this cross generation games for two years etc.

Re: US Government's FTC Will Attempt to Block Microsoft's Activision Buyout


I have all three consoles and are still on the fence about this.
If Microsoft took Activision and grew them and they made better and more AAA quality games then I suppose it’s a good thing for me and my game pass.

If Microsoft took Activision and they stayed sort as they are or more so even produced less games and of lower quality then it’s a bad thing.

That’s how someone owning all three consoles and game pass. might look at it.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


Well you enjoy Games Industry Biz data.
I will enjoy the most up to date data you can get this week at my coal face. Not more real than that.
PS. It’s not just my store but others as well, I can see it in their stock data base. The same with Xbox as well. I don’t bother with the Switch.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


And just to show I’m not an Xbox fan boy or anything and to massage your PS5 ego.
We restocked series x after Black Friday which did sell well over Black Friday with the £430 price tag dropped by £20. We have not sold once since
So PS5 disc edition GOWR bundle is winning by 2 console sold to zero Series X in one week.
Hope you happy now.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


I keep saying they have not replenished that stock.
But to update we have just sold 2 today
So 9 in stock went down to 7, two sold in about one week.
That’s is a slow down from about a month ago when we would have sold the 9 in one day.
It’s so simple, when you are standing there selling them. Do you get it now.
Location Greater London UK.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


Let’s agree to dis agree. I can see the stock there now not sold for nearly a week now.
As where about 2 months ago it would have sold in a day. That’s slow down of demand, for whatever reason. That all the evidence I need.
But let’s agree to dis agree.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


They are replenished but you can tell when etc.
can’t see what your issue is with a slight slowdown of PS5 GOWR Disc Edition bundle sales. It’s because some general public don’t want that game and can’t afford £540.
I extremely enjoy PS5 and their AAA games, but admit to the slow down in sales and reasons for it.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


Just stock moving slower off the shelves than it normally would. That’s all. And it’s always a good coal face indication.
I’m AAA PS5 gamer, so I’m not fanboy hating.
Just observing that’s all.
Example 9 GOWR Disc Edition PS5 bundles, still there 4 days later. Was not like that a month or 2 ago. They would have gone in less than a day.
So it’s a slow down, as simple as that. Right at the shop level buyer coal face.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


My point has been and I have checked, those PS5 disc edition bundles GOWR are still in the shop waiting to sell.
Had they been just the console no bundle they would have sold. Another gamer in the PS5 eco system.

Instead in the meantime, some will wait it out, but some will not and someone needs a present for Christmas. Here’s come the Switch, Series s or x that got an opportunity purchase.
One more in their eco system that will probably last the whole generation.

Sony are money grabbing with digital bundles and it’s now slowed down sales wise. For one I’m pleased and hopefully they will change that.

Sony are not thinking long term and money grabbing short term, not good.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


Thank you, someone here talking the business side of things and understanding it and not super defending Sony the company.
Me I can’t resist the PlayStation exclusives like HFW, GOWR etc. hence my PS5.
Outside of those amazing games, console and company wise Sony need to stop making quick cash grabs with forced digital game bundles and think long term strategy.
Sell the solo console get more gamers I got you new console and eco system.
As much I as dare say this in here, if Microsoft keep going with Xbox they are gonna have probably the only eco system.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


It’s thoughts that’s all. I want Sony and their games around for a long long time.
I lived through their TV decline and don’t won’t a repeat of that in the console world.
Which by the was the TV decline was their decisions that got them there, I’m sure thinking that they were above everyone else.
South Korea, who. We are Sony.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


That’s cool, I thought you thought I was an Xbox fanboy or something.
I only had one RRD back in the 360 days.
And those were the real Xbox days the 360.
It wasn’t really until the back end of the PS3 days and of course the PS4 days and now the PS5 that Sony got me truly with them.
Hopefully the series s will serve you well.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


Of course they will do fine. It’s not about PS5 Vs XBOX, it’s about Sony the company.
I would have told anyone it the 90s to go away if they mentioned another TV, Sony was my TV god.
2022 say hello to my LG C2.
It’s long term that Sony worry me about.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


My concern for Sony is their short sightedness.
They put PS5 with GOWR and other bundles to make a quick buck and make you buy a digital game. And it does cost £540.
That’s leaves less Solo Consoles for sale, which some people wait for at £480.

Over the road mum and dad can’t afford to wait and also have financial concerns.

Even though little Jonny or Amanda wanted a PS5 they are not paying £540 and the game is not the game they wanted anyway.

