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Comments 104

Re: Review: Transformers: Devastation (PS4)


@BrizzoUK Agreed, I'm the same way. The shorter a game is, the more inclined I am to replay it a few times. The longer a game is, the more I sit and debate if I really want to invest a heavy amount of time doing a second playthrough.

Re: Review: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (PS4)


@Johnnycide Yes, post launch patches would most definitely (hopefully) bring the game up to speed. Activision was quick to state that they're working with Robomodo to get patches out that fix up many of the issues (while also adding 2 new levels and 5 more skaters for free). If that comes to fruition, then the game will definitely be worth picking up for sure! And who knows, it may have a price drop by then as well.

Re: Review: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (PS4)


@JLPick THPS3 was a masterpiece for sure. This one actually doesn't have any codes but has an unlockable character from King's Quest. Also, apparently the game has PS4 exclusive character creation items to play as Sweet Tooth, Ratchet and Sackboy. However, I'm not positive if that's an exclusive through buying it on the PSN or an unlockable for all PS4 players. If you're a fan of the originals, I'd say it's worth getting for $20, especially since there should be some patches to fix it up a bit. Activision acknowledged that the game needs fixing and are working with Robomodo to get some patches out. They're also providing 2 additional maps and 5 additional characters for free. Hope that helps!

Re: Review: Until Dawn (PS4)


Excellent review, Sammy. I've been really interested in this game since it's PS4 announcement, and had a feeling it would be a solid exclusive. Glad to see the game panned out really well! I may have to rush out tomorrow morning and pick it up.

Re: Review: Nutjitsu: Reforged (PS4)


Great review, Alex. The game doesn't look very appealing, but seems worse off on a home console. It's clear the game seems like a mobile or handheld title for quick pickup-and-play instances. Regardless though, it seems that the lack of challenge you were mentioning really hampers any reason to stick with the title.

Re: Review: Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (PS4)


@Gamer83 The game certainly stood the test of time over the past 7 years and is still really fun to play. As far as going past S-rank in your style meter, switching between weapons should help that meter increase. Also, be sure to utilize Sword Master with Dante to easily hit SSS-rank during some fights. Hope that helps a bit!

Re: Review: Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (PS4)


@B3ND3R That's certainly great news! Good find! One element I do hope they add in the next Devil May Cry is some form of online co-op. Even if just Bloody Palace got an online co-op mode, I think that would be a much welcome addition.

Re: Review: Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (PS4)


@Gmork___ Knowing Capcom and their new strategy of releasing HD remasters this generation, I think it's safe to say we'll get an Onimusha Collection eventually. They'll probably utilize that to gauge if there is enough interest to make a new installment. I loved the Onimusha games myself and would love to see that return.

Re: Review: Beach Buggy Racing (PlayStation 4)


Good review, Sammy. I was curious to how this would pan out on PS4 but it's a real shame the controls are unresponsive and sluggish. In a racing game, sluggish controls are a definite no-no...then again, any game with sluggish controls is an absolute no-no

Re: Need for Speed's Newest PS4 Title to No Longer Be Underground After This Week


Oh man do I hope it's NFS Underground! Those were my favorite installments in the entire NFS series. On their Facebook page last week, they teased it a bit by asking people who went back and revisited Underground over that previous weekend. And with NFS No Limits on Mobile devices returning to the Underground roots, it certainly seems more plausible that Underground will return to PS4.

Re: Guide: How to Back Up Your PS4 HDD to a USB Drive


This is really helpful to know that it can mirror the HDD when backing up. Upon hearing the news that P.T. can no longer be re-downloaded even if you "purchased" it, the only way to hold onto it if upgrading the HDD is by doing a full backup and restore.

Re: Review: Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (PlayStation 4)


Great review, Sammy. Being a huge fan of the series and being severely letdown with RE6, this installment really is on the right track for the series. Just got up to Episode 3 and am really digging the story and atmosphere. Now if Moira would just stop swearing so much for no reason...

Re: Rumour: Holy Remaster, Batman! Arkham Duo Set to Swoop onto PS4


And the remasters keep coming...

As awesome as these games were, I'm starting to feel like this generation of consoles are focusing too heavily on "remastering" games that only came out 2-4 years ago. It was a neat idea for PS2 to PS3 remastering due to the graphical jump, but PS3 to PS4 doesnt offer as evident of a leap.

Re: You've Just Given Capcom a Reason to Make More Remasters


I'm very pleased to hear this news honestly. As a huge fan (and owner of the original GC remake), I hope Capcom sees this as a testament to how a Resident Evil game is done and should return as. While Resident Evil 4 is my favorite game of all-time, I feel like once Shinji Mikami left, the developers at Capcom decided to capitalize on taking the superb formula of RE4 and going full-blown action. And let's not even talk about the travesty RE6 was...cause nothing screams Resident Evil more than tanks, helicopters and an insane amount of non-sensical QTEs.

Hearing that this sold as successfully as it has so far, maybe Capcom should take notes as how to bring back the RE franchise with the inevitable RE7. That aside, I would love to see RE0 HD soon (another inevitability), but would truly love to see RE2 and RE3 given the same remake treatment RE1 received back in 2002.

Re: Round Up: DriveClub PS4 Reviews Target Pole Position


@get2sammyb I did notice a lot of the reviews complained of a lack of open-world but it bothers me that critics took that into effect. It's not like DriveClub was meant for that. Personally, I prefer having a track-based arcade-style racer than an open-world one any day. I feel like too many games nowadays try to go for "bigger is better". I am excited still to play this game as it has been on my radar since the very first reveal, not to mention how stunning the visuals and audio seem!

Re: Opinion: EA Found Its Call of Duty Killer, and Committed a Titanic Mistake


Great article, Sammy! It really nails it on the head that EA is dropping the ball big time with this title. Shame really, as I would've certainly picked this up on my PS4. At the same time, what I saw of TitanFall (while impressive) wasn't "system-seller" material in my personal opinion. I like how Major Nelson is trying to justify buying an Xbox One for this but in reality, is also available for the Xbox 360 and PC...meaning the experience is available outside of the $500 console.

Re: Feature: Ten PS4 Games to Drag You Through the Next-Gen Drought


@TOMBOY25 I actually played Thief at a Square Enix NYCC Press Event back in October. While the build was for PC, the game is interesting and certainly worth keeping on your radar next month. It felt like a first-person Assassin's Creed mixed with Deus Ex Human Revolution a bit. While the demo didn't necessarily "wow" me, it was entertaining and intriguing enough to interest me in giving the game a shot when it releases in February.

Re: Review: Knack (PlayStation 4)


@Azikira Thanks! I was shocked by how negative most other critics were about Knack and felt they may have been a bit overly harsh towards it. Personally, I really enjoyed it! It's definitely worth playing through.