Look a series s £250 or Series X £450 best get them something let’s buy that then. Happened to three parents over Black Friday I know.
I said don’t do it but they did.

It’s not so much the loss of the console sale.
It’s now they are in the Xbox eco system and will probably stay there.

Had Solo PS5 disc editions been available and not GOWR bundles the PS5 solo console would have been purchased.

Think long term not a short cash and grab Sony.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


Totally agree with you, but Sony PS5 sales have slowed in the UK, compared to stock being stripped of shelf’s a couple of months ago in a single day.
It’s not about Xbox or Switch, it’s about the PS5 not flying off the shelves that quick anymore.
Go look online for yourself.
I can leave my house now and go to a few different stores 10 minutes drive away a pick one up. No way I could easily do that a couple of months ago, by the time I would get home from work they would all be sold easily.
There are no issues I have a PS5 disc edition playing GOWR and loving it.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


People need to get their heads out of consoles and games. For me to explain this and stop with excuses.
I was the biggest electrical Sony fanboy ever, if Sony made it I purchased Sony.
TV, Blu-ray player, amplifier you get my drift.

Now no Sony amplifier or blu ray player.
And I watching TV and playing my PS5 on an LG C2 65”, not a Sony TV.

It most electrical products Sony have slowly lost market and shrunk. Taking TVs they used to be the best and good value for money.
Now most of the time they offer less but charge more. Hence no Sony A80K but and LG C2 for me.
Third in the TV market now behind Samsung and LG.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


Things are definitely changing maybe due to the cost of living.
Sony have increased price and also forcing console bundles with digital games, the other two offer cost reductions and good customer deals.

They have to change their approach next year.
Nintendo have their hybrid console that just keeps selling.
Microsoft have a cheap series s alternative and game pass and trillions of dollars. I can’t believe myself Xbox are starting to do so well when they haven’t even released a top end AAA game in 2022.
Maybe it’s all changing and value for money is a big factor and not what big AAA games are released.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


I did say Black Friday and discounts helped.
But Switch and Xbox took the whole of the month of November as well putting PS5 in third for that whole month.
My main point was more about stock in stores of the PS5 disc edition GOWR bundle and they are not selling as quick as the were over a month or two ago. And the stock has been there for a good few days.
In other words the UK are not buying them up nowhere near as quick as they used to.

And was trying to give maybe some reasons.
Like the price increase.
That you have to buy the GOWR bundle and not the console on its own.
The other two are giving good deals, maybe even game pass.
How things are now a bit different in the UK and USA and even a little bit in Europe compared to a year ago and also in the PS4 days.

Re: Sony Says It's Resolved Long-Term PS5 Stock Shortages


In the UK I can right now walk into 3 different stores and pick up PS5 Disc Edition GOWR Bundle.
Now here’s the thing this stock as been there a while for the PS5, about a week and sales have definitely slowed for the PS5.
One of my local stores had 9 in stock a few days ago and they are still there. A few months ago they would be gone before the end of one day.

Firstly I’m a big PS5 fan and of their AAA game currently playing GOWR amazing game. So I’m not baiting.

The UK seems to have very recently been selling more Switch and Series consoles. Of course Black Friday price cuts helped them. But PS5 was third in the UK for November 2022 month.
And Black Friday week third worldwide.
USA looks similar.

Is that console price increase catching up with them, when the other two keep doing good deals.
Is forcing digital game bundles like GOWR not helping console sales.

It’s like the others are catching up now and over taking the PS5, how the tide is turning slowly on Sony and not for the better.

Sony instead of enticing sales like the other two are doing the opposite, wonder if they will change their tactics next year.

Re: PS5 Games Likely to Remain $70 as Xbox Bumps Prices


Trouble with me I’m just maybe a boring big game AAA player if I like the game of course.
So of course it’s been FH5, HFW, GOWR games for me.
This is why I crave Xbox to start getting their arse in gear and produce some. I just have my fingers crossed that Redfall and Starfield will have that big AAA bing for me.
Forza will be bing AAA, but I’m not a big track racing fan. More an adventure action type gaming and exploring in beautifully crafted and environmental wonderful worlds full of detail and weather effects etc. Hence my draw towards games like HFW, GOWR, Uncharted the last of us even Ratchet and Clank.
In the old Xbox days, Halo, gears of war, fable and Forza Horizon etc.
Of course Assassin creed etc etc.
Time will tell of Xbox can get there again for me